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Everything posted by Crimszon.7896

  1. Could I please get an invite? This actually isn't my first time in the guild, but I've just returned after a break.
  2. Thank you. Accepted the invite yesterday in haste, but I'll properly introduce myself to the guildies when I log in today. Thanks again. 🙂
  3. I'd say it's more about your priorities changing as an older gamer. I'm 33 and feel this way as well. While gaming is still important to me and a big part of what makes me who I am, I no longer care about being a super sweaty and topping any leaderboards. I'm just trying to enjoy my time with the game and unwind after a long day of adulting. I also no longer have any friends that play MMOs because they have families of their own now and they just don't have the time, so I don't even have anyone to really compete with anymore.
  4. Hey there, I'm interested in joining! I've played GW2 on and off since release but I've only recently tried to take it more seriously, but I've been having trouble truly finding my footing so I can dive into more end game content since I've hit a wall. I'd really love to get into PvP, WvW (Roaming), and Fractals but I play solo and have little to no guidance outside of YouTube guides that can get confusing, and the anxiety of being completely new to PvP and possibly underperforming has been pretty crippling for me. Would love to make some cool, social, laidback friends that wouldn't mind taking me under their wing to help me become a better player as well as do some group content to help me level alts and gear up.
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