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Everything posted by Randulf.7614

  1. Sounds like Charr thinking. Have you tried rolling a human...?
  2. It was a week long bonus event. These are entirely unrelated to the permanent Return to Living World achievements listed in your panel The return to LS4 bonus event is also unrelated to the permanent achievements
  3. I know what it is, it’s just irrelevant here and irrelevant to what I said
  4. People will be overflowing with GoB - it's nowhere near the same effort and will be very quick to get If they want to make GoB available in pve, then tradable for a Gift of Exploration is more approrpriate
  5. It's nothing to do with an aquatic headgear. We know what legendary stuff is coming this expansion and we know two of the items required in the collections - both from doing the map meta achievement. There's every chance we are getting a mini story collection like the early HoT legs and these will be required parts of those collections for the precursors If they make legendary headgear for underwater, they will tell us in advance to drive sales and it will tie in with the expansion
  6. It's character bound, so yes it'll show on any character that has completed core world compeltion
  7. It does because there's no context to how it fits in with either the backpack or spear collections. It will probably make more sense when they are released
  8. Ah thank you. Woad is what I was going for whilst wvw week is on and managed 3 skins before I spotted the problem. I'll look at one of the other two then. One weight is about all I can bring myself to grind in wvw Thanks!
  9. "Collect Any One of These Armor Sets: Polychromatic, Titanplate, or Woad" Does that mean light, medium and heavy? or just one of the weights in full?
  10. I cannot envision a scenario where the new, heavily reduced Anet is going to release multiple homesteads in a year. They just don’t have the resources unless something drastic changes and to be honest I’d much rather have that time spent making open world map stuff I won’t even be surprised if we never get other skins, although that would be rather silly of them. I sort of understand the complaints about drip feeding decorations, but it’s largely a non issue. People are already being heavily creative with the array of options and it gives value to the masteries and hearts later on. Seems weird not to get started and play with it now when that’s not going to change and most people are just getting on with it
  11. If I'm honest I see it as rather good design. For the hardest thing to cap, it can get players only in wvw for the bonus event done and dusted in short time (although I did everything bar SM in a few hours anyway). It means the queues will disipate faster, wvw players get back into their mode and pve players don't have to spend too much time in a mode they ordinarily might not want to whilst cluttering it up for those who do Seems like a win/win for all
  12. As far as I can tell, each map has a pre-set mini soundtrack it draws upon. I'm not sure if it is random or a set cycle after that for each person. I'm surprised if you heard this in the Shiverpeaks though. Most of the Shiverpeaks maps (except Icebrood Saga) were made prior to 2012 and thus use Jeremy Soule's score. Diemer's work I thought all came post-launch and this was made specifically for Dry Top and Silverwastes (and later used for PoF due to its thematic overlap)
  13. Soo many pop ups in this game. Evon needs to sell a blocker for them at this rate...
  14. Well they apparently scrapped the spider mount (in concept) due to not wanting to upset players, so I don't see them doing spider skins I'm not wholly against it mind
  15. It’s been a good excuse to finally finish my last achievements to complete every achieve in every pof map \o/
  16. I want to see a campfire with our alts gathered around regaling each other with stories from the adventures so far, referencing story and dynamic events so far, using their actual VA It's not going to happen, but it would be so cool
  17. Given Janthir Wilds isn't a new story (it carries on from SoTo), requires level 80 characters and was marketed as part of the mastery system and linked into the story (see the news blogs) and is the latest DLC/mini expansion in an ongoing live game with no new low levels areas, I think we safely say it was intended and advertised to be designed for veteran players and encourages play in all areas of the game
  18. The group stuff is NOT required to complete LS1. To progress the story you just need to do a little bit of mob killing then it auto ticks off. The entireity of LS1 story is redesigned for solo players. For example you can hang around the entrance just doing a couple of events inside Tower of Nightmares and it will complete without ever having to progress up it (designed for groups). I will point out LS1 has only just been rereleased (originally it was story lite, temporary group content that was deleted and got reworked and added in a couple of years ago - you can prob skip it since most players didn't play it before LS2 despite losing some continuity) LS2 and HoT do indeed ramp up the difficulty, but as long as you have mastered dodging and have a a half decent build of skills/traits then it's no real issue. It does level off after that. If you are struggling against the Flame and Frost bosses in solo mode though, that is a sign to ensure you well equipped, learning mechanics and ensure your dodging skills are up to scratch. If you really get stuck though, ask for help and people will happily team up and give advice in game
  19. Could watch videos like these all day. Players this and Weeping Willow and their guild are just phenomenal to watch
  20. We will prob get the GH ones like the cauldron, spooky candles etc this Halloween and more unique ones in the gemstore like we saw with the cosy ones. It's a no brainer for them Wintersday will probably get the same treatment
  21. Also, isn’t agony resistance the only blocker for t4? Being over 75 just means being able to start them yourself, but you can still join can’t you?
  22. Trying to find tolerant players on lfg in an online video game in this day and age is not going to be easy and not without incentives offered. Your better option is find a guild of friendly and helpful players who work together to get things done hit each other. As much as I sympathise, instance groups on high end lfg just want path of least resistance and are rarely in it to help. Playing with regular players is your better road
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