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Everything posted by Randulf.7614

  1. Also, isn’t agony resistance the only blocker for t4? Being over 75 just means being able to start them yourself, but you can still join can’t you?
  2. Trying to find tolerant players on lfg in an online video game in this day and age is not going to be easy and not without incentives offered. Your better option is find a guild of friendly and helpful players who work together to get things done hit each other. As much as I sympathise, instance groups on high end lfg just want path of least resistance and are rarely in it to help. Playing with regular players is your better road
  3. I'd like to see them return to doing Q&A's and maybe start with Homesteads
  4. There's tons of amazing pics going round. The depth and imagination has been astonishing and it shows off the potential in homesteads I also have created great art. Well, I put some table and chairs up and a few flowers around the place anyway.
  5. GW3 hasn't been announced. Also, even if it is in development, there is abosultely zero chance a GW2 forum (or any forum) is going to get any news, posts or announcements on an official basis. They would do that through official blogs and news pages as they do with GW2. They don't even come here to answer Q's on their active game. Their not going to do it on a game that is a mere rumour and been cancelled at least once already 😉 Also, given the console market is stumbling outside of Nintendo, it might not be much of a priority
  6. I just press my skimmer or turtle button. I guess if you dont key bind it might make sense, but key binding mounts I'd argue not only solves the issue 100% without the need for devs to intervene, it should be something every player do just for the overwhelming convenience
  7. I like 1). That's a good idea. I mean, I'd prefer research notes removed altogether, but I'd be happy to this happen and it would clear out a load of recipes from the TP and make a use for the ones dropping in Tarir I don't understand 2) We can already hotbind every mount to switch at a button's push 5) Yes, I'd be happy with that Not bothered about the rest either way
  8. If anyone needs Serpents Ire on EU, I am happy to help/join a group (edit I did try earlier, but couldn't find all the Zealots - it might be time to change them so they appear on the map)
  9. Are you trying to do it more than once a day? Otherwise it's probably just autolooted
  10. A more natural variation of a Wendigo style mob would have been very cool, I agree
  11. It's possible given the 10x events, but Serpents Ire isn't an actual option in this week's run
  12. Agreed. The Doppleganger one is a weird bug. It never used to have this problem, but at some point it broke and has never been fixed The Maw of Torment has been much more widely reported. The NPCs can get stuck on escort, but it was discovered that the spiking event can be skipped by skyscale fireballing the portals. Which is great for working around a bug, but an issue if someone has the achievement to do. But yes, these are long standing ones I'd hoped to see fixes for before the event. I also wanted to see Serpent's Ire in the options as well for those still needing it
  13. I hope they leave it up for a while. SoTo was archived too soon imo. It's not a big deal, but I quite like the separation
  14. They should be under those instructions in a black box under the order number if bought direct from Anet If he went through Anet's website and not 3rd party, tell him to go into his account from there and see if there is an activate now button instead next to Janthir.
  15. Dunno then. I've checked mine just now and I appear unaffcetd by the bug. For ref I am not using any glyphs
  16. The Sunspear is indeed the Return to PoF reward as an FYI
  17. The question doesn't really make any sense. Are you asking if you can get decorations from around Tyria for your guild hall that don't involve crafting via scribe? The answer is yes. The Drizzlewood vendor has owl and raven statues and a frost legion machine. Also, from the Wiki: Fion — special decorations purchased by exchanging items and trophies obtained from festivals, open world meta events, and raids Guild Commendation Trader — Basic Flagpole for Guild Commendations Albert the Butler — in Lakeside Bazaar once you've completed Confessor's End "Gravedigger" Fim — in Jahai Bluffs at Pact Vanguard. Race Prizes — near the start of Roller Beetle mount races Mist Warden Quartermaster, Olmakhan Quartermaster, Crystal Bloom Quartermaster in Dragonfall.
  18. I mean, I was mostly being tongue-in-cheek. Obviously no issue with thematically good fittting skins
  19. It's never been consistent in how it acts. We've reported it so many times as an issue to be looked at
  20. I'd suggest at least doing a convergence a week. And maybe the odd rift a week as well. It'll lighten the pain for later and save any feeling of grinding
  21. You don't have to agree. It doesn't change what I said I'm afraid. It's all in the agreement - this is a "live service"
  22. But isn't this the same for any MMO? I'm not sure any ongoing live RPG can maintain an equality between core accounts and expanded accounts. It's not that it's not well thought out, it's that's entirely intentional and by design. And discounting them down and giving things away is good business sense. And it's worked. I don't care that new players get more for less than I paid for since day one. Good on them and let more people come! Worrying about servers going down is silly though. Love or loathe the game it's not going anywhere. There's more expansions coming (confirmed) and they are clearly laying down more foundations, are making more money if SoTo cycle is anything to go by and MMOs become easier to maintain when they stop developing content. The servers will be around for many, many years and it's a population that seems to constantly be bringing in new people. Look at the number of Funcom games still going with double digit players. Look at Lotro on it's what 10th? 12th? expansion with a fraction of the players GW2 has. Games like this with this kind of age and popularity survive. And there are many years in GW2 yet Ultimately it is a game. If you aren't sure or aren't enjoying it, then don't invest in it - I wouldn't overthink things. But, if you want to do more things you need the expansions and the DLC seasons. That's just MMO gaming in general
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