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Arkham Creed.7358

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Everything posted by Arkham Creed.7358

  1. Isn't this part of the expansion that has been out for...a while? What gives?
  2. I think they are probably getting ready to phase out that design. What has been said recently about "expanding" our "arsenal" sounds to me like code for shifting to a new system. One of the so far unkept "promises" of the elite spec system was that they would eventually unlock every weapon on every class, but when you think about it practically that's a logistical nightmare if you're doing it one at a time. If for no other reason than each class having a different number to start with, meaning they'd need a different number of elites to cap out. Because of that, for the most part, I think they won't have elite specs in the new expansion, and instead all that development effort is going into crafting the skills needed to unlock every weapon all at once. Once they've got that done they can move on to a more "streamlined" system later. I can't imagine not getting new skills (and that means new traits) as the game progresses, but it will probably be a smaller and more consistent system. I expect we'll see future expansions giving every class access to thematically identical specs and skills. The devs will just have a meeting, pick ONE theme for ALL classes to share, and outline what kinds of skills are on theme. They will then break into smaller group and work on just making class specific and balanced versions of that. No more specific elite specs, just everybody getting their own version of a universal spec.
  3. I imagine this would actually need to "technically" be a new set of pets, even if they are statistically and mechanically identical to their baseline. But however you want to do it, I am hereby issuing my formal "begging and pleading" for skyscale "skins" for the existing wyvern pets. Or entirely new versions, that would work too. I just want to go all-in on the dragon tamer angle. Ideally I want to have a skyscale pet, chair, and mount all ready to go. Even better; have the pet and chair inherit the skin and dyes of your mount so they all look like the same critter. Throw in a skyscale themed armor set and I'll be in dragoon heaven.
  4. Let me just preface this by saying that I've just recovered from a bout of "the vid" and thus haven't been online in a bit (aside from sometimes claiming a daily log in), and my memory of the situation is lacking exact details. I'm not asking for any kind of refund or replacement here, just trying to figure out what happened. What I can confirm; I had some black lion statues that I had planned to convert into claim ticket scraps, and then to a full ticket to get a Fox Fire weapon. I know I didn't buy a weapon yet as I couldn't decide the one I wanted, or if I wanted it to keep or sale. But I'm 99.9% sure I got the claim ticket. Then I got sick, and everything is kind of a blur. I log in just now, and I can confirm the following: 1; I have no Black Lion Statues 2; I have no Claim Ticket Scraps 3; I have no Claim Ticket 4; I have no Fox Fire weapon skins unlocked 5; My gold has not increased, and isn't even what I could get for a skin on the trading post to begin with. I am very confused. I'm not trying to demand any kind of refund, because I honestly can't clearly recall what happened. So I'm actually asking if there is any way to like...check recent market activity? Because all I know is I had currency, now I don't, and I don't seem to have anything to show for it.
  5. That's actually WoW's mo from the beginning. Nobody likes to admit this, but nothing about WoW has ever been an original idea. From day one it was just a collection of things other games did, tweaked. And it took off because it was simply the best version of those systems, building on what was done before and refining it. So this is hardly surprising. And it's no big deal. The only thing about it that bugs me is that there are already WoW players saying GW2 copied the dragon from WoW...against all logic. But then WoW players have been using the most nonsensical reasons to bash GW2 since it's first day as well.
  6. Yeah I ran that earlier...did the meta three or four times straight, running with the "zerg" and managed to get....six shovels. RNG hates me.
  7. Finally, after nearly a decade my tiny guild of three people were able to claim our first guild hall....and we now basically can't upgrade it. Those shovels not only drop from few sources, but have insanely low drop rates; its insulting and disheartening to know that after waiting a decade to get the guild hall, we're now going to have to farm the Silverwastes daily for MONTHS if not a year just to get the first mine unlock. Who decided those things should be account bound? That was a HORRIBLE decision.
  8. Renegade was fun for a while, yes. But I'm the type who gets bored doing the same thing over and over (why I avoid raids and dungeons; I can't stand repeatable content), and like to mix things up from time to time. Build craft is one of my favorite parts of games, and while I could just play an alt, I also enjoy pushing the limits of what kind of crazy stuff I can do within a single class. And the revenant just...can't. I feel that every aspect of it's mechanics and abilities are too isolated and can't be mixed around very well. So now, so long after Heart of Thorns, the class just feels boring. I've done everything it can do so much I'm now sick of all of it. And just adding one more elite spec that really can only be used by itself without pairing with anything from core just isn't worth it. I got bored with renegade after a couple weeks, I see no reason why vindicator would be any different. And since it's clear they aren't going to rework the core class, in a year or two whatever the next elite spec ends up being will fall right into the same less-than-a-month lifespan. I think that's the core problem; I like creating off-the-wall builds whenever things feel stale and just fooling around without concern for long term viability because I'll just be changing it anyway. But in terms of that kind of build craft the revenant is just...BORING. And no elite specialization is going to change that because it's due to how the core class is designed, not whatever gimmick got stapled on this expansion. I only waited as long as I did because I was hoping we'd get wind of an upcoming class re-work like what happened with the engineer when HoT released. Three expansions, no re-work, that's three strikes. The revenant is out.
  9. The balance will change, I'm sure. But the fundamental design won't. It doesn't matter what tweaks they make to the Vindicator, it isn't going to change jack about the fundamental design issues with core revenant. Changing the Vindicator isn't going to alter how legends themselves work. And tweaking the numbers on greatsword doesn't mean anything to warhammer. The revenant needs a complete top down overhaul like they did with the Engineer back with Heart of Thorns, and I was looking for some indication they were getting ready for that. Instead what I see is them doubling down on everything wrong with the class.
  10. You fundamentally misunderstand. Setting side the insult about my IQ, what I mean is there is no synergy between one legend and another. For example...what good is salvation to Shiro? And if I slot both dwarf and mallyx, they don't play off each other; they each do their own thing when toggled on, and otherwise ignore one another. On the other hand, with a ranger as an example, I can stack traps and the survival elite skill Entangle for some serious area control. I can pair Sharpening Stone to effectively play a condition build with ANY weapon. I can mix my Nature Spirits and my Commands to go total support. I can create a lot of dynamic synergies between skills, traits, and weapons that simply aren't possible with Revenant. The trait Hidden Barbs improves bleed damage, and there are several sources of bleed across multiple weapons and skill types. While on the Rev side of things Abyssal Chill literally only effect two utility skills, and they are both on Mallyx. THAT is what I meant. Across every other class in the game there are weapons, skills, and traits that can have wide reaching impact across several seemingly unrelated trait/weapon/skill combos. While literally everything the revenant has is isolated to only work within a comparatively narrow predefined "bundle" of elements. You don't create builds for the revenant; you figure out what builds the developers created and then take credit for them.
  11. Because I've seen a few people talking about gear stats, I run my engineer with celestial, and thus tried out a celestial mech. It was a BEAST. I don't know exactly how anything scales under the hood, and spent most of the time with the jade cannons, core shot, and mortar skills because I wanted it to stay at range and abuse explosives myself, so it was a good freebie buff for the mech. This thing was absurdly strong and put every ranger pet I've ever used to shame. Tanky, high burst damage, the F1 did massive power damage, the conditions being spammed by explosions melted anything that managed to survive the initial onslaught, and those times I quickly swapped it to support mode it was putting out tons of barrier. I honestly don't understand why people have been claiming it's weak; I'm certain nerfs will be coming before buffs.
  12. The main issue I had was the name. It kept resetting itself, and I do wish I could use dashes and numbers to make something properly mechanical. And while I personally like the green, and it is a JADE tech golem, I can understand people wanting to be able to dye it. Also I wish, so very much, that the golem would inherent our weapon sigils; that would make this thing perfect in my opinion. Finally the mace itself feels a bit...boring. Beyond that this is by far my favorite elite spec, ever. Its so good I could actually see myself swapping mains for it.
  13. Of everything you've said, and I could say much about it, this was the standout part that I wanted to address. The elephant in the room, super secret open knowledge NOBODY talks about is...that's true for rangers too. It was confirmed years ago by the developers that the ranger was specifically designed and balanced with the pet in mind. The pet, not your build, makes up roughly a third of your overall DPS, our defense is designed with the assumption of the pet taking aggro for us, and as it can be a source of support, that's LESS support we ourselves are capable of at our peak. If you DON'T specifically take a pet that does what you do, you're hurting yourself. If you're full power DPS, you are automatically handicapping your damage output if you bring anything other than a power DPS pet. The same is true of condition, support, and tank builds. Our pet isn't a pet, it isn't an NPC we can tinker with to compliment our playstyle; it is a part of us. It's numbers are our numbers. The soul beast just made that dynamic overt for the people who didn't get it beforehand. A ranger who doesn't bring a pet that does the exact same thing they are built to do is a weak ranger. As a guy who likes hybrid builds I genuinely wish what you were saying was the case, but it's not. I can min/max myself for condi damage and refine those numbers as high as possible, pick all the right weapons, the right skills, runes and sigils and gear and consumables...and still fall short to something like a necromancer if my pet isn't helping. That's the real reason we get so upset about needing an AI rework. We know that our pets not contributing hurts our performance. But, because of "it's not me, it's you" egotism we want to believe that handicap is limited to the pet's AI, and not also so many rangers simply picking the wrong pet for their build because they THINK they can support their glass cannon longbow build with a bear, refusing to acknowledge that the tankiest tank pet that ever tanked is still going to die as soon as it pulls aggro, and that bringing it in the first place took a significant chunk out of their DPS.
  14. I stand by everything I've said thus far. But since it seems to be the go-to whining, let me tell you a little something about the Med Kit; you can actually equip it. It's not just a tool belt skill. So here is an absolutely insane and off the wall idea that is so ridiculous it's probably not worth mentioning. But maybe, if you like using med kit, you like being a healer. That's what it's for; healing the party. So...now hear me out...drop down a tanky DPS golem, EQUIP the med kit, and glue yourself to it's butt like a TF2 Medic leashed to a Heavy. There, I just solved TWO problems; you still get arguably MORE use out of the med kit, and unless you really suck your golem isn't going to die.
  15. Firstly I'd like to hereby request that you engineer mains stop with your misinformation based whining. You keep saying the traits don't do anything without the golem, but that is objectively and demonstrably untrue. kitten near all of them have a player based function IN ADDITION to the golem skills and bonuses. You are straight up, 100% LYING right now. And I bet you know that, but it doesn't make for as enjoyable QQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now that said, and I know this isn't how long time engineer mains play, but I never cared about the tool belt. I mained engineer for about six to eight months shortly after launch (when I realized trying to main thief was a mistake because I didn't realize it was so dependent on "MMO fake-Stealth") and I never could invest in the tool belt. At no point did I prioritize a skill because of it's tool belt function, and all my builds were viable, even powerful, as I nearly completely ignored the thing's existence. I STILL largely ignore it when I play engineer and it doesn't hurt me in the least. That's because, unpopular opinion, the tool belt isn't actually that powerful. I've always been a quality over quantity type of guy (hence why the golem appeals to me more than an entire menagerie of pets) and adding five more kind of crappy skills on top of five halfway decent skills never stuck me as worth paying attention to. The tool belt was a gimmick that I'd use occasionally if the skills I was forced to take had momentary use. But I never, ever, at any point, even considered thinking about maybe toying with the possibility of making it the centerpiece of my build. Again I completed all the content in the game at that time no problem. The tool belt has never been that valuable. It just hasn't. And in my personal subjective opinion I'm fine with dropping it like a bad habit in favor of what could be objectively the best persistent pet in the game is a more than fair trade. And in case you were wondering; ranger pets die too. A lot. And Soul Beast can't swap, so don't even bring that up. Now, guess what happens to our profession mechanic, command skill type, and beastmastery traits when the pet is dead. Oh, and do you want to know the cool down when our pets die? There isn't one! It stays dead until you exit combat! I would kill to have my pet revive itself after just a measly hundred seconds.
  16. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Steam_creature "One possible point of origin for the steam creatures was interdimensional, coming from a potential alternate future reality created by the Infinity Ball. In this suggested alternate future, one of the asura contenders for the 1325 AE Snaff Prize went on to form an organization known as the Conclave, declaring themselves the Grand High Sovereign of Tyria and creating the steam creatures to make that vision a reality. Little else is known about this potential reality, except that the alternate version of Shodd held the title "Grand Vice Admiral", and that both the High Sovereign and the Vice Admiral had taken to the field in what they called the Battle of Divinity's Reach." Granted that this is just one of three possible paths in the asura personal story. However since the "cannon" story follows the commander starting primarily at Claw Island, and the commander can be of any race from any background, we have to do a kind of "Schrodinger's backstory" thing wherein every possible variation of the commander's origin are all equally valid.
  17. IF they get done. Even during the livestream AI bugs just got shrugged off and handwaved with a joke. I could be wrong, hope I am, but that really made it seem like AI improvements aren't a priority. And Arena Net has a habit of quietly shelving things they don't want to fix. Remember the backpacks that were part of engineer kits they said they removed temporarily and would reimplement as mystic forge skins for primary backpacks? Or how about the personality dialog system? Did you know that originally Rangers had an elite skill that let them summon BOTH their pets at once? Do you remember that Largos exist? Are you aware that it is actually GW cannon that our characters eventually become evil and send robots back in time to attack Tyria?
  18. Honestly it kind of seems like it. Most of the other elite specs (unpopular opinion: I think the catalyst is great, but does need a bit of work) seem comparatively half-baked. Good ideas, but so unrefined/unfinished you'd think this was an alpha, not a beta.
  19. I see your stance, and while it is true we'll probably never see the addition of any other mech skills, I'd disagree that it won't get updates...indirectly. If they add another gear prefix to the game; mech gets that. If they add more sigils or runes with on-strike/kill/crit effects; mech gets that (I assume; lots of "conjures" benefit from those things as it is; I used to run revenant dwarf stance just to use the hammers to spam AoE bleed via Sigils of Earth, and my ranger using Sigils of Earth combo with Runes of the Mad King was a bleed machine regardless of his elite skill). As to the ranger, first and foremost I feel like the pet system in general needs a major pass to compete. Not only are their bug and AI fixes that need to happen, I maintain that the new three-skill UI system needs to be baseline. I'd also say that the beastmaster trait line needs a rework as well. It's all subjective, but I personally don't care of End of Dragons adds nine dozen brand new pets if A; none of their stats synergize with my preferred playstyle, B; their traits continue to be useless, C; our command skills continue to be wasted slots if and when are pets are dead, and D; I don't actually get any say whatsoever in when said pet does something useful.
  20. I disagree about it getting boring. For one because you can always just swap a few traits around and suddenly have a different golem. Heck it will even LOOK different due to the skills you give it visually changing it's equipped weapon system. On the other hand rangers can freely swap their pets...but they have no customization, all have set skills that we have no control over, and most of them are bugged and unusable anyway. I see the mechanist v ranger situation much the way I view revenant v everything else. Yeah it SEEMS that the class with the most "options" for your sidekick would be the most versatile and fun. But after a few short months getting to know the actual handful of options and the smaller number of viable ones you start to seriously miss being able to customize your loadout. Seriously I recently swore off revenant and deleted it because I realized that I would legitimately trade every single one of it's legends, happily, for just one handful of generic skills I could freely slot however I wanted. In the same way I can already tell I would grin like an over caffeinated toddler and toss literally every single one of my pets in a blender if it meant I could get that damned golem on my ranger. Customization beats prefab. Period. It doesn't matter how many prefabs they give you, customization always wins. Think about it, would you rather have an ascended piece of armor with predefined stats, or an exotic piece of armor that let you pick ANY combination of ANY three stats you want, including prefixes that don't currently exist? One might be technically better on paper, but it's just as limited. The other, while something like 5% weaker, has the legitimate potential to be ANYTHING YOU WANT.
  21. And only one of them we actually have any control whatsoever over. This is one of the main reasons I'm so upset; the mechanist didn't only get our whole pet UI; they got a BETTER version of it. I get that we also get that version with Untamed, but I feel like that was more of an afterthought than something made for us. And either way I feel like having full control over all three pet skills should be baseline, not limited to an elite spec. Frankly, from my perspective, everything about the mechanist is straight up better than a ranger. Better pet, better skills, better UI, better control...heck being able to force the pet to shadowstep to your desired target alone is freaking huge. But image if our command skills also had passive or secondary functions so they were worthwhile if our pet was downed. Imagine being able to fully control all three pet skills. Imagine being able to alter the pet's core stats to make it useful regardless of build instead of being forced to take specific animals you might not even want just because it's what works best. Imagine NOT having completely useless pets.
  22. So by default the mechanist's golem has an improved version of the pet UI, the specs "pet-command" utility skills are just straight up better than ranger's due to being signets with additional functions, and the pet related trait line is more than lame stat buffs and actually has a major impact on the way the pet plays and what it can do. As a ranger main I am very, very unhappy.
  23. If I had to speculate I'd say the mech is going to be fundamentally better. By a long shot. The trailer mentioned slotting whatever traits you want, and several different attack types. Then I had a thought; the tool belt. If I'm right (it's happened multiple times in the past, regarding GW2) the mech is going to be driven by the tool belt. In that instead of having tool belt skills based on your utility skills, each utility will instead grant the mech a new function or attack. Sort of like if ranger pets had five beast skills instead of just the one, and we had a way to select what they were.
  24. The problem, as I see it, is that everything is too closely tied together. Most other classes have weapons that while fulfilling a role have more versatility to them, or they simply have a lot of weapons. As an example look at warrior and ranger; the it is true that the ranger's longbow is a power weapon, but there are ways to make it viable for a condition build. And the warrior just has so many weapons you can find something for any build. By contrast the revenant has everything bundled together too much. It isn't just that mace works best with the corruption line, it's that the mace is so weak for everything else. And the developers realized this; originally the class didn't have weapon swapping. It was specifically designed to be the heavy class that didn't, as we have a light and med class that don't. But they realized early on that their weapons were designed to synergize too well with specific stances, and too little with the alternatives, making it nearly impossible to create a truly viable build WITHOUT weapon swapping. So they abandoned the original design and added it in as a band-aid fix, and simply never bothered to rebalance the weapons themselves. This is why I say that the revenant has the worst build-craft of all the professions; everything is too closely tied together. For example if you pick Shiro as your primary legend that means you're of course going to take Devastation; it'd be dumb not to. And since Devastation rewards you for A, applying vulnerability, and B, using an offhand weapon, of course you're going to take the only main hand weapon that applies vulnerability, and might as well add the only off-hand that also applies vulnerability. And all this strike damage means of course you're going to use a power based gear set. And that means your support/condition damage isn't going to be too strong, but you can get fairly decent defense stats as a secondary thing, and they don't need to be that high because of dodging. So of course you'll just go with a more defensive or utility based legend. Let's say Glint. Now Glint is all about spreading boons around, so of course you'll want shield as your secondary offhand. That forces you into a either sword of mace as your main-hand, but you're not at all built for conditions, so of course you'll just use sword again... And there is the problem; it isn't just the weapons. If it was the class would be passable. But the weapons don't exist in isolation; they are part of everything else. And everything else is so firmly established in these "bundles" you're actually doing yourself a disservice if you don't use all of (or at least most of) a matching set. You don't craft a build at all really; you pick your primary legend and then everything else is a consequence of that. And because certain things have such a natural contrast you're actually punished for combining certain things. For example you could combine demon and dragon for the ultimate "effects" build, but now you're geared for group play, and in a group your party's strike damage is going to out race your condition damage to the point that you may as well not even bother. This means that eventually you're going to get tired of things dying before you even notice your conditions, and replace demon with something like centaur. Now you need more healing power so that changes your gearset, and that means your mace/axe is worthless so you grab the staff because it has healing orbs and therefor is the best choice with a healing power build...and you see we're in the same boat; you never actually get to pick your own playstyle. You have no agency over your build. You pick a role and then EVERYTHING else comes bundled with it. You can't be a healer of your own, you have no choice but to be a centaur healer. You have to use those specific skills that specific way with their specific traits and the specific weapon. You can't play conditions how you want, you have to use demon stance and therefor have to use mace and axe. You can't play the power build you want, you have to use Shrio, and therefor have to use swords... Every other class in the game has more than three utility skills of a given type. If I want to play a trap ranger, or a glyph elementalist, or a banner warrior I have OPTIONS. But if I want to play a condition revenant I have no choice but to use demon stance with a mace and axe. And then later they did add Renegade stance, very condition capable, but that just means my choice of role now define BOTH legends and ALL my weapons, because of course you're going to pair mace/axe with the shortbow.
  25. Who said anything about this being my main? Hell I heavily implied in the OP that it was just an alt. Are all of you guys sure you're not actually guardian stans, because you seem really invested in protecting this class' virtue.
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