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  1. i just dont want to run into the possibilty other players come run at me and kill my kitten, that annoys me to the moon and back. i played in the past mmos with open pvp like black desert, and i got so angry u cant imagine. thats why i just dont wanna interfere with it in the slightest. even tho the main goal is still a pve thing. i rather do a whole week, every day every cm strike then doing a daily in wvw.
  2. i mean i play basicly since the beta and even played gw1. even tho at beta and launch i only played spvp only nothing else in a competitive environment. straight for a long time. then with time i got older reflexes getting worse and i lost interest in pvp in generell. i still like the challenge pretty much but i dont want to play against other ppl. i mean there is SOO much stuff i can do in pve only, the game time is more then there. and besides 2 or 3 activitys i rarely do repeated stuff. and sure different game modes are good for a game for an mmo. so communitys develop. but sorry if you say gw2 doesnt work for the most ppl just as an pve game and nothing else i have to strongly disagree. i know a lot of people. they dont do pvp at all they enjoy the whole pve experience. like jumping puzzle, life skilling, even rp or just collecting fashion. the good and important aspect of having different game modes, different difficulties and so on is. you have way bigger reach for more players trying out and playing the game so the playerbase is bigger, but not that the game is balanced around you do excactly everything the game throws at you but you can/ have to choose depending on your time you can put in.
  3. yeah true i have to except it. its just sad, that people ( like me ) have to. maybe someday anet can find a good balance. and at least i can just farm gold and buy g1 & g3 legys ^^ on the other side it isnt that i cant see why anet is doing it. they will force ppl explore other stuff in the game aswell, so theyy can better decide if they like it or not.
  4. sorry but i dont see it that way. its a game, a hobby. i have more then enough stuff i dont enjoy in real life i dont need more in my spare time.
  5. i prefer having it difficult in an activity i enjoy rather, then doing something i dont enjoy.
  6. i mean if people dont enjoy that gamemode at all and the gear isnt flagged as ( wvw or pvp or what ever ) i mean there are specific pvp, wvw and fraktal legendaries. why mix it up with the weapons. and if u mix up give us multiable paths to get it with similar difficulty.
  7. to be fair i didnt mean make it easier or faster. if it would take 2 weeks longer to finish it in pve then wvw. im completely fine with it. make it in cm strikes or something idc. but just not only wvw. for me at least
  8. Hello Guys, I know I know, the big selling Point since GW2 released was WvW. but tbh i REALLY hate it. i cannot stand a minute in there. I wish there where the option to Craft Legendarys ( Especialy Gen 2 ) without torture your self in playing a Game Mode you just so deeply dislike. Maybe im just a big exception idk. Maybe a Reward Track for PvE to get Stuff from WvW, is possible or something like that. Am I the only 1 who just cant stand WvW? If Someone has other Ideas, how to reach non WvW Players for the Legendary Crafting. Feel free to Discuss 🙂 p.s. Could be possible we have to do WvW for the new upcoming Legendary Armor aswell :x
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