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Everything posted by Phil.7369

  1. Beatiful change, good job.But you should consider a few things, like popular worlds and dead worlds. Otherwise the same issues will arise again. So, what happens for example if Blackgate remains Blackgate-S1 = top server due to its fame and then Blackgate-S2 is then again the top and most populated server, obviously thanks to it's renown. You are basically, again, creating a loop where the experienced and knowledgable players pick out their favorite servers after the 8 weeks period and again create power and population differences. It is guaranteed to happen, the same servers after each 8-week reset, again and again being the top and the typical dead/empty servers where some unfortunate new WVW players happen to land on. Have you considered how to counter this? Perhaps by renaming the servers after each reset? In that case no one can possibly know which server is now the old Blackgate or the old Fort Aspenwood and hence no cherry-picking servers or no alliance-dominated servers, where you can't possibly join in, unless you are part of the alliance. Yes, what you thought that wouldn't happen?Always plan ahead. Second possible solution, remove a number of servers from the game and "squeeze" the Contintent's populations in a specified number of servers. Obviously account for new players by leaving room in the existing servers.Basically, instead of having say 10 servers:3 with 90% capacity2 with 80% capacity3 with 50% capacity2 with 15% capacity and suffering from unbalance, power issues and dead servers... you could instead leave 6 servers with a population percentage of say 80%+ in each server. Obviously the 6 servers in this example will never achieve perfectly similar populations, with the majority spiking towards the top 2 or 3, but it will serve as a better solution to servers who have absolutely no hope of ever facing a superior (in terms of rankings) server.You have seen what happened throughout all these years Anet. It's always been Blackgate, Blackgate, Blackgate. It hasn't changed and if you don't adapt there will then be a new "hot" server who will dominate again and again after every single 2-month reset. I hope this helps, keep making this the best MMO in existence thanks!
  2. Unfortunately the choices we can vote are limited and I will elaborate a bit on that. I obviously want a new profession, but I am also certain that a new PVP mode like GvG for example, will bring back a ton of people to GW2.GW1 had a lot of different PVP modes and had a huge PVP-only playerbase. HA, GVG, Codex, Hero Battles... I've been reading and hearing very often from people complaining that GvG didn't make it to GW2 and therefore they are not interested in coming back. Our PVP in this game needs some love, seriously what happened to the good old GW1 days with Team Speak groups and organized guilds doing HA, GvG and so on? Now it feels so solo queue and really "anonymous". I don't even know 1 of the top PVPers in GW2, and I don't care because there is no team connected to it. It's just like with our PVE theorycrafters, we had people like Nemesis, Brazil, Nike making builds, but now open world PVE is idiot-proof and raids without hard mode are only for that 5% of the community.Where I'm going with this is different modes for every game type. Hard/Easy modes for PVE and raids, different game modes for PVP and an obvious rework of many WvW aspects which apparently is already taking place. Now you mention Player Housing, which is also very important for role players and for the female population, which is huge in GW2 compared to other MMOs. I've been hearing so much about the "perfect" housing system in ESO and how it is the best system in any MMO with housing.I can guarantee you, if Anet decides to make housing, it can be 1000 times better than ESO's. Look at our Mounts and look at their mounts. ESO is a subpar MMO, it's basically a single-player game played online and worth it mostly for the story. So why shouldn't GW2 be the MMO with the "best Mounts", the "best housing", the "best Art" etc.We are basically out of the competition right now, losing players to other games because of decisions like that. Look at Neverwinter when it launched its PS4 and Xbox One version.1.6 MILLION players on the consoles after 4 weeks! Do you know why? Because the only other MMORPGs in consoles are ESO and FF14.Pick one: the grind till your eyes bleed game, the sub-based asian MMO with 3 sec global skill CD, or the 15$ per DLC online version of Skyrim game?Imagine if GW2 hit consoles. BOOM milions of players! Anet has commented on that tho and said that it's most likely out of the question, due to unrewarding cost-profit analogy and more action keys than a console controller can handle.They have also commented on Races and I agree completely with what they said:New Races are most likely not going to happen, because they add nothing "new" to the game. No new skills, no build diversity, no specializations. You just repeat the same content with a different race on the SAME proffesion.Imo we don't need new races. Instead of wasting resources on new races, spend them on content and classes and new game modes. New Weapon Types is a cool idea and will add great diversity for every class.Definitely voting for that, if I could.. *Return of Dungeons: we have Fractals for that, we don't need 3 PVE end game modes now. Raids and Dungeons (Fractals for us) are the standard in every game. Older Dungeons along with Minigames and Hardcore World Bosses (see triple wurm) become obsolete and dead very quick, after a few weeks of grind from the community.That is a bad idea and I would never vote for that. Look at all those minigames that we have... Keg Brawl, Southsun Survival, Crab Toss.. empty all of them.Do you want to waste resources on something that will end up dead after a few weeks? *Vehicles would be an awesome idea, but would invalidate Mounts. *Build Templates is a MUST have and has been demanded for years by the community.In GW2 we have an insane amount of QOL features and I was incredibly surprised by how many Add-Ons games like WOW and ESO have. At first I thought this is just them being better and more popular than GW2, but it's not about that. ESO is anyway a less popular game. It's the fact that most of these Add-Ons in other games, are already implemented in GW2 by Anet themselves. They have things like Map Addons which show you were lore items and events are, which are basic things in GW2 that we have since years. *Return of GW1 locations: yes absolutely a must!Cantha, Underoworld, FoW, the Blood Legion maps from EotN, we want all of them and they are not only new content for the game and for future players, but they are also fan-service for the old players who are much more likely to come back with memories of say Cantha, than a new XYZ map. *Upgrades to underwater:This, right now is mostly a waste of development time. No one cares about UW combat atm and it's rarely used.Instead, they should wait until the Deep Sea Dragon expansion and THEN they should revamp and expand on it. I only replied to what I deemed important. Things like improved aesthetics options are really minor things and happen every month with each update anyway. I would remove them from the main post if I were you.
  3. ty for doing this Mike Wazowski!I don't have to add much because the comments are already full of great suggestions. I'd only say... take a look at how WOW advertises their upcoming content and try doing it in a similar fashion. Something like this: and of course this: well said and please get yourself a dev ANET forum icon. At first I thought you were a random player who made his own fan-made video.
  4. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18648/raid-easy-mode-on-the-cheaphttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/490/raid-difficulty-and-challenge-moteshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/11762/new-way-to-raidhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/18337/would-it-be-so-bad-to-have-story-mode-versions-of-raidshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17613/do-others-feel-this-way-about-raidshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13711/offer-rewards-for-challenge-mode-in-raids-pleasehttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/15909/simple-idea-for-a-challenging-hard-mode-for-raidshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17527/more-flexible-raidshttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17231/i-want-alternatives-to-raidinghttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/11625/a-reasonable-comprise We have mostly the same participants, saying mostly the same things, and often digressing in the same direction (e.g. what's meant by "elitist" or "casual" or "reasonable"). Yes and this is how changes are made. When a lot of people constantly rant about something or suggest the same thing over and over again. If we just shuted up and said nothing, then nothing would change. Raids would still only be run by power gamers and people with a lot of spare time or only guilds on weekends and 80%+ of the population would still have never run a raid in their lives.Is that great? To never have played a content in your life, while being a 5-years GW2 player? Especially now that they connected story and UNDERWORLD (loved it from GW1 series) to raids. Tons of players myself included will simply never run it, because of being unskilled or not having a guild to run or working 40+ hours a week and no time to devote on raids. So yes, we REALLY need an easy/hard mode for raids. It has been said before and it will always be said until executed. It will profit Anet by making big content open to more players and it will profit the playerbase too obviously.Otherwise you will still see the same posts, you will still see the power gamers complaining that raids are too easy, because they have to be balanced in ONE mode for everyone and you still still see 4-man raid completions. ONE mode for all is not possible. We are not all casuals and we are not all power gamers. You have different players so make different modes for each one. This is how content balancing works.Otherwise we would have in PVP only one division and everyone would be in the same rank. ESL pro gamers would be roflstomping newbs and the lucky group would win.This is what in theory is happening right now to the raid community. Fractals have tiers and I have so far not read a negative comment about them. Casuals are happy with their T1 fractals and end gamers are happy with their T4 fracs. ANet listens and I know they can do this. This is why I just spent 10 mintues of my life writing this post.Thank you and enjoy your gaming.
  5. Because Anet staff does not reply to pms (which I find rather questionable), I have the opportunity to voice my idea here instead. This is basically an idea taken from another MMO which I used to play months ago and it had some great forum features! Yes this post is all about forums and it's mostly directed to the Community Manager. Anyway, apart from a much wider choice of avatars this other forum which I'm talking about also has a cool thing like little "titles" which the Community Manager himself (he is a man there) occasionaly (rarely) gives to specific players when they achieved something significant or when they generally did something innovating or impressive. There is for example a player there with the title "Fashion Guru" and another one with "Build Constructionist". Another player who managed to solo the X raid was handed the title "#bossname Slayer".So now you might think "Who needs lame titles and more avatars, this game is so great that I rarely bother with the forums, I play instead".Yes good for you and GW2 is indeed a great game, but little things like that add to the community and make the forum reading more interesting. A forumer will remember the famous "F Player" who posted this awesome collection of images which looked really cool and made said forumer want to hunt down these clothes/weapons/minis.Or the "B Player" who posted these amazing builds for open world PVE and inspired tons of new players to invest more time in GW2 to farm down said gear.This all have been so far done via Youtube from a few famous theorycrafters. I seriously can't remember reading or hearing about XYZ link in the forums for a great build or guide. At least you could adress and showcase your famous Youtubers for a change, that's a first step. And btw Fashion Wars is a thing in this MMO as you very well know... it's no coincidence I'm writing all this here in this thread. This could still be such a huge mega-thread with millions of views (over the years), but you need to make some changes. Starting with the word "OFFICIAL", which means supported and advertised by Anet staff. You know something like "Official Fashion & Roleplaying Thread".Second make named thread "sticky". Always on the top, always there (and first to see) for new players who can enter, witness incredible screenshots, see a ton of cool looking weapons/armor etc. and get yourself a new player.Third, write on the same said thread a detailed description of how to upload images as instant-displayed-images (not sure how else to say this) and not as links to imgur.com Anyway Anet you really need to start working on your community-related topics imo, advertise some "hot" posts, show off some cool submitted screenshots, show us some fan made videos. Here we don't even have Post/Screenshot of the Month... this other MMO I was talking about (it's called DDO, it's dying but has an awesome forum and a super active Community Manager) also has a thing called "DDO Chronicle" where they show (weekly) the best of their fan-made vids, pics or some trending forum posts along with Official News and Store Sales. Even end-game raiding guides make it in there and I myself wrote one over there regarding raid compositions and it was advertised in the Chronicle. "Official Fashion Thread" :Dthis could be such a huge thing... in this game frequently called Fashion Wars 2, imagine that... scrolling down endless pages filled with screenshots and cosplays. Especially if you added a winner of the month, who'd be gifted with X amount of Gems that'd be so cool. And yes they do that over there at DDO by the way, they just do it with cheesy sentences written by players, not screenshots (hint" the graphics are not so awesome compared to GW2). Just saying Anet, you have a huge game, very popular with propably the best cosmetic system in MMOs and very nice graphics, but your forums are really bad to look at. Filled with PVP/WvW hate (I told them to play FPS or MOBAs if they want serious PVP) and the Reddit is much more active than here. Tbh I'm not even sure what is keeping our Community Manager so busy..?! Even your devs seem to be more active in Reddit and they have this awesome "Scroll by views" feature which... surprise! we don't have here.I have been told before that the GW2 official forums are not worth one's time and was advised to create a Reddit account instead. If this serious lack of interest in community events and happenings continues then I'm most certainly going to follow that advise. Weeks ago you started an awesome thread, showing us player-designed weapons which could make it into the game by Voting. People cheated, votes multiplied and we never got to see the rest (hundreds more) of the weapons. It looks like you don't care much anymore.I'm sorry, you've made a cosmetic-driven MMO with an incredibly healthy population and active community, filled with memes (in your Reddit) and yet you are not taking at all advantage of your community tools. This forum should have been BURSTING with images! We don't have power creep here, no one cares about your new Sword which gives +84374 Power or Stamina.. we have new looks here. But I can't see any of them because you don't give us a reason to show them. I hope you listen to this, this is feedback not ranting, this stuff helps and gives you views and profit. Gn
  6. Whilst we're at it... can we get anything to trade for all these Exp Scrolls? Maybe 5-10 Spirit Shards per scroll?https://imgur.com/a/1CZkL
  7. Incredible patch today, they listened to so many of our concerns and fixed them, but this.... this RNG killed it. It's such a shame how it ruined this update which could have been all positive, but nope. I don't support RNG it's bad decision and it will drive people away just like WOW's RNG systems did to their playerbase, which you can read all over their forums.
  8. cool! please add a night-mode too just like in reddit. Or if you can't then how about a design change like they have in WOW forums where the background is dark?!
  9. Long post incoming (typical me): This happened to me after 1 year of finishing Vanilla GW2. But my solution was to take a break from GW2 for 1-2 years and then return when HOT released.After finishing HOT once with my favourite class I quitted again for 1 year for real life reasons and now I'm planning to return :D So now you might ask, what did I do during this break to keep me occupied? A ton of things! First of all I spent 7 months of no gaming at all and only going outside with friends, thanks to school (lots of free time). After that I started playing a different MMO with 3 friends which I met inside that MMO, but eventually we stopped because it is dead now and it sucks. During the last summer sales I bought a ton of single-player Steam games on sale and I also made a list with all the popular TV-series that I want to watch. I am also working full-time so obviously I can not finish content in 1-2 weeks like you, but this is actually better, cause I won't burn out so fast. But because I know how it feels like to burn out on an MMO, I would suggest you start like me and try out different things. Start a job, bookmark some TV-series, finish the story of some grindy and subpar MMOs compared to GW2... for example ESO and Neverwinter-Online, which are great games, but as MMOs are far worse than GW2 imo. Play them as single-player games and enjoy their stories, then uninstall them once you finish that. That's what I am doing with such games and trust me, their stories are huge. GW2 is currently the 2nd most popular MMORPG after WOW and it is not even sub-based. You should be happy that you actually chose this MMO and not some random asian-grind or dying-cash-grab studio. Trust me the MMO I mentioned above (DDO) is dying badly with a max of 1000-1500 players split accross 8 servers and the company owners (SSG) are doing nothing to save their game. It really sucked and therefore I quitted...You don't get to appreciate the good things if you haven't seen the bad things and GW2 is one of the BEST things!! There are also more great suggestions on the comments above... the last thing which is often hard to talk about is real-life and friends. If you are finding yourself tired of gaming or wondering what else to play and worrying that you will be left with nothing else to play, then start engaging with RL friends from work or relatives etc. You don't have to be the Dan Bazillion from #day 1. When you have a full-time job then everything clicks into place and you never worry about running out of games again. That is as long as you use your time wisely, split activities and for the love of god... DON'T stay at home during vacation and holidays!I used to come back after work, play my MMO only and then obviously after 3 months I burnt-out and had nothing left to do. Instead you want to split your free time across multiple activities, gaming, watching series, reading the news/articles/forums, watching new vids and trailers and family time. Vacation and holidays are very important and trust me, you don't get many in your life. I learned my lesson after finishing 3 steam games during 1 week of vacation and now I always try to book a plain ticket on time.
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