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Everything posted by Sigz.6943

  1. Moveable/Minion Turrets for Engineer. I'm sure it has been brought up at some point in this game ,but the Engineer's turrets are somewhat fun to play with. One of the only down sides is they don't follow the player. Unless you are fighting a boss you'll be moving around a fair bit through out the maps. IMHO it would be a really good boost to have them hover around as the player moves. As far as appearances go Anet could just use the balloon appearance they have in the water. Now I know turrets are not part of the min/max meta builds as is ,and I don't think this idea would change that. It would be more for Open world/Leveling/Story. As for AFK farming well people already do that so this would not make it worse ,or better. Also the turrets are do for some love considering the current state they are in. Please Anet improve the usability of the turrets.
  2. Moveable/Minion Turrets for Engineer. I'm sure it has been brought up at some point in this game ,but the Engineer's turrets are somewhat fun to play with. One of the only down sides is they don't follow the player. Unless you are fighting a boss you'll be moving around a fair bit through out the maps. IMHO it would be a really good boost to have them hover around as the player moves. As far as appearances go Anet could just use the balloon appearance they have in the water. Now I know turrets are not part of the min/max meta builds as is ,and I don't think this idea would change that. It would be more for Open world/Leveling/Story. As for AFK farming well people already do that so this would not make it worse ,or better. Also the turrets are do for some love considering the current state they are in. Please Anet improve the usability of the turrets.
  3. I agree with you on ground targeting skills not being usable in water that does make sense ,and also with Mecha Jaws lol. However some professions already have movement/teleport skills in the water that don't use ground targeting. As for changing it from a ground targeting skill look no further than the Engineer's Grenade Kit. Either way I am super excited to play Mechanist February can't come soon enough.
  4. I have a two things that to me are minor annoyances. If we are not getting any more water combat then disregard. Either way I look forward to the release of EoD ,and the Mechanist. 1. Mech can't go in the water (it's like flesh golem all over again before they changed it). Ranger has pets that can play in the water. Changes where made so all of the Necromancer's. Minions can go in the water as well. 2. Two of the signets are not useable in the water. The Shift Signet gives movement speed ,and a shadow step. I see no reason to stop this from being used in the water. As for the Overclock Signet it ties into what was mentioned before regarding the mech not being allowed in the water. So it is a little bit more understandable. TL;DR- If water combat is not going to be a thing in EoD then the Mechanist is great. If water combat is a thing then try to get the mech in the water.
  5. Sorry I didn't back to you sooner these are all great ideas ,and have given me some options to think about. You are all prime examples of how helpful this community is ,and thank you for your advice.
  6. If you choose other it would be very helpful to know what class you would choose ,and why. I appreciate all feed back including builds (anything from theory crafting to meta) , wardrobe choices ,character creation choices (default ,or makeover kit) ,and any other helpful tips. Thank you very much for any ,and all help.
  7. I know a lot of the armor shoulders don't look good on a Charr due to the absurd size ,but the shoulder on the Dragon Watch Regalia makes wearing it as a Charr impossible. No amount of height ,or physique changes seem to change the size of the shoulder. I assume this is a bug only because it is absurd (in size) even when comparing it to other oversized shoulders on Charr.
  8. I like most of you can not wait to see the remaining elite specs. If I was to guess what new spec fit those icons it would be like this Mesmer ,Ranger ,Thief ,Elementalist ,Warrior ,Revenant ,Necromancer ,Guardian ,and Engineer. Granted this is just my opinion on the matter. Regardless I really hope that one of the elite specs. is some sort of a pugilist/martial arts of some kind. The only reason I hold out hope for this is during the stream it was mentioned that they broke a lot of the rules when making the new specs ,and heavily influenced them on Canthan society.
  9. I'm sure this has been mentioned ,but could we get some new faces (and maybe hairstyles) for all the races? We haven't had any for awhile ,and I personally wouldn't mind seeing some new ones come out. Take your time though ,and make them good. No copying ,and pasting stuff lol.
  10. A lot of this has probably already been said I'm sure. New weapon stance ,and running with weapon animations for human males. You could just take some of the other races ,and mix them up. Either way human male has the ugliest weapon stance/running animations in my opinion. Suppose to be a fantasy game ,and it just feels boring ,and uninspiring to wield most weapons as a human male.Finish putting check boxes next to the rest of the armor. That way charr ,and norn can have better options when creating a look. Probably the oldest example ,but norn tattoos are hidden buy most of the available armor sets.The mistforged triumphant sets from WvW need to have a dye channel change so they don't continue to look half finished. The dye channel that controls those tendrils on the back should also change the armor glow. This way it is not blue 24/7.This one is probably to hard to due since it seems to be a staple in games ,but make acquiring equipment like legendary ones more fun ,and less of a job(this is a game after all). It is a digital item that only has use in this game ,and for most the process to finish one is what a half a year minimum of do the same thing repeatedly with a low yield rng( not to mention time gated items). I know this system has been around for years in many games mostly cause it is easy ,and cheap to implement. Guild wars 2 however was suppose to do things differently.I know armor check boxes where already mentioned in #2 ,but what about outfit check boxes so players can turn pieces invisible. I think it would add more to outfit usage ,and though it may not be exactly what all want it could be a middle ground of sorts. Timers on crafting of any kind need to go. I mean really putting a real life timer when crafting digital items in a game seems unnecessary. Instead people could be getting things done ,and going back to exploring/battling. Add all existing create a character options for free so players can make the character with all options from the go. Total makeover/hair kits will still serve a purpose every time someone wants to change how the character looks. Lastly get rid of any need for tokens to change armor appearance. In my opinion it looks really greedy to have a system in place like that. I think it would go along way if players could change armor skins on the fly without any kind currency needed to do so.
  11. If your looking to fit the race to a profession ,and want a bit of a challenge then go Mesmer. Between Asura being magitech users ,the Asura gates looking like stable mesmer portals ,and Tier 3 cultural weapons fitting the mesmer power color scheme. Seems like a good race/profession fit out of the choices you gave. Lastly mesmer is suppose to be a hard profession to use ,but if you learn it you will not regret having done so.
  12. Plain and simple you want something special added to the core game for f2p players then they can pay the cost. They can pay the full price for the core game like lots of other players did when it first came out($49.99). Gliders ,and mounts are gimmicks added to HoT ,and PoF to get around those maps. As an added bonus they let us use them in core game ,but we payed to play with them so why would they limit us. The game went a little over 3 yrs before releasing HoT ,and it took some time after that before those who bought HoT could use gliders on core maps. No disadvantage is present just f2p looking for more free stuff even though they are already getting the core game experience for nothing.
  13. I desire a Permanent Hair Stylist Contract which I have tried to obtain for yrs. now with no luck. If a generous soul is willing to help with this it would mean a lot. Edit: I realize two things now (better late then never I guess). One I forgot to write that I'm on an NA server ,and two probably should have thought of something a little more doable. So don't worry about my request anymore ,and good luck to all those with desires to be fulfilled.
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