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godsowndrunk.3426's Achievements

  1. JW has to be amazing for me not to quit. As a casual WvW player the mode is no longer the fun game mode I hit up on a random night. Without WvW I can not get any GoB. Without GoB I can't make legendaries. I've been playing off and on for years. Without my goals to make legendaries there's no reason to keep playing. This is my favorite game and now it just feels so empty. Soto left a really bad taste in my mouth and now this. I WANT to keep playing, I WANT to support the game and spend money in the gem store, I want to look forward to the yearly expansions. But these two fumbles back to back really broke my trust in Anet. I know it's dramatic to say but I do feel like I'm in mourning.
  2. Still have not received the reward for Completing Tier 1 of an Artisan of Arms Achievement. @Rubi Bayer.8493 Edit: Put in a support ticket after not receiving feedback here and the gm told me to do it again with another toon. So disappointed with Anet recently, from the lukewarm expansion, new release schedule, bugged events. After years I'm terrified about the game's future.
  3. Still have not received the reward for Completing Tier 1 of an Artisan of Arms Achievement.
  4. Just got the Tier 1 achievement for Artisan of Arms on an Engineer with the Short Bow. I have 146 defeated enemies. This did not trigger the reward on the Wizard's Vault special.
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