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Everything posted by Vennyhedgie.5369

  1. The reality is that this spec by its very design SHOULD be the highest DPS spec in the game, but people are absolutely gonna cry about its damage being too high during this beta. The amount of defense you're giving up is ridiculous compared to what you're getting... What are you even getting that's really all that powerful? Shroud 2 and 5 and maybe pistol 2, but that's it. The elixirs are a massive disappointment. Not only are they mechanically boring and an immediately inferior version of engineer elixirs by virtue of not having a tossable version, considering the tradoff this spec has they shouldn't just be "good", they should be absolutely amazing. If any necro shroud should keep their utilities it should've been this one. Considering you also don't get damage reducing your life force in shroud, this would've been a perfect oportunity for Glyphs on necromancer, although it's far too late for those now since the spec icon is literaly an elixir bottle. Which again brings me back to the lackluster elixirs. One of them is literaly for great justice but just for yourself, you HAVE to trait them to be AoE AND they don't have charges. And what even is the heal skill? I know the beta isn't out yet and you have to try it out and yada yada, but the elixirs just have left me baffled. Edit: Also WHY is a spec that's getting a ranged weapon (which you're encouraged to use), getting a choice between 3 melee pulsing AoEs for their grandmaster?
  2. I hate to agree with this sentiment. For me, elite specs are THE big thing with expansions. Considering PoF came out in 2017 we hadn't had new classes in 5 years. I expected elite specs when the icebrood saga was announced, only to be told "no, screw you, wait another two more years". It's now two years later and I'm being told "no, screw you, only mesmers. You'll have to wait 6 more months". I'm just tired of constantly being told to wait. Patience is a virtue, but I ran out of it two years ago anet. I'm tired of excuses. I love GW2. I WANT to love this expansion. It's already coming later than expected and what you've shown is definitely not enough. Not only am I not excited for this at all, it's actually making me resent all the time waiting because it's feeling like it was not worth it when all I get to see is the mesmer spec which is one of the classes I play the least, and a frigging untextured turtle model. When you compare this presentation with the previous two expansions' first trailers, you can clearly tell how far behind they are. I know the studio has gone through very bad times, between the layoffs and the pandemic. This expansion is definitely feeling like a pick-me-up. Making us wait even longer for the elite specs was NOT the right move, contrary to what WP is so adamant in. He benefits from it because it helps him create content in the long run, but 99% of players were expecting the specs on the presentation day and you disappointed us yet again.
  3. The margonites are clearly a enemy / monster type of design. You'll never see something like that playable. There are literaly like 2 largos in the game, and only 1 plays any type of major role in the story. We're not supposed to know anything about them, they are mysterious for a reason.
  4. I think tengu should not have a playable version of past instances. They could just have a summary of past events in their "this is my story" cutscene where they explain their origin and how they became the commander and champion of aurene. (The players race does not matter anywhere once you join one of the orders in the grand scheme of things, even sylvari only had a minor change during HoT. A Tengu could just as easily have become the pact commander.) About armor: I think something everyone seems to forget is that you can just add armors progressively over time. Have tengu be able to use a set amount of armors when they release, you don't need to have all of them avaliable. Then just trickle them in in patches like "The CoF dungeon armor has been added as an option for Tengu players." I play FF14 where they recently (2 years ago on its last expansion) added 2 new races. One of them are literaly humans with bunny ears, and one are kinda anthropomorphic cats. While the cats have a slightly bigger frame, they are still using mainly the same body and animations as another existing, fully armored race. Both bunnies and cats cannot use most helmets in the game because of the facial features, according to the devs. While it sucks, I myself would rather play a helmetless beast race than any of the existing races. Concessions for adding a new race can be made, and I think players are intelligent enough that they could accept a "hey, this race will release with a limited subset of armors avaliable, and we will be adding more over time", the same way we had Gen 2 legendaries being released over time.
  5. I wonder, if any clone generation is going to be replaced with Blades, how is Sword 3 going to work? Will Scepter autoattacks just keep generating Blades? What about the damage from Scepter and Staff that comes from their clones?
  6. That's because both necromancer's ranged weapons (scepter and axe) require a target to apply their damage to, because they are single target non-projectile attacks. If you are using the action camera, you can use the right mouse button to select targets first I believe. There is also an option for auto targetting something if you do not have a target when using a skill, although most people disable this as it can be a hindeance with movement skills.
  7. Eeeeh guardian is definitely the strongest class atm balance-wise, but mesmers have had a long history of being anet's favorite class given their appearances in the story in general and the amount of love they get when they are designed. If you think GW2 I'd argue Mesmer would come to mind before Guardian.
  8. I honestly highly disagree with the sentiment. After almost 5 years since the last batch of elite specs and being what is arguably what mostly changes how you interact with the game, I was really looking forward to finding out about all the new specs. Mesmer is by far one of the classes I play the least and I'm honestly kind of annoyed it always get the lovechild treatment with anet, since in HoT it was also the first one revealed. PoF did it right revealing them all at the same time so no matter who you mained you would not feel left out.
  9. In my case I crafted Sunrise around base game era, a buddy wanted eternity so I told him to give me the mats to craft twilight and bound it to my account so I would get the skin, since I didn't care about eternity much. I gave eternity to him so I have both sunrise and twilight skins but no legendary greatswords to show for it. I didn't get the money back from either, I just did a friend a favor :c Though to be honest, who even stat swaps greatswords, they are always power weapons anyway.
  10. Sad to say this is not news and it has been a problem since revenant was added to the game, only to be more prominent with build templates. Honestly the best advice I can give you is to get used to the default skill positions, even if you don't like them (I sure don't).
  11. The way you keep replying to this post and how you're wording it makes you sound very condescending. Just because YOU have no problem going around a skill's terrible design flaws doesn't mean it doesn't have them and shouldn't be changed. The big difference between save yourselves and pain absorption is that Revenant CANNOT change their utility skills. They're tied to your kit, it's a package deal. It's also your only stunbreak out of a possible 2 (generally each legend has one). And again, you cannot pick and choose. This skill NEEDS to be redesigned with the resistance change, period.
  12. Pain absorption still needs to be redesigned. Originally (the very first incarnation) of Mallyx would absorb conditions with pain absorption > copy them with the elite. This was changed when the elite lost the ability to copy conditions. It was later sorta reimplemented with the legend swap trait, which means that Pain Absorption has been a trait dependant utility for years now. At least until now it was still usable because of resistance, but now you HAVE to trait for condition cleanses in order to use it as it was originally designed, or you'll die. It's also the legend's stunbreak, which means you can't just not use it. Not only is this utility's...well, utility, locked behind a trait. It's also a trait that forces a legend swap, making it a general effect, not dependant on Mallyx, the legend it was designed and flavoured after. As someone who loved Mallyx back in the beta events, that legend has lost literaly all its flavour and flair over the years. It now only deals condition damage through the elite (no longer torment on Unyielding Anguish, no more confusion on Banish Enchantment). Now not only has it lost it's distinctive playstyle in favor of "usability", but with this patch you're entirely destroying that usability in the first place. PLEASE, take a deep look at Mallyx. Out of all the legends it's the one that's changed the most over the years and not in a fun way. Also while you're changing Rev's mace skills, please fix the annoying graphical bugs on Mace 2. Why is there a coalescence effect displayed backwards on there for no reason? It's been like that for almost 2 years now.
  13. Someone please explain why they chose to give Mirage Alacrity. It's not that I'm against this since I don't really play mesmer, but isn't Chronomancer supposed to be all about quickness and alacrity to begin with? It feels like giving shades to reaper. I'm just baffled by some of these changes. Also they're destroying Mallyx rev yet again, but they've reworked that legend so many times I already don't feel any sorrow when it happens.
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