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Posts posted by Zsoak.5409

  1. Hi folks,

    Did any of you try stacking Daze duration on Spellbreaker? Is it worth it at all?

    (Also does anyone know how exactly is Daze duration working? 😄 the wiki is very vague)

    I'm aware that there is a Daze Druid build on GuildJen so I was wondering if something similar can be achieved with Spb.


    I'm thinking in lines of:

    +33% - Mesmer runes (they give decent stats too, so not completely wasted just for the sake of Daze duration, and they also grant +10% dmg to dazed)

    +30% - Paralyzation sigil (apparently it works with Daze too, according to the wiki)

    +20% - Sundering Mace trait (obviously only working with mace skills)


    Build-wise I'm thinking of either:

    - Str/Disc/Spb, with Dagger/Shield and GS (a more conventional build without Mace - a little less Daze, but at least Dagger MH also has some)

    - Def/Disc/Spb, with Mace/Shield and GS


    In case of the Mace build, with the runes and sigil I'd have the following (if my calulations are correct - please correct me if I'm wrong)

    - ~3.4s Daze every 10.2s with FC

    - ~2s Daze every 9.6s with Pommel Bash

    (in addition to the usual stuns from the Mace/Shield set, traited + prolonged with the sigil)

    So in an ideal situation (with correct timing/chaining, triggering FC, and actually landing these skills) that would equal around 50% Daze uptime.

    I know this won't be the case in any real situation, but nevertheless technically being able to chain more than 5s of Daze every 10s is something that got me wondering

  2. 3 hours ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

    Bladesworn delivered a spec that actually changes warriors playstyle while synergizing well with core warrior abilities and talents

    Can confirm, I'm really glad that after rooting myself with 100Blades and/or Flurry, I can root myself some more with DT, great synergy there. I really hope the next espec disables my WASD buttons entirely!


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  3. Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

    Wait, I'm trolling because I think it's reasonable that Gunsaber doesn't get an axe-specific buff? No, I think YOU are trolling me. 

    Yes I do think that, and you failed to convince me otherwise, because so far you completely ignored my reasoning and just repeated 'HURR DURR NOT AN AXE'.

    At this point I give up because it's clearly not worth my time arguing with you, but please go on if you wish.

    • Like 2
  4. 7 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    There is no exception here. Gunsaber is NOT AN AXE ... so it DOESN'T get an axe-specific buff. There is NO argument you can make that will justify Gunsaber getting axe ferocity buff. It's completely nonsensical to think it should. 

    Man you're just trolling now aren't you. 😄

    Gunsaber is a profession mechanic. Explain me this then: why is my Sigil of Accuracy bonus carrying over when I switch to Gunsaber? I don't have Sigil of Accuracy in my Gunsaber, do I? I have it in my Axe. So what?

    It's because it is a profession mechanic, a 'stance' or 'mode' if you please. And not simply 'a different weapon'. Thus it should retain the same bonuses.

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  5. Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

    I don't know ... it's not relevant here anyways.

    What I do know is that it's actually ABSURD to complain that non-axe weapons don't benefit from an axe-specific buff to complain BsW is bad. 

    Lmao, but it is relevant. Why is only warrior the exception?

    Did you read the part I wrote about profession mechanics? Gunsaber is not simply a 'non-axe weapon', it is Bladesworn's profession mechanic. And other profession mechanics do retain weapon specific traits.

  6. 14 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    That's OK ... what other specs do don't change the fact that it's REASONABLE for warriors who don't use an axe to not get the axe ferocity buff. It simply doesn't make sense to complain that the trait works how it's obviously intended.

    I mean, your argument here is literally that weapons that AREN'T axe should get the axe ferocity buff (because there is no argument that you can make to prove Gunsaber isn't treated like any other weapon that ISN'T an axe). At no level does that make sense, even if you convinced yourself other classes do it. 

    But it does change this 'fact' tho.

    How on earth is it reasonable that other classes retain their weapon-specific traits when changing their skillbar with their profession mechanic, but somehow the opposite is reasonable for warrior? Please elaborate.

    And no, the argument is not that literally all weapons should get the ferocity buff. The argument is strictly about the Gunsaber, which is part of the profession mechanic for Bladesworn (just as kits, photon forge, shroud, tomes etc. are for other professions). So it is not simply just 'another different weapon'. You are forced into it if you pick Bladesworn as part of its mechanic. So it should be treated exactly the same as other profession mechanics.

    • Thanks 3
  7. "I cOuNtEr yOuR mAgIcS!"

    aCt wItH pReCiSiOn aNd iNtEnT tO sTrIkE aT tHe vErY wEaVe oF mAgiC tO cUt dOwN yOuR fOe'S eNcHaNtMeNtS wHiLe dIsRuPtInG tHeIr aBiLitY tO cAsT sPellS. uTiLiZe tHe fUll cOuNtEr sKill tO aBsOrB aTtAcKs aNd rEtAliAtE wItH dEvAsTaTiNg fOrCe.

    — In-game description

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

    So... Support BS in WvW I guess?

    Seems like that... I'm honestly surprised they've not just left this braindead Tactics Shoutsworn spamfest in the game, but even buffed it...

    I just can't

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  9. So WoD was apparently nuked out of orbit, because whatever. It's not like Spellbreaker wasn't already the single most useless spec in endgame PvE in the whole game, and barely even functioning in competitive modes, now they take away that small WvW relevance as well.

    Dear ANet, please explain which game mode do you think Spellbreaker should fit now, because I can't see any.


    I just cannot comprehend these balance updates anymore.

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  10. I'll also answer from WvW perspective.

    1) For me it's good Holosmiths (and even some Scrappers). I feel these specs have way more survivability and/or dps than me, with all their barriers, reflects, blocks etc. They're just simply outsustaining (or sometimes simply outbursting) me. Might just be a learn-to-play issue, idk.

    2) Agreeing with @Lan Deathrider.5910 here, it's Necro for me. I often just chew through their shroud while cleansing / outsustaining their damage. Outside of some teleports they're low on mobility so they cannot really get away either. (Really good players are an exception of course, I've been wiped couple of times by good necros, but it happens rarely.)

    3) Lately I often used a hybrid Celestial Berserker bruiser build with shoutheal (Discipline / Tactics / Berserker), using Bow and Sword / Warhorn. I really like its playstyle, lots of heals, cleanses, party utility, with okayish dps and mobility. Fares surprisingly well in lots of smallscale fights. My all-time favorite was the pre-nerf / pre-rework Power Berserker though, with the old Arc Divider, old (fast) Headbutt etc. I also really liked some early iterations of Spellbreaker too, when Full Counter and CC's still did damage.

    4) Still playing, but recently moved the Celestial gear to my Renegade and started playing with it since yesterday, to get a feeling on how different it is (and if it's that more easier / overpowered than my Warr).

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