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Posts posted by atomicheesecake.6021

  1. Honestly if you are looking for a casual guild to join, new or old, sigh is the place to be. They welcomed me into the harder content I’ve never done before and pushed me through it, explaining every step of the way! We do raids and strikes on an almost weekly basis, and also have plenty of people willing to help with other content. They make me feel welcome. And mistakes are encouraged, can’t learn if you don’t mess up, which I really love about our guild. Plus we have so many fun arguments and conversations in game and in discord. Like how do you like your bacon? Seasoned? Not seasoned? We are one of the most welcoming guilds I have ever been in. If you’re looking for a little family to play this game with, Sigh is the place for you. We’d love to meet you :)

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