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Posts posted by TYTan.5246

  1. I agree with you, I joke that Ele doesnt have elite skills.

    Besides the Elementals, the others are "never used". And like you said, all the specs elit skills they feel like they dont exist, look at other specs like reaper, virtuoso, etc, they have this amazing area of effect skills and they do alot of damage, cc, buffs, etc. Then ele specs they are all passive effects IN ALL 3 SPECS, who was the dev that thought giving all ele Elite skills a passive effect only was a good idea? Using signet of fire feels more impactfull... at least we see the enemies burning.


    About the Tornado, there is a simple fix, make the Tornado a skill separated from the player, we cast it and it stays there in place spinning, and doing aoe damage in that spot, simple.

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  2. Agreed with many things, there is no mechanics in the weapon, many people think there is but its only a gimmick, for example you dont have a choice of when to use the skills 3, you HAVE touse them or you will gona be missing on damage, crit, etc, if there is no "oh I should save this skill for this moment", then why have the skill at all? 

    The same with skill 5, if you go to a new attunment realistically you "dont" have a choice, you HAVE TO always use skill 5 and you HAVE to use etching or you will be missing in alot of damage, CC, etc, so if we always have to use skill 5 and always have to chatge it why having that gimmick at all? At least let us use the skill like a normal one, we change attunments and press 5, thats it, no need to press 5, randomly press all the other skills and press 5 again.


    Let us have tatics, dont make it complex just because without any tactics involved.

    • Like 2
  3. The Etching visuals need a rework, I can't see amything if we use them, why make all the circle colorfull? Make only the edges of the circle with effects and leave the ground where we are free, or we can't see anything.

    Also they are so spammy, feels like there is no brain usage in the ele spear, you go to a new attunement, press 5, press all skins, press 5 again, repeat in different attunement. Feels like we are forced to always use skill 5 or we are going to be loosing damage, healing, etc, if thats the case then why not make skill 5 a normal skill? Because right now there is no advantage of using skill 5 without being charged. There is no mechanic.

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  4. On 6/8/2024 at 9:44 AM, Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

    I have suggested before, but I'll do it again. 

    CharrTech/Steampunk mount set.

    Raptor - Mech (Siege Golem legs), Jackal - Charr car, Griffon - Faulty/experimental Jet, Skyskale - Charr helicopter, Warclaw - Mecha Siege Devourer (EoTM), Turtle - TT6-B Devourer (IBS), Skimmer - Hover board (Forged Glider), Springer - Jetpack (Decorative Molten Jetpack).

    This! The game needs more actual Tyria related mounts, GW2 already has to many flashy, toys mount skins and almost no realistic/simple mount skins.

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  5. Like some already mentioned Oola is the place where you wanna go about Asura and necromancy, there is this amazing event in Metrica Province about her and her necromantic studies.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Just tried Spear in the beta.

    I will not get in all the problems that alot of posts already talked about, the bugs, gimmick mechanic. BUT about the those animations!

    Is it just me or skill 5, when you fire it (not the circle) you barely see the skill animations Besides the Fire volcano?


    Water Air and Earth animations are so thin I can barely notice them even in the ultra version, it feels so underwhelming to use them, especially after you use Fire 5 and have that huge animation.

    Also they are too fast, together they are really thin and the super fast I can't notice them and the sound design barely audible too.


    Some suggestions 

    Make the animations slower.

    Make Water 5 more wide and slow like the ultimate from Nami in League of Legends (that would feel amazing)

    Air 5 needs more wind waves or tornados.

    Earth 5 could resemble more a sandstorm, make it higher (even if the hit box is the same) or intead of making it go in a thin line in from of us, make it go in a cone or wide front (also make it blind for the love of Dwayna.

    • Like 5
  7. Was hoping we would finally get a "simple" to use weapon on Ele but yet again no, I can even say that for me personally, when using skill 5, it can be even more "difficult" and grindy, than Weaver or Catalyst mechanics, at least there you press the skill and it does what is said in the description, no mini game just to use one skill. Air 3 never works, my normal AAs always do more damage than the one with skill 3 effect.


    Skill 5

    • How can Full potential versions feel so weak! Fire 4 feels more impactful than skill 5 fully charged.
    • Earth skill 5 gives 1 second if Stability, really?!
    • Skill 5 many times doesn't activate and goes in a 3 sec cooldown...
    • Skill 5 feels bad, we are stuck in that area and can't move and die to a one hit attack, personally I really don't like/enjoy the skill 5 mechanics, feels like a gimmick and doesn't had anything to the weapon, only more complicated stuff which makes the skills even less impactful in general.
    •  Elementalist skills already feel pointless sometimes cause you spread the boons and effects/stuns in 20 skills which is bad, like Earth 2 is an AA with a cripple, skill 3 makes (again AA) your next AA apply a 1/4 daze (1/4? really?).


    • Water attunement does not heal me, fitting a mob in HoT and can't even heal 20% of the damage that I'm receiving.
    • Even using Ether Renewal heal skill a single mob in HoT manages to out damage me and I can't heal enough, even using Spear 1 and 5 plus heal skill.
    • Water AA feels pointless, you don't even notice the heal, aren't we supposed to be able to camp water for 15 seconds so we don't do damage, but we can heal ourself? Cause right now if I attune to water I can't heal and neither can do damage.
    • Water skill 2, what is this for? Again feels like a filler skill because you had to have a water skill 2, it lasts 1 second, I'm gonna be honest first 2 times I used it I didn't even noticed the animation and though it was not working.
    • Water 3 doesn't have an ammo mechanic? Only one dash with a 15 seconds CD?
    • Sometimes I don't really understand the way devs think about classes, many classes, specially with Spear weapon, can dash 3 or more times and even have blocks, (or make Fire 2 also an evade, the animation already gives the imprecion that it is an evade).
    • Again water 5 feels bad to use and is not impactful, can barely get 25% HP heal with the full charge that makes me stuck in place and easy to target.


    All in all 

    • From all the things I would really appreciate to be changed, skills 5 would be the priority, we have to press them 3 times to use them, 3 TIMES (1 to put the field, one to target in which direction and one to fire it) is so frustrating, literally for 2.5 seconds we are stuck in this "mechanic" just to use a skill (that barely changes anything and is difficult to use), also it feels so infuriating to do all off this annoying process to use skill 5 and then if we don't use it in a 2 SECONDS window, it goes on CD!


    Guys, really, this mechanic in skill 5 is infuriating! Resume, will be a bless if you made skill 5 just a normal skill, we press it, and it fires, easy, great, and simple.

    Can you next expansion just make a weapon for Elementalist that only has 5 skills? How? Just make that when we change attunements we get boons, but the skills stay the same, and they can have a thematics, like AA is normal, 2 is a fire themed skill, 3 is water themed, 4 Air themed and 5 Earth themed, easy. Or skills 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the same but Attunements change skill 5, so in Fire skill 5 will have a Fire theme, etc, etc Earth attunement skill 5 will have a Eath theme.


    Tell me what you think about the varios points guys

    • Confused 7
  8. Was hoping we would finally get a "simple" to use weapon on Ele but yet again no, I can even say that for me personally, when using skill 5, it can be even more "difficult" and grindy, than Weaver or Catalyst mechanics, at least there you press the skill and it does what is said in the description, no mini game just to use one skill. Air 3 never works, my normal AAs always do more damage than the one with skill 3 effect.


    Skill 5

    • How can Full potential versions feel so weak! Fire 4 feels more impactful than skill 5 fully charged.
    • Earth skill 5 gives 1 second if Stability, really?!
    • Skill 5 many times doesn't activate and goes in a 3 sec cooldown...
    • Skill 5 feels bad, we are stuck in that area and can't move and die to a one hit attack, personally I really don't like/enjoy the skill 5 mechanics, feels like a gimmick and doesn't had anything to the weapon, only more complicated stuff which makes the skills even less impactful in general.
    •  Elementalist skills already feel pointless sometimes cause you spread the boons and effects/stuns in 20 skills which is bad, like Earth 2 is an AA with a cripple, skill 3 makes (again AA) your next AA apply a 1/4 daze (1/4? really?).


    • Water attunement does not heal me, fitting a mob in HoT and can't even heal 20% of the damage that I'm receiving.
    • Even using Ether Renewal heal skill a single mob in HoT manages to out damage me and I can't heal enough, even using Spear 1 and 5 plus heal skill.
    • Water AA feels pointless, you don't even notice the heal, aren't we supposed to be able to camp water for 15 seconds so we don't do damage, but we can heal ourself? Cause right now if I attune to water I can't heal and neither can do damage.
    • Water skill 2, what is this for? Again feels like a filler skill because you had to have a water skill 2, it lasts 1 second, I'm gonna be honest first 2 times I used it I didn't even noticed the animation and though it was not working.
    • Water 3 doesn't have an ammo mechanic? Only one dash with a 15 seconds CD?
    • Sometimes I don't really understand the way devs think about classes, many classes, specially with Spear weapon, can dash 3 or more times and even have blocks, (or make Fire 2 also an evade, the animation already gives the imprecion that it is an evade).
    • Again water 5 feels bad to use and is not impactful, can barely get 25% HP heal with the full charge that makes me stuck in place and easy to target.


    All in all 

    • From all the things I would really appreciate to be changed, skills 5 would be the priority, we have to press them 3 times to use them, 3 TIMES (1 to put the field, one to target in which direction and one to fire it) is so frustrating, literally for 2.5 seconds we are stuck in this "mechanic" just to use a skill (that barely changes anything and is difficult to use), also it feels so infuriating to do all off this annoying process to use skill 5 and then if we don't use it in a 2 SECONDS window, it goes on CD!


    Guys, really, this mechanic in skill 5 is infuriating! Resume, will be a bless if you made skill 5 just a normal skill, we press it, and it fires, easy, great, and simple.

    Can you next expansion just make a weapon for Elementalist that only has 5 skills? How? Just make that when we change attunements we get boons, but the skills stay the same, and they can have a thematics, like AA is normal, 2 is a fire themed skill, 3 is water themed, 4 Air themed and 5 Earth themed, easy. Or skills 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the same but Attunements change skill 5, so in Fire skill 5 will have a Fire theme, etc, etc Earth attunement skill 5 will have a Eath theme.


    Tell me what you think about the varios points guys

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    • Confused 4
  9. Was hoping we would finally get a "simple" to use weapon on Ele but yet again no, I can even say that for me personally, when using skill 5, it can be even more "difficult" and grindy, than Weaver or Catalyst mechanics, at least there you press the skill and it does what is said in the description, no mini game just to use one skill. Air 3 never works, my normal AAs always do more damage than the one with skill 3 effect.


    Skill 5

    • How can Full potential versions feel so weak! Fire 4 feels more impactful than skill 5 fully charged.
    • Earth skill 5 gives 1 second if Stability, really?!
    • Skill 5 many times doesn't activate and goes in a 3 sec cooldown...
    • Skill 5 feels bad, we are stuck in that area and can't move and die to a one hit attack, personally I really don't like/enjoy the skill 5 mechanics, feels like a gimmick and doesn't had anything to the weapon, only more complicated stuff which makes the skills even less impactful in general.
    •  Elementalist skills already feel pointless sometimes cause you spread the boons and effects/stuns in 20 skills which is bad, like Earth 2 is an AA with a cripple, skill 3 makes (again AA) your next AA apply a 1/4 daze (1/4? really?).


    • Water attunement does not heal me, fitting a mob in HoT and can't even heal 20% of the damage that I'm receiving.
    • Even using Ether Renewal heal skill a single mob in HoT manages to out damage me and I can't heal enough, even using Spear 1 and 5 plus heal skill.
    • Water AA feels pointless, you don't even notice the heal, aren't we supposed to be able to camp water for 15 seconds so we don't do damage, but we can heal ourself? Cause right now if I attune to water I can't heal and neither can do damage.
    • Water skill 2, what is this for? Again feels like a filler skill because you had to have a water skill 2, it lasts 1 second, I'm gonna be honest first 2 times I used it I didn't even noticed the animation and though it was not working.
    • Water 3 doesn't have an ammo mechanic? Only one dash with a 15 seconds CD?
    • Sometimes I don't really understand the way devs think about classes, many classes, specially with Spear weapon, can dash 3 or more times and even have blocks, (or make Fire 2 also an evade, the animation already gives the imprecion that it is an evade).
    • Again water 5 feels bad to use and is not impactful, can barely get 25% HP heal with the full charge that makes me stuck in place and easy to target.


    All in all 

    • From all the things I would really appreciate to be changed, skills 5 would be the priority, we have to press them 3 times to use them, 3 TIMES (1 to put the field, one to target in which direction and one to fire it) is so frustrating, literally for 2.5 seconds we are stuck in this "mechanic" just to use a skill (that barely changes anything and is difficult to use), also it feels so infuriating to do all off this annoying process to use skill 5 and then if we don't use it in a 2 SECONDS window, it goes on CD!


    Guys, really, this mechanic in skill 5 is infuriating! Resume, will be a bless if you made skill 5 just a normal skill, we press it, and it fires, easy, great, and simple.

    Can you next expansion just make a weapon for Elementalist that only has 5 skills? How? Just make that when we change attunements we get boons, but the skills stay the same, and they can have a thematics, like AA is normal, 2 is a fire themed skill, 3 is water themed, 4 Air themed and 5 Earth themed, easy. Or skills 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the same but Attunements change skill 5, so in Fire skill 5 will have a Fire theme, etc, etc Earth attunement skill 5 will have a Eath theme.


    Tell me what you think about the varios points guys

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  10. 7 hours ago, ippy.9048 said:

    Excuse me, but I think the Guild Wars 2 Elementalist might not be the right fit for you. Did you know that the Guild Wars 2 Elementalist is a class concept where you play by pressing keys busily and constantly swapping elements?

    It's like saying "I'm going to die because this shortcake is too sweet!" while looking at a shortcake.

    Unfortunately, the Guild Wars 2 Elementalist is not the same as a mage in other games. Please keep that in mind. Furthermore, the Black Mage in FF14 is even more different.




    please note it.

    I´m sorry but that doent make sence.

    Thats why Anet intorduced the Specializations concept, so it can radically change the Class, look how thief with Specter is totally diferent, look how mesmer with Rifle as a totally different playstyle, how Necromancer with Reaper is "just" press shroud and kill all but with the Scourg is more tatical.

    Then you get Elementalist where no matter the Spec is allways "Spam all your skills the faster you can and also besides the 20 skills you have to press to have the same effect has a necros pressing 2 skills, you have this funny mechanic where you need to press the same skill 4 times to make full use of its potential, isnt if funny?"


    • Like 2
  11. So this month there are a lot of Kryptis Rift Special tasks in the Wizards Vault, I purchased the SOTO expansion on purpose so I could do the Special events.

    Today went to Sparkfly Fen to do "Complete 15 T3 Kryptis Rift, etc  and joined a commander there, farmed for like 2 hours just to see that I made ZERO PROGRESS in my Special tasks!

    What? Is this a bug?  If not why there is nothing that tells us that in the tasks? Anet?

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  12. On 12/21/2023 at 1:20 AM, walkingstick.7319 said:

    Add a pack of dolyak skins for jackal! They could include the standard Tyrian dolyak with a couple color patterns like true yaks, the Elonian dolyaks, or maybe even one that looks like Professor Yakkington!

    This! or make a new mount based on the Dolyaks, Anet can make it be a carrying mount, for people that are heavy in farming, etc, make the Dolyak carry bags of minerals, wood, vegetables, etc, it will be slow but can carry many diffetent thinks. Or a "big" miniature that can carry minerals, wood, vegetables? what do you think? 


    A CONCEPT ART I imagined Dolyak Carrying Mount

    tell me what you think

    • Like 2
  13. People saying the it is difficult for Anet to make weapons for Ele because of the many attunements, why do they have to stick with giving all attunements different abilities?
    Change it like they did with many other classes, like Thief has different mecanics in all its specs. Anet doesnt need to make the same attunement always. Make a new attunements like Arcane and make it the only one, or combine the 4 and make 2 only. 

    And for this weapon alone - An idea Anet, I would 100% prefer that you made only 5 skills and if we swap attunements we gain ONLY the trait bonuses, but being 5 great skills, than 12 random, clunky, rushed skills.

    • Confused 2
  14. Usually I dont give feed back or write in the forums but this time I felt like I had to.

    This weapon feels so bad and should be reworked.

    • Elementalist: Pistol - Anet just took a basic Pistol from other class and put bullets with fire/water/etc skins on it... this one needs to be reworked or changed. Jesus Air skills are bad!

    - Could have been an amazing idea for Ele but ended up feeling so bad as many people are pointing. Only Water skills feel ok. The bullet system doesnt makes sense and are annoying.

    Even the idea of being a wizard with a magical pistol is not present, it just feels like a normal pistol that fires normal bullets but the bullets are on fire or frozen, etc. Where are the beams of fire, firing frozen magic essence that freezes enemys inside a wall of ice, eletrecuting many enemys with eletricity, shoothing magic sand bombs that blind enemys?

    An idea Anet, I woul 100% prefer that you made only 5 skills and if we swap attunements we gain only the trait bonuses, but being 5 great skills, than 12 random, clunky, rushed skills.



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  15. Usually I don't bother giving feedback on these kind of things at all. But felt like I had to this time. After some time away from the game I had big expectations for the New Weapons, something new and refreshing.Came back and tested them in the beta just to realize most of them are clunky, boring and worst of all, reused sounds and skill effects from other classes and weapons.

    How are you guys feeling? People bought the expansion before they could know how weapons are gonna be, so now they have the money and can just release lame features and you can't get your money back.


    Guardian, Warrior are ok/cool, Necromancer looks cool, the AA is a bit slow tho.

    • Revenant: Scepter - Skill 1? Light saber, looks like you activated a super adventure box, skill 3 you can't hit the target from far away because you can't change weapons or the bound breaks, whats the point?
    • Engineer: Short bow - Looks half baked, we got an AA and then spam 2, 3, 4, 5 and repeat, also how are we gonna use the skills if the mobs keep chasing us meele, bow becomes meele with the time you need to put the bombs down, the mobs will reach us. Reused sound effects, why the AA can´t have a different sound? Sounds exactly like the Thief short bow. And the weapon feels like playing a Thief short bow.
    • Ranger: Mace - Seems like other maces we had in other classes, reused sound effects again.
    • Thief: Axe it´s ok but there is no brain to it, repeat the same rotation over and over. AA seems like the Ranger axe AA. Same feeling. (Xayah from LoL haha)
    • Mesmer: Rifle -  This is the second worst, feels clunky, not finished, is not snappy, some skills are the same as the Mesmer Great Sword.

    Fanally, Elementalist... oooh boy

    • Elementalist: Pistol - Anet just took a basic Pistol from othe classe and put bullets with fire/water/etc skins... this one needs to be reworked or changed. Jesus Air skills are bad!

    - Could have been an amazing idea for Ele but ended up feeling so bad has many people are pointing. Only Water skills feel ok/good. The bullet system doesnt makes sense and is annoying. 


    • An Idea for Elementalist, Anet stop making skills for all the different attunements for Ele! You changed the way Thief mecanics worked in all is specs, Ranger, Warrior, etc, just to the same for ele, for once get rid of all the attunements and make only 5 skills but 5 good skills, or give ele a new attunement like Arcane, and this weapon only has that attunements, or combine the 4 attunements and make only 2, but like this with Pistol, all attunements seem the same and like you had to creat some random skill just for Ele to have the 20 skills and feel pointless and lame.


    What are your perspectives on the New Weapons? You Also think Anet should rework Ele Pistol completly? And should they release the weapons when they sell the expansion?


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