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Zepharos.5860's Achievements

  1. thank you! I made a post to see if they will fix this.
  2. Account Name: Zepharos.5860 Guild Represented for WvW: Wayfinder Exiles [EXIL] Region: NA Current Team: Giant's Rise Expected Team: Skrittsburgh
  3. My undies are in a knot because I like many spent real money to play with friends and the playing with friends part isn't happening because this beta is a dumpster fire and split us up, so yes I am pissed and quite emotional and frustrated.
  4. Why would I care about the time to remember post when it doesn't contain any relevant information to issue at hand? the time to remember post doesn't discuss any procedural stuff for the player to do so we wouldn't get screwed over.
  5. ^this is NOT in the log in screen... THIS is what SHOULD be in the log in screen... when you log in, Chimcec showed me this in the first post response to my OP which is what I am saying should have been on the log in.
  6. I got put with giant's rise and can't even get 5 people together to build siege equipment it makes me sad and miss the huge zergs already. 50vs50 fights I miss so much :L
  7. it literally mentions nothing about WvW Restructuring beta procedures for the player it just says 1 small sentence about it mid-way through that they are doing it and the date. this link I have NEVER seen on the log in screen ever and I asked my guild mates have they ever seen a link on the log in screen and they said nope never seen it.
  8. As far as the handling of games and information many companies get that information out in different ways. path of exile puts a mile long text box as you load in which you can scroll and read and the balance changes are publicly made known via the server log in. final fantasy 14 literally has a in game function that allows you to add a phone number and get texted patch notes for events, balance changes or you will see patch notes in the log in screen and they make sure you read it or you cannot log in. BDO does it via a stream + in game menu where you would be forced to see it, and the balance changes and when they happen are always publicly known unless a bug occurs which they address eventually. point is making a post on a forum I believe an overwhelming majority of players don't actual use themselves to make posts or read is very bad practice for a game like this where you have long time veterans and what I would consider one of the more loyal fanbases around, Anet takes that for granted.
  9. I didn't rely on a post from sub reddit I was explaining how using a forum/sub reddit is highly inappropriate for a game company to get news out about changes to the game. Information about the game should be found within the game or brought to your attention as you log into their servers. they have no issues doing this for Christmas and other events which change the actual product of the game for a duration but they can't do that for balance changes and WvW betas? Anet misses the mark hard on professionalism.
  10. I agree with this, even if they did beta in a live testing environment all the important information should be within the game and found IN THE GAME. I had a friend transfer a week or so ago using his real money so he could WvW with us. he told me this morning he is quitting guild wars 2. he regrets spending 1800 gems for a transfer. If you look at other MMOs like say final fantasy 14 you cannot even log into the game until you read patch notes and what they plan to do and the information for the game is found, in the game to me that would have made sense, not hidden away on a forum. as people can tell by my post count I only recently took to the forums.
  11. Glad to hear it worked out for you. cluster I was in couldn't even build catapults. I am jealous of your luck with this beta xD
  12. I think it's a bit of both in my case I thought I did stuff right and thought Anet would put actual information out there if it was a procedural thing but I was wrong but I still don't understand why it split guilds up like it did.
  13. oh are you the random that contributes nothing to the conversation except to get internet clout? nice, anyway I knew the irony and even everyone else who can read at a 3rd grade reading comprehension knows the beta is Bugged and the info on the beta itself was poorly poorly given out to many folks it mattered to.
  14. good luck in your run tomorrow. I will talk with my guildies and see what we can do, we were gonna do the WvW guild missions and stuff together but that has changed.
  15. My guild didn't participate in the last beta, we're 2-3 weeks old. Yea I had my guild set to WvW guild the moment I made it 2-3 weeks ago.
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