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Everything posted by warherox.7943

  1. Yes there should, as long as the massive quality of life stuff is still gated behind legendaries.
  2. Reverting the game to pre-specialization patch and go from there. That patch alone added so much power creep and it's only increased ever since.
  3. No it wouldn't have to have time gates. Time gates are dumb and shouldn't exist in this game anyway.
  4. Why not take inspiration from GW1? Plenty of combat/balancing that GW1 did way better than GW2 does.
  5. The massive QoL buff shouldn't have been gated behind legendaries, so the more ways we have of getting legendary armor the better. Though I wish Anet would get rid of time gates.
  6. It's only the allied healing. The self heal via regen with full healing gear and Elder's Respite and Dwayna runes is about 552, assuming full Life sigil stacks plus food.
  7. That would be a good change, same with removing Day/Night fish from the fish table during those times. They supposedly increased the Saltwater fish drop rate from nodes with the latest update but I'm not seeing much improvement.
  8. Sounds like ArenaNet didn't go far enough with the damage nerfs they did across the board.
  9. Yeah I agree, gs#2 needs changes. Weapon skill animations should be different so players know what to dodge.
  10. One way would be making the core profession mechanic traitline the core "elite spec", like Guardian's Virtues line.
  11. The core professions need help so they are viable in all game modes without buffing the elite specs.
  12. The quality of life stuff shouldn't be gated behind legendaries.
  13. I agree, quickness and alacrity are broken and should be removed. Will they? I seriously doubt it. But these mechanics and all the other various forms of power creep need to be addressed.
  14. You can get the fishing party buff solo as long as you have the mastery and are fishing at fishing holes. Fishing in open water doesn't give you stacks. It does take a long time to get to the cap, though, which is rough for solo players.
  15. They did this with the DE meta where the boss's one shot AoEs go through dodge and it's really stupid.
  16. They should have kept conditions the way they were before the big condi rework. Bleed capped at 25, burning and poison not stacking duration, and confusion not having a DoT component.
  17. My engineer build was already hard to play in WvW/PvP due to the massive power creep. Now there is no reason to ever play it again since they completely destroyed Utility Goggles.
  18. These changes wouldn't kill holo. You can try to prove me wrong if you'd like. It would kill Holo, and core, Hammer Scrapper would be the scuffed best engi spec in PvP lol. Think you're underestimating how screwed you are when you have a transformation with a 6s exit prevention, that also prevents your heal, stunbreaks, defensive skills. Entering photon forge would be instant death without the stability trait and landing corona burst. All you'd have to do is immediately pop stability & target the Holo when he transforms - very often it wouldn't be at full health too. Combine that with all the other substantial nerfs, Holosmith would be worse than Spellbreaker on duels, teamfights, 1vX. It'd join Core add Scrapper in the obsolete but cool tier. Scrapper would be all around better. all those nerfs would screw over holo for sure.but seriously I always thought photon forge had a large cooldown, and then I saw guy just pop in and out like its nothing.giving it something like 20s CD after exiting forge as a cooldown would be a good start.could make the cooldown lower/higher depending on heat or make you unable to holo untill you have 0 heat.some slight nerfs here and there and we could see how it goes. PS bruiser like holo should never have access to stealth. EVER. You can bake self reveals into Holo skills & photon forge because you can't take away Toss Elixir S / smoke fields from Engi, which are core to the class. It's vent exhaust that allows PF to be online more often. Without that trait the Photon Forge really is on around a 20s cooldown heat cycle, which is still really fun, (try using Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit GM major trait.) in general, stealth is give to light classes as devensive/offensive tool. defensively to disengaging and offensively to setting up combo/bursts.more often then not light classes have fast cast, low impact abilites that when combined provide decent outcome, while heavy classes have long casttime, big effect attacks.hiding 1/4s casttime in stealth is not a big deal, hiding over 1s casttime ability with stealth, on a class that can sustain in a fight ( thus dont need stealth for defence ) means that they can use it more towards offence/utility. I want you to play mesmer with mass invis and holo with elixir stealth.and just count how often you can freely use one of those stealths for offence/utility ( rez/stop ) and how ofte you HAVE TO use it to disengage. adding self reveal to the spec would have to be placed in sooo many places. holo->stealth is not fine. steath->plb is not fine.stealth-> healing turret combos is questionable.I dont wanna make over the top suggestions for holo beccouse i dont play/know much abbout the class to make assumptions.but I do know as someone who pays attention to what my allies/opponents do, that stealth is part of the holo problem.All they have to do is make it so if you use a skill while stealth, you get revealed. Problem solved.
  19. That's a pretty one-dimensional way to approach this problem. It is 100% possible to nerf core traits/abilities to reduce the effectiveness of expansion specs whilst simultaneously providing buffs to the core skills that will not buff/break/affect the latter in any way, shape, or form. For example, Invigorating Speed could get nerfed to 3s vigor every 10s (from the current 6s vigor every 5s) and Health Insurance could get buffed to make Med Kit viable. In this case, you'd nerf a trait that was making Holosmith too strong (and bringing it in-line with other, similarly functioning skills) while buffing non-meta/core/etc. etc. builds at the same time. A lot of core traits and skills across the game need to be nerfed because so many things became overloaded and overpowered since the specialization patch.
  20. Well the backlash against Ascended gear was enormous and they still added it in. So it wouldn't surprise me if they added another tier of gear or increased the level cap. Ascended is difficult because in spite of the backlash there was also a significant number of people who wanted it. About a month into the game the forum was full of people complaining that they'd reached level 80, got full exotics (which pre-release info had implied would be harder than it is) with nice skins and now had nothing left to do except make a legendary (a lot of long-term goals, even core game ones, didn't exist back then - there were no collections for example). And back then precursor crafting didn't exist so making a legendary meant grinding gold to buy a precursor, or grinding gold to get rares to throw in the mystic forge hoping to get lucky. (Plus legendaries were exotics without stat selection, so literally the only reason to make one was if you liked the skin.)It really shouldn't have been difficult. They didn't want players to grind in GW2 and they wanted everyone at level 80 to have the best statistical loot in the game. There was no reason to cater to players wanting additional gear tiers, especially because many of those players had already left by that point.
  21. Just make clones not apply conditions. Problem solved.
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