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Posts posted by Draygo.9473

  1. Just now, Yolaus Kriff.3465 said:

    You neckbeards and your desire for being able to endlessly defend a keep with 3 dudes against a zerg, this patch it for you.

    WvW is a massive team sport. And I'm glad its pushing towards combat, and not long boring siege/troll/countersiege games. 

    If a zerg cant kill 3 people, that my friend is a skill issue. 

    Capping the objective ends the fight over that objective. By definition that would be moving away from combat. 

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  2. Having a few siege golems at important camps bought enough time for defenders to arrive and for a fight to actually take place... 

    These changes are just bleh, just ruining scout/roaming/small group play entirely. 

    Lets just remove guards/lords and just let objectives be capped by someone being in the objective circle. And make it as small as possible. 

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  3. I think people are a bit over their skiis, has there been any confirmation that the GW3 project is even a MMO?

    When you put the question and Anets statement together, it feels like the answer might very well be no. Question is talking about the IP, Anet is talking about various title projects. Hrm. If you expand the IP into other genre's of games you wont cannibalize your main cash cow. 

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  4. On 3/2/2024 at 11:22 PM, mandala.8507 said:

    Just like OP has no concrete evidence of the overall playerbase's sentiments around the difficulty of encounters like this, you don't have evidence HTCM is somehow a selling point for the game.

    Where is this significant volume of players that saw HTCM and decided to give GW2 a try who weren't going to be pulled in by other parts of the game anyway? It just doesn't exist, because GW2 is actually a terrible game for people who want to spend the majority of their time doing ultra-difficult content.

    You can't say "you don't know that to be the case" while also pulling a notion out of thin air with no evidence that HTCM somehow was this monumental event for GW2. I promise, it wasn't. GW2 people heard about it. A miniscule portion of other MMO communities heard about it. But in truth, it just seemed like there was a lot of buzz about it because it got the bigger content creators in our isolated GW2 scene hyped up and they told their communities and friends it was a big deal because they were excited. It has had pretty much zero lasting impact on the makeup of the playerbase of GW2 and practically no one outside of the game would know what you were talking about if you mentioned HTCM to them.

    I'm glad the EoD team got a chance to make an encounter like that, but there's zero shot it was a profit-generating endeavor for them. Making content like this is literally akin to lighting money on fire if you can't establish a large and loyal cohort of players because of it, which HTCM has obviously not accomplished. 4k account clears total on efficiency, and a solid chunk of those are surely sold kills and alt account clears.

    People familiar with prog scenes from other MMOs understand it actually has nothing to do with the highest difficulty tier of the encounter and everything to do with the implementation of incrementality that hooks players of ALL skill levels into a progression ecosystem with multitudes of complexities and commitment requirements.

    It's actually a consistent complaint in games like WoW when the raid content is catered too heavily to the highest tier of players, and prominent World's First competitors from that game have come out and said they don't like it when the developers of that game focus too much on how the content will play in the World First race and ignore the negative effects that will have on the playerbase at large.

    We're seeing that in real time now with this Cerus CM. Anet is preserving the status quo of a bug that enabled a weeklong progression at the expense of the content being approachable to anyone but a select group of hardcore gamers. And while I won't call it an outright mistake, it is for sure a choice that has both negative and positive consequences, and time will tell which are more impactful.

    I saw the twitch viewership, the new people in the streams (non-gw2 gamers), the interviews, the news articles. Yes it was a flash in the pan, but I'm going to believe my own eyes - it did generate buzz. Did that buzz translate into new players and how many of those players stayed, only Anet has those numbers and I made no claim to how small or large it may be. 

    And the point I'm making about HTCM being sellable is that it isn't insanely difficult. Don't get me wrong it is hard but I don't see a problem with having a single hard encounter in an expansion. A single encounter like this is not catering an entire expansion to the 0.1%. 

    Also don't get me wrong, Cerus should be nerfed, it just should not be nerfed now. The original 109M HP might have been a perfect target. I would not mind if anet continued the pattern of having the first encounter CM be relatively easy, and the second encounter in an expansion being relatively hard. 

  5. I think an MMO like Guild Wars should seek to cater to more than one archtype of player when possible. Having really challenging content I would feel is a good in the long term. Guild wars has a reputation at this point as a rather casual game. That in itself will bias its playerbase, but it doesnt mean that Anet should only cater to that playerbase and not try to establish players that value difficult content. 

    The fact that HTCM is sellable is a point against your argument though...


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  6. The problem with any argument that wants to state "This is what the players want" is arguing something you cannot know. What you are saying is "This is what I think the players want". 

    My personal guess is that anet wants a repeat of the HTCM release. It gave them a lot of buzz, and made people who otherwise don't want to look at guild wars 2 a look. Anet has these metrics and numbers, and HTCM did generate a lot of buzz around the game. If this is their intent, I don't blame anet attempting it again. Eventually this will get figured out like HTCM and more and more people will clear it. Anets goals are probably not just to placate the existing playerbase, but to continually attract new players to the game, and I would assume that would include players that want to be pushed to the limits. 

    Personally I would like more difficulty tiers to these fights, currently we have Story, Strike, and Strike CM tiers. Ultimately though it would mean more dev time and its up to anet to decide if its worth it. 


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  7. 12 minutes ago, Aja.3907 said:

    Please dont increase his health yet. More health doesnt mean a more challenging/fun encounter
    Fix the bug, see how it performs, and then adjust the health after if needed 

    fixing the bug reduces the health, they are increasing it so it is somewhere between the intended max health and the bugged increase. I assume they are doing this cuz it would get killed easily otherwise. After someone gets worlds first I imagine they will nerf it again. 

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  8. Full servers are really the only thing that prevents me from playing with my friends by placing a huge financial cost of moving a guild off of a full server.

    At least with the alliance system that will be gone and they could play as late as 8 weeks. My understanding is under the new system there still will be a transfer option and I assume the transfer will be free for the first time you use it as it is now. And with servers being rebalanced every 8 weeks hopefully we wont have perpetually locked 'full' servers. 

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  9. On 6/22/2023 at 8:49 AM, Gorani.7205 said:

    It is greatly misleading to take a look at the average and not the median value. The further away the average is from the median, the greater are the extremes, turning the "reward box" into a lottery ticket and not a reward.
    (e.g. 99 people get 5$ a day for their work, 1 person gets 100.000 $; the average is 1004,95 $, the median is still 5$ - and 99 people still can't buy food when they come home from work and feed their family)

    Irrelevant for the actual market value of something. Gambling or not, there still is an expected value for opening. If the risk is to high for you, then sell on the market and someone else will buy it. It doesn't affect the expected value of the chance if you or someone else opens it.

    Generally, you should sell if the market is paying more than the expected value, if its less you can buy. But due to the rarity issue you should probably not buy unless you can buy a large quantity. A proper valuation will let you know if its better in the long run to open or not open and sell on the AH. 


    Ive opened 500 boxes myself, and so far i'm pretty much even, and no I havent gotten the 'big' reward just 3 skins + the random loot. People also dont calculate that WXP = Gold, though the boosters are hard to put a value on. 

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  10. 13 hours ago, Chaos God.1639 said:

    Now that you get exp for healing, are also emblems going to be given for that? I try to heal and dmg when I fight in group. So I don't know if healers get "Emblem of the Avenger" for healing too.

    Healing gives you kill credit, so yes, you get emblems for healing. (Also counts for ultimate dominator)

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  11. I agree with locking a forum for a day or two to make a statement and to make the community aware of a huge issue. but ultimately its up to the users, not mods to determine if we want to continue supporting reddit or not. I see no difference right now between what reddit is doing and what the mods are doing, both are depriving the user.

    I am personally boycotting reddit over this, but thats my personal decision. They don't get my traffic and they dont' get my money. But I will not force someone else to abide by my decision. 

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  12. On 6/15/2023 at 5:26 PM, idpersona.3810 said:

    Current lockbox price is 32/50s (sell/buy).
    Box contents (without super rare drops accounted for): 4-6s

    Absolutely no reason to open them. Right now it is 5 to 10 times more profitable to sell to players gullible enough to think they may get something good from them. That's really kind of sad.

    I'm estimating they average out to about 18-20s with rare items included. (wiki one is off due to the drop rate of the ball of mist charged essence being unknown). 


    Also keep in mind that the WXP items dont have a value to them, even though they technically do, as you get either a half a level up or a full level and associated bonuses for that. Not sure how exactly to value the booster though. 

  13. Its a known bug.

    If members of your squad are not from the same original server they only show up as green dots.

    For example if you are on Fort Aspenwood and your squadmate is on Devona's Rest, you will see each other as green dots instead of the blue dot.

    Anet might not fix this as this problem might automatically go away when the system goes live and the original home servers are removed. 

  14. Yes it includes emblem of the avenger. 

    Support credit basically tags enemies for you, if the person you supported tags an enemy. So you get full credit for the kill as if you tagged the enemy yourself. 

    If you want to test this, go to a zerg vs zerg fight as a solo player, do not join the squad and just spam heal and boons, and you will get a lot of bags even though you did not touch a single enemy. 

  15. considering the achievement only gives you the ability to buy an infusion that cost 5k tickets... not getting instant access to it seems fine. I had no trouble running up the BL's especially outside of prime time. as far as SMC you only need to interact with the hero point, you don't need to complete the channel. 

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  16. 2 hours ago, MaLong.2079 said:

    I think down state is not all bad. It is the rally mechanic that should not be in WvW. Instead of a no-down-state week I would like to try a no-rally-week. Players could still be healed by other players but not rally from other players or NPCs.

    There is an investment in the mechanic that cannot (or should not) be discarded without trying other less destructive alternatives first. 😁

    I kinda like this idea. 

    I do not like the idea of pure no-downstate, but a change like this could be interesting. It would lessen the snowball effect, and make rally skills just as or more crucial. 

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