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Posts posted by Draygo.9473

  1. 11 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Still not seeing general patterns yet so not going to say yes or no. But taking a page from a DPS guide where dead dps do no dps, no repair on wall means no defense. No defense means just ktrains. So no, zero during the event is not a good path forward when trying to balance attack and defense, less may be different, but zero is right out and leans karma trains.

    Edit: 5 people repairing treb damage for 5 each on outer as it happens is not the same as one player dropping 25 and locking in a zerg that has no way to reinforce and is destroyed by a responding defensive force. But we have no detail on how is calculated so assuming one way or another is not a good path forward. Zero just means keep your supply for zerging an empty structure while karma farming.


    Repairing a wall is something that mainly should be done after the enemy is repelled.

    Things that are more useful than repairing a wall:

    Disabling enemy siege (this should count for participation)

    Building Shield Generators and Counter Siege (such as a ballista or treb) to destroy enemy siege


    When there are 5+ walls open in SMC repairing an outer wall still actively getting hit is a pure waste of supply, and does not actually contribute to defense. 


    I'm not saying that repairing isnt useful at all, just the way its currently being farmed makes it higher priority than the above 2. Actively disrupting the enemy from being able to siege you is 1 - active gameplay, and 2 actually contributes much more to the defense per point of supply spent.


    If you disable 3 catapults for 10 supply, you have saved way more in repairs for that period that those catapults cant be used than if you put 10 supply into the wall. The rewards need to match the efficiency of the defense option and currently they are 100% backwards. 


    You get ZERO reward for disabling siege or building counter siege right now and this is a problem.

    • Like 6
  2. It seems like Anet nerfed SMC defense, but buffed keep defense and tower defense rewards. 


    Right now the reward scale seems about right, but what contributes it still needs adjustment.

    Doing damage to enemies and healing/buffing allies fighting enemies needs to count

    Repairing walls needs to count less, or not at all

    Destroying siege needs to count more


    I should remind everyone the 2 new weeklies are an extra 10 more tickets a week, and they are both pretty easy to complete. 

    • Like 2
  3. Even at a terrible conversion rate of 12 silver a shard, its still way more profitable to do mat conversion with your spirit shards than reforging an ascended to research it.

    Personally I get over 2g per spirit shard so its just an awful conversion for me. 


    I would support some sort of conversion/gobbler for the grandmaster shards/marks and for skirmish tickets, right now there just isn't any good options. (Maybe Skirmish tickets can be converted to memories of battle?). 

    • Haha 1
  4. If you play WvW you can buy the WvW trinkets and get the stats that way. 


    Cant think of any other mode you would need to optimize that hard for for open world pve. 


    I'm sure that there will be alternate ways to obtain the stats in the upcoming patches that wont require strikes. (Though you should do strikes, they are fun!)

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  5. Anet needs to adjust values I think, Wall repairing shouldnt give more than the t0 reward. Repairing a wall already gives raw wxp, so I don't think it needs to count for the defense quest. 


    Destroying Siege, Killing Players should advance the reward the fastest. Healing a damaged ally should also advance the reward (super small bump per ally healed in combat), it should be roughly balanced that support players get the same bonus rewards as dps players. Frankly just doing damage to enemy players should give you small amount of credit to attack/defense quests. 


    For attackers, destroying siege, destroying objective walls/doors should advance the rewards. 


    Failed defense is currently not rewarding anything extra - I believe it was intended that this was supposed to reward something.


    Bug: Failing to kill a dolyak but getting credit toward the event, will infinitely reward the player with exp and participation as long as the dolyak isnt killed. 

  6. On 2/19/2023 at 7:40 PM, Chaba.5410 said:

    You could buy ascended then salvage for research papers for those EoD things too.  You'd probably have to reforge the item first to make it count as crafted.

    I don't recommend doing this as the cost in spirit shards for the reforging is worth more than the items you get from salvaging it. 

  7. I am rather mixed on this issue.


    I actually do think having a feature can promote toxic play, however not having the feature also promotes toxic play. 


    The game sorely needs things in the game to encourage players to consistently improve. In order for that to happen a player needs to be able to see that they are being inefficient. Right now its pretty easy to be an absolutely terrible player and there is little in the game to tell you that you are playing at ultra-hard mode settings where everything seems like it is a wall of HP.


    So we have two opposing systems that this falls into. One that allows self-correction, which can be seen as overall positive, and one that allows gatekeeping. GW2's community has a strong aversion to anything that can help gatekeep other players, with a very strong 'play as you want' attitude held by a lot of people in the community.


    But there is content in the game that requires a DPS check, and the player that is not doing enough damage needs to be forced to correct themselves. I recruit out of the training tab for strikes, and the quality of player does change how long it takes us to complete what normally would be completed for experienced groups in less than 15 minutes. My DPS floor for any DPS player is pretty low, at 7k, but I get people who do not even half that, taking a DPS slot.


    Now the problem I have is what do I do with these players. I think its a bit unfair to them to not point this out at some level, in private of course and see what I can do to get them on the right track. If I don't do this future groups they join they may get kicked from, and not even know why and they can get stuck in a toxic loop.


    I think it helps to list out the pros and cons of such a tool:



    Allows newer players to aspire to copy other more experienced players.

    Allows self correction

    Allows people to figure out what fashion wars skins your using. 

    Allows experienced groups to gatekeep players that don't qualify.

    Easier for experienced players to correct an inexperienced player.



    Allows gatekeeping, especially extreme or unfair ones that tend to be overly meta enforcing instead of performance gating (Performance gating = dps meter check, wheras meta gating is based on an assumption of your dps based on your gear).

    Allows people to copy other peoples fashion easier when the other player may not want to reveal what they have equipped.



    • Like 3
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    • Confused 2
  8. I think its a mistake to assume score delta is linearly associated with skill(server power) delta. 


    Until server elo is calculated based on individual participants, you will not be able to fix this problem.


    Imagine if every player had a hidden 'elo' score, and the elo of every player on a server was summed to determine the servers elo instead of just using pure server elo. That way any switching of servers you end up bringing your elo with you, boosting the server in its ranking automatically. 


    Though I doubt anet will be willing to even look at such a system till after alliances are finished, but it would be useful in that context too as people can switch guild representation every other month or so. 

  9. 12 hours ago, roederich.2716 said:

    If you guys are real friends it should not be a problem to buy some gems for a one time transfer to gather all up.

    the amount of gems also can be farmed in pve and be bought with gold then. Most servers dont require even much gems to transfer to so with some daily fractals, strike and meta farms you guys should quickly be there. If you are 10 friends you can do the content even together.

    Medium - 500 gems

    High - 1000 gems

    Very High - 1800 gems

    As you see not that much actually.

    also you can check with their friends if they maybe have the one time free server transfer still available. If some of them just got the game they might not have used the free transfer yet and be able to change the server for free.

    in the future alliance system there will be possibilities to get together for free.

    Its a bit different when your guild is on a nearly perpetually full server and in order to play with your new friend you need to transfer a lot of people off your current server to play with that one friend. Guild based matchmaking cant come soon enough. 



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  10. https://us.ncsoft.com/en-us/legal/ncsoft/content-terms-of-use


    Allows you to use content from the game on streaming services, specifically Section 3, a. 


    If you are a dedicated GW2 streamer, you can include the notice in section 5. 


    Couple things you can look at, who is specifically claiming the soundtrack? Is it affiliated with ArenaNet/NCSoft? You can send an email to community@arena.net about this issue to make them aware who is doing it. 

  11. I normally find ViP because it will get called out in team chat. 


    I would agree that Anet needs to do more, but I generally think its less of a problem than some people make it out to be, especially when your talking about T3-T4 NA. We're not tryharding to stop you from taking objectives - we're just finding you to fight you, and its usually a scout calling you out.


    I think its generally a good thing to know if my friends are in WvW, I have a lot of the roamers on FA tracked as well as FA commanders (I am in FA) and if I see a bunch of them playing I'm more likely to also hop in. Knowing the maps they are on is also useful to me. I would agree that I shouldn't be able to tell what map an enemy is on, but I do not think its terrible if I know if an enemy is currently playing the mode. 


    I also think that anet should do more to combat afk players sitting in spawn. You should be kicked if you are in spawn for more than a minute at 0 participation, with a 5 minute grace period for those freshly joined. Though I think participation does need some work (doing damage to players should count, even if you dont kill)

    • Like 2
  12. On 11/30/2022 at 1:03 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

    It has been enabled for almost a month, was added when they changed the normal WvW gui.

    Anyway, I find this highly unlikely and probably a mailing bug (maybe they had planned one but scrapped it and forgot mails....). We ought to get more heads up otherwise tomorrow would be last day for selection.

    It didn't take effect correctly. When you logged out and logged back in the pending icon would disappear, now its sticking. 

  13. 13 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    Could you please explain this:

    • Enchantment Collapse: Increased internal cooldown from 0.99 to 1.04 in WvW only.

    Still poring over it but I noticed this in the stream too.

    (reserved post)

    It is explained. Its specifically to make it trigger less with Winds of Disenchantment while leaving it mostly intact for other boon removal options. 

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