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Posts posted by Draygo.9473

  1. 20 hours ago, UmbraNoctis.1907 said:

    WXP per kill does not depend on dmg dealt. Everyone who manages to get credit for a kill will get the same amount.

    not exactly true (same amount part). 


    When you kill a player there is a chance for you to get an item drop that gives you WXP, this item drop can be from 250 bonus WXP to 2,500 bonus WXP. They used to not be auto consumed like they are now. This bonus wxp is not changed by any wxp buff (celebration etc). As long as you have the loot credit threshhold you will have a chance to get this bonus wxp. What I dont know is if the loot credit threshhold and the exp threshholds are the same. I think they are but I'm not 100% sure. 



  2. 2 minutes ago, Lucifer.8514 said:


    You are forgetting to factor buying the items off the trading post, buying the research kits, salvaging 30 stacks and consuming stacks upon stacks of papers. It's menial busywork that isn't fun, isn't challenging, isn't rewarding. It's a chore.

    It costs time, and that time is worth a lot more than the few gold I supposedly "saved" even if you don't want to factor in "fun".

    I could get more gold fishing. I could get more gold doing meta events. I could get more gold doing literally anything else in the game. Why is it so difficult to empathize that I don't like my time being disrespected in this way?


    I'd make the 75g->7,500 research notes trade not once but ten times if I could, and I bet everyone else would, too.

    Yes, but you already invested it. And you got your reward. You are due nothing. Your basically a 0.1%er whining about pennies. 


    Let me put it in a way you might understand.

    When I crafted my legendary it cost about 500g more than it does now. Should Anet compensate me because material prices and precursor costs deflated? 

    When they added an alternate way to get a precursor and the precursor cost dropped I suppose under your logic i'm due compensation?


    Or no, I'm not due any compensation. I knew what I was getting into at the time and that there is always an inherit risk that the value or cost of something may change over time. 

    If anet removes something from me than I think i have a just cause to ask for compensation for it. But in this case nothing was actually removed, its a buff to quality of life even if it is slightly more expensive, but for those that already paid the extra grind... no you are not due anything. 

    • Like 5
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  3. Whining about this on the forums is inept.


    I can see a handful of reasons why a commander may prefer to focus a tower champ.


    1) Tower champ is < 10% hp

    2) Commander is worried about enemy reinforcements and wants to cap asap.

    3) The enemies are so few in number they are not a threat to the group and the group should focus on the wincon.


    I have on several occasions stalled a cap long enough by getting part of the enemy group to chase me instead of focusing on the objective. Due to how the cap event scales the lord several people peeling off of the lord will increase the TTK by a lot. 


    I'm not saying this particular situation warrants the 3 points above, but the commander isn't going to learn where the breakpoints are if you cause the lord to scale when the commander is calling for a quick kill. What the commander sees is some idiot not following the call, and then believes the call is indeed good if only people would follow it. 

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  4. You don't need to be in a squad to follow the commander tag around.


    If you remove it you just get individual parties instead of subgroups in the squad, so it changes little.


    I think the only change this would force would boons/heals would go to pugs more often if you fail to maintain a perfect stack. Oh and the commander wont get a supply count. I suppose this nerfs hidden tags a little but we used to just put the target mark over the allied commander anyway when you wanted to run hidden before hiding tag was an option. 

  5. 15 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

    They should just limit the Targetcap of Ranged attacks to 5 and raise every meelehit to a targetcap of 10 or even higher!  We would see a melee meta within minutes 😄

    (i know this will make the servers explode) Just wanted to throw the idea around, because THAT is the only thing that will turn the WvW meta around, without blanket nerfing every rangeoption into uselessness.

    I was thinking more like 6 or 7 at most to start. 6 is a 20% increase max in zergball situations. 10 is probably too much. 

    • Confused 1
  6. 23 hours ago, subversiontwo.7501 said:

    I find this to be a rather odd take on things for a couple of reasons:

    The balance has been pretty good over the past year or two. It hasn't been stellar (with too many melee builds still exlcuded) but it has contained a mixture of both ranged and melee calls. Not every norm or meta has. So, for me at least, the concern is rather that they will upset things that work well without being able to adress issues that do not work as well. It doesn't feel pointed or purposeful enough, perhaps it will become with time or with the june patch.

    Most of the abilities in the list are not commonly used at smaller scale or in roaming. They're not nerfing ranged damage across the board. While there is reason for some concern such as overall grouped balance and cross-scaling (ie., 5v15 or 15v25 etc.) or how balancing eg., boons and damage against oneanother can lead to some wonky future balance issues, I'm sure they won't really affect you or the things you are concerned about.

    The cleave cap, well, that topic feels like it has been rather exhausted at this point. You'll have to excuse me if I read too much into your comment and lump you in with others who raise similar concerns, but the majority on this forum now are people who play "alone, next to each other", ie., clouding, defending and confuse that with roaming etc., and changes like these will not make massed uncoordinated damage from/around walls any more or less viable. Don't qoute me on it, but I think Anet are firmly back in the camp of not promoting that over more intentional cooperation and community building. Even if you prefer playing small or play defensively, they want small groups with more intent. Changes like these affect all of these things, but they affect them differently: So, I think some small concern about how this will affect eg., 5v15 is fair - but if the concern is how 1x5 solo players measure up to a group of 15, where they're not only outnumbered but also out-organised and usually outplayed, Anet are not likely to listen and that is for a reason.

    I don't care about 1v5, or 5v15, or 20v50. I care about 1v1, 5v5, 20v20, and 50v50.


    Anet has a balancing issue in the game that the bigger the blob, the more advantaged ranged is in a fight.  Just nerfing ranged skills or buffing melee ones drastically changes smaller scale balance and skews smaller scale toward melee centric. My concern is that anet is going to keep 'balancing' ranged till they see more melee builds in the mix in the larger scale fights. 


    My general opinion is that melee combat in zerg situations should be a high risk and high reward play. Looking at the cleave cap gives anet a balancing lever that does not require them to buff melee dps or nerf ranged dps further until the meta is where they want it. Yes its been hashed around a lot before, but that doesn't mean we cant keep pushing it.  


    I don't think anet has to fix 5v15 balance. If someone manages to beat 15 people with 5, good on them. The suggestion is not aimed at buffing unorganized play, but quite the opposite. I want there to be a larger reward for a successful organized melee push into a ranged comp. I think combat in wvw would be a bit more fun if zergs entered melee combat against each other more regularly and I think thats the direction anet wants to push wvw into, but how they are accomplishing this I feel will detract from ranged gameplay more generally. 

    • Like 2
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  7. I don't think Anet is going to be able to balance melee vs ranged without touching the only balance lever that will matter, and that is the cleave cap for melee vs ranged.


    The problem with just nerfing ranged skills like they are doing is they are affecting small group/roaming play negatively. Cleave cap is the only lever that if it gets adjusted does not affect 1v1 or small group balance. I worry that anet is going to nerf ranged too hard to make melee viable when its probably better for them to look at additional tuning lever. 

    • Like 4
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  8. On 5/9/2022 at 8:49 AM, josh.3847 said:

    I think an option to help with PIP draining afk would be to allow people to instantly gain all the pips they would have as if you drained naturally, but with a downside. Your participation is set to 0 and your unable to gain pips, participation, reward track progress or WXP until twice the maximum time it would take to drain, say 30-40 minutes. 

    You can pip down in Obsidian Sanctum. Just FYI. 

    • Like 1
  9. Overall a positive, my light criticisms for now are the following:Build template pricing is a bit out of line, same for build storage. I am going to be using notepad going forward to save uncommon builds and just use the tabs for common builds. I'm sure someone will make a handy website for us to make all sorts of codes to paste into the game and then everyone will have unlimited storage anyway. If the price drops significantly around 100 gems for 3 slots or 20 gems a character bound slot then I will purchase some. Pricing is way out of line on this one.

    Equipment templates are quite handy but do have some downsides that I believe could be improved. Many have been pointed out already.Modifications to the template should not save unless we tell it to.

    The price is almost right for me as I expected this feature to be around 400 gems. I would prefer it to be a little bit cheaper but its not too out of line.

  10. @Euryon.9248 said:

    @Rod.6581 said:

    @"Shiera.3152" said:I have a couple of questions I really need answered before I decide which side of the fence I sit on with this issue:
    1. Why would any guild ever NOT set themselves as a WvW guild?

    Personal bank guilds, guilds made by people in same country/region to stay in touch while playing in their main guild etc.

    You're missing the point. The question isn't "when would it be a moot point to set the wvw flag" (e.g., personal bank guild), but when would it have costs or negative repercussions to set the flag to wvw.

    So far I haven't seen any dev supply any such reason.

    I think you have a misunderstanding, its the players that choose which guild is their 'wvw' guild. You can be a member of 5 different guilds that do wvw, but you can only have one flagged as your wvw guild which will determine your matchup.

    So I don't quite get your question here. The only thing that matters on the guild entity level is what alliance they are a part of, and that members that have flagged that guild as their 'wvw' guild go with that alliance from matchup to matchup. Each individual player will have to make their own choice as to what guild they flag to. So I really don't get why there should be any cost or repercussion.

  11. @Gaile Gray.6029 said:Hey there,

    I've read every post in this thread, and am keeping an eye on several others, as well. I've noted several areas of general feedback and have shared quotes and suggestion in a community report, which is accessible to everyone at ArenaNet.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts, concerns, suggestions, and more!

    @Gaile Gray.6029 said:Sorry for the delay. Things went a little weird and I thought I had a disappearing thread here. All should be fine now.

    As far as whether we need more feedback: As long as players want to offer their thoughts, we want to read them. I have already submitted a detailed report on the feedback, including many areas of concern, individual and aggregate suggestions, and much more. I've also had conversations on the topic, as well. So this is "in the system" so to speak, but anyone else who wants to share their thoughts is more than welcome to do so!

    There have been two replys so far from Gaile Gray.

    These things do take time for most companies, I do expect to see something by EOD Fri.

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