Yeah unfortunatly that's true, but they can't put a team on it I suppose, just like they don't put a real team doing balance or a bugs fixed team and that's why we see nonsense. But it's okay to tell them. They could try doing so.
Yes and no.
Don't forget that GW2 is free to play in the first place, and when you have your extensions you don't need to pay anything and can brought in the Gem store with in game gold. A little like Warframe for example. They are the only games i see do that.
In Wow you have a month's subscription... as a lot of other MMO in fact, or "pay to win" too. GW2 is not, so this is nice.
I considerer that they need this money to get running, I don't mind it. I like to play this game I would be sad it shut down because no money from it. It will happen, MMO aren't the most games played these days. So i want to delay it.
So yes they have a team for money to get the game running, yeah go on.
An anti-cheating would be complicated for them to code, they aren't good on that sorry ^^ It would be a nightmare I think. Ok maybe i wasn't nice there but honestly with all the bugs, well fix that first.
That I totally can agree on ! And again, easy way to get through problems that seems to be what this balance patch is for.