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  1. unless you want people to consider potentially contrary notions in making a decision. snap judgement polls are great when you know what answers you want.
  2. as in you would have to make a value judgement based on more then a binary choice... my god. the pressure.
  3. if you don't understand the question, just move on to the next one
  4. you've summed up the issue with the entire system pretty succinctly here
  5. as a new player, this system is closed. there is no point of entry.
  6. at this stage i expect most will say exactly that.
  7. The WvW change is out Is this something you feel has a future?
  8. the only people who like this are low skill, low effort, zerg monkeys. you may be happy with other people getting kills for you, I'd prefer to actually have to get good.
  9. yes, being matched with players in South America from OCE. As a relatively new player, I feel like this WvW game is kind of a scam to suck in PvP players to a low skill PvE scrubgame? The WvW really just doesn't work, and with perpetually random matchmaking based on playtime and social credit scores(lmfao) it's going to lose players hand over fist. These game designers are fundamentally incompetent, they do not seem to understated their players at all
  10. I would only use crating for WvW/PvP(this game is extremely easy and you can finish it with basic gear) and, seeing as I get a full cele set with a new character, i have zero reason to engage with crafting/gathering. idiot design for PvP again
  11. Really? Becasue before this I could have skirmishes with folks on the server who knew when to avoid zergs. New set up, no identity we're just drones, so kitten that, I'll play a game that doesn't see me as fodder for zerg players
  12. uh huh... guess they COULD be getting kills by farming respawns though? Considering the general quality of MM now, what do you think is happening? the point is the KD isn't necessarily showing you what you think it is
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