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Everything posted by ArmoredVehicle.2849

  1. Hi, thanks for the log. You seem to be missing 2 packages: "winbind" and "libncurses5". I'm not sure if this solves your 1 fpm problem (without turning on virtual desktop), but the game seems to look for them. They are both available for Ubuntu 18.10.
  2. I'm not very familiar with other distros, but in Debian, Ubuntu, Mint and similar spinoffs, it's a package called "libncurses5".
  3. Hello,My package consists of Wine + custom scripts that make everything work and requires little user input. On the other hand, looking at the Lutris scripts, it does more or less the same thing and you'll get the same performance regardless of which package you choose. I don't like game clients which is why I made my own package.
  4. Work on the Debian (.deb) packages is going well and all the new features I implemented are working correctly, the installation script however requires a bit more work, during testing I encountered a few issues that I did not expect. To mark the start of this week though, I pushed a small update: 17th December 2018 Update - (Version 1.6) Changelog: The (.tar.gz) packages now use a better compression method (tar.xz), which reduces their size by over 50% compared to the older ones. Fixed the inability to launch the game with it’s own command line arguments, my script has previously blocked these by accident.
  5. Project Status Update: At the moment there aren't many performance optimizations left to add and the game runs pretty much perfectly (barring the performance difference compared to Windows). However this doesn't mean the work is over yet, I still have to implement the unification of the Intel/AMD and Nvidia packages into a single archive, it's doable but it will take me some time to test it and make sure no smoke is emitted. I've also been exploring a better way to install the package, initially this will be in the form a Debian (.deb) package for Debian users, this also includes Ubuntu, Mint and similar derivatives. I already have a working prototype and it's making great progress. Just to give you an idea of the features it will bring with it: Dependancy checks, to make sure you have all the necessary libraries to run the game (such as the libfreetype6:i386 package).Uninstallation support via package manager.Menu and Desktop Icons (been wanting to add those for so long).A better tweak tool to launch the game with Wine's debug output enabled.A much smaller package (roughly 50%).With that said, I'll still be uploading the usual (.tar.gz) archives and some of the above mentioned features will be included. And to conclude this update with a little teaser:
  6. Sadly I'm not very familiar with Nvidia GPUs on laptops, you could look into "primusrun" and "bumblebee". My laptop knowledge is limited to Intel/AMD. Typically when everything is set you run the game with "primusrun ./play.sh"
  7. Have you tried setting the Character Model Limit and Character Model Quality in Graphics options? Those 2 control how many characters appear on screen and how far. Despite that error, it isn't a Wine issue.
  8. I test the game on 3 different PC's each without issues, running a different distro: Mint 18.1, Debian 9, Ubuntu 18.04. Have you tried to run the game in a clean prefix? It turns out this issue was due to a bug in WINE that only occurred for CPUs with more than 16 logical processors (the CPU mask format changes and some of the functions couldn't handle the new format): https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45453 The good news is that I was able to work with one of the WINE devs to fix the bug and it was included in the WINE 4.0-rc1 release I read that one in the changelog, is 16 Logical processors as in 8 Cores + 8 Threads or 16 Real Cores? On my 1700X it runs fine on all 16, however performance is better if I limit it to the first 8 threads (taskset -c 0-7). I'm planning to update the Wine version when 4.0 is released however there's 1 small problem, from what I read, the PBA patches are having issues as of 3.21. In Intel processors, logical cores is 2x physical cores because of hyper-threading. As I understand the bug, it only occurs on architectures that supports MORE than 16 logical CPUs, so it's only an issue for really new ones like Skylake-X or ThreadripperOops, I missed the "more" part. Most likely in the next release I will update the Wine base to include this fix. Since GW2 depends a lot on eSync and PBA a plain Wine build won't do, I'll have to wait for all the patches to be rebased to compile it. Consider this on my to do list :-) EDIT: This got me thinking today, would you be up for helping with running a few tests? I would like to offer a solution and I already have a few possible workarounds (until Wine 4.0 can be built with eSync + PBA). Let me know if you're interested, I'd really appreciate it.
  9. That error can be ignored, most likely your issue is due to missing 32bit libraries. There are various guides how to install them, a simple and easy one is here: https://blog.teststation.org/ubuntu/2016/05/12/installing-32-bit-software-on-ubuntu-16.04/ (disregard the 16.04, it works the same on newer distros too). EDIT: Here's how to run GW2 on a freshly installed laptop (using Intel HD graphics) with Ubuntu 18.10 (or derivatives), this guide assumes that you just installed the OS and the first thing you want to do is play the game: Step 1) In terminal: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 [This will add 32bit support to the OS] Step 2) In terminal: sudo apt-get update [This will make the 32bit libraries/packages available for download] Step 3) Open up "Software", this is basically the "Google Play Store" or "Mac App Store", search for "Synaptic Package Manager" and install it {This is a simple but user friendly way to install programs and libraries] Step 4) Open up the newly installed Synaptic and install the library called "libc6-i386", right-click > Mark of Installation > hit 'Apply'. Step 5) Again from Synaptic: Click on 'Architecture' > select 'arch:i386' > search for "libstdc++6:i386" > right-click > Mark for Installation > it will notify that you also have to install additional packages > choose "Mark" > hit 'Apply'. Step 6) Last step again in Synaptic: Click on 'Architecture' > select 'arch:i386' > this time search for "libfreetype6:i386" > right-click > Mark for Installation > it will again notify that you also have to install additional packages > choose "Mark" > hit 'Apply'. After that you can run the play.sh file and the game should run trouble free.
  10. I test the game on 3 different PC's each without issues, running a different distro: Mint 18.1, Debian 9, Ubuntu 18.04. Have you tried to run the game in a clean prefix? It turns out this issue was due to a bug in WINE that only occurred for CPUs with more than 16 logical processors (the CPU mask format changes and some of the functions couldn't handle the new format): https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45453 The good news is that I was able to work with one of the WINE devs to fix the bug and it was included in the WINE 4.0-rc1 releaseI read that one in the changelog, is 16 Logical processors as in 8 Cores + 8 Threads or 16 Real Cores? On my 1700X it runs fine on all 16, however performance is better if I limit it to the first 8 threads (taskset -c 0-7). I'm planning to update the Wine version when 4.0 is released however there's 1 small problem, from what I read, the PBA patches are having issues as of 3.21.
  11. At the end of my first post there are the links for the correct downloads. Search for the "Download Links" section and download the correct package depending on your graphics card. Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/Vofy61q.png
  12. Can you please upload any screenshots? "there is no such file or directory" can appear for a number of reasons.
  13. The package runs entirely in a portable mode, it doesn't integrate anything into the system (you don't have to use sudo once for the matter). Download the file > extract it somewhere and in terminal run './setup.sh' and it will setup everything automatically. When it says "End of Setup." you can launch the game with './play.sh', if you get stuck somewhere run the './debug.sh' and post the log here. :-)
  14. The archive comes complete with its' own wine, no need to install the one from the repo. You might have to install a few libraries though such as 'libfreetype6:i386'.
  15. You can run the Wine settings for the game using the "wine_settings.sh" > "Graphics" tab > untick "Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows". I tried it on my setup which has 2 screens but it didn't work, whatever option I choose the mouse is still locked to the game. I've been able to get by with normal Windowed mode, I browse a lot while playing. You was using Debian 9 on that same system? Try turning off the Compositor, sorry can't be of much help, I'm not very familiar with Solus.
  16. Thanks for letting us know. The team is aware of this issue and is working on a fix for it. Great Gaile, if it is the same one I saw it comes up once and never again. I am guessing a tie to some 32 bit thing somehow.Unless I'm mistaken, the main game is 64bit but the launcher still uses some 32bit components.
  17. If it has any adjustable DPI you may want to play around with that to begin with. I have a mouse which came as part of a kb+mouse set and on its' highest setting it's great for my dual screen setup but uncomfortable for GW2. Eventually I found a middle ground and haven't looked back. Quick Edit: A quick google search returned this thread: https://askubuntu.com/questions/205676/how-to-change-mouse-speed-sensitivity What you can do is add a command line that changes the mouse settings before the game opens, and another command to revert them when you close it. If you find the right settings I can help you integrate it into the GW2 launch script :) EDIT 2: I dug a bit around that link I pasted above and managed to automatically slow down the mouse when opening the game, and speeding it back to normal when I close it, unfortunately I don't know how to make it switch dynamically in case of alt tabbing, so as long as the game is running it will be in effect across the entire system. In case you want to try it out here's what I did (in terminal): 1) Determining your mouse id: 'xinput --list' (unless you have over 9000 usb devices plugged in, you should recognize the mouse id fairly easy) in my case it was id=92) Listing the mouse properties: 'xinput --list-props 9' (as above, 9 represents the mouse id number).3) What we're looking for is "Device Accel Constant Deceleration", next to it will have a number, in my case it's 274 which represents the function's number and 1.000000 is the sensitivity it's currently set to.4) To slow it down type: 'xinput --set-prop 9 274 5.0' . This basically tells the mouse with id=9 to set function 274 (which represents movement speed) to 5.0 (the higher the number the slower the mouse moves). The change takes effect as soon as you hit enter, play around with the value and If you think this method will help you, let me know and I will guide you to integrate it at game launch. :)
  18. I think you answered your own question there :) I think you'd have better ping on Linux than on Windows as it doesn't have a bunch of background processes that could access the network (including system updates).
  19. Ha, ok, so... I went to check the driver version, and turns out it was using Nouveau instead of the Nvidia one by default. I feel pretty silly, but it seems to work great now. Thank you very much! Unfortunately Nouveau is not in good shape for gaming, especially with newer GPU's. Great job on getting it solved :)
  20. Can you please share some info about your system, mainly distro version (Ubuntu 18.04, Mint 19...etc), GPU type and driver version. I get similar messages if I run the game in terminal too but it works fine, so far your log looks fine.
  21. Something I'd like to share which might help with performance: For those who have lots of cores/threads it might help if you manage the workload a bit manually. On my Ryzen 1700X for example I set GW2 to run on threads 1-8 which provides better performance than if I let it run on all 16. Secondly I use a dual screen setup where on the second one I keep my browser open all the time, most of the time it doesn't affect game performance, however if I play a Youtube video or watch a movie, game performance would sometimes degrade because CPU power is being utilized for a different task, as such limiting the browser to 3 other threads unused by the game eliminated the problem. You are of course not required to do this for every program, just the ones you think will use CPU power. To control how many or which cores a program can use you can do this by running the 'taskset' command, for example if you want a program to use only the first 2 cores it would be "taskset -c 0-1 name_of_program" (core count starts from 0 not 1). :)
  22. Thanks for confirming that this package actually solves the issue, I will add it to troubleshooting list :) Can you please post your system specs? I'm finding it odd that you're getting such low fps. On one of my low systems with a G4560 and GT1030 the game is very playable with a mix of medium-high settings at 720p, in LA it's able to reach 35-50 depending on the area and 50+ in most other areas (outside of large group events). I was at the bank in LA when I logged in then logged out and back in via Windows. I am on a Nvme+SSD, Ryzen 5 1600, 16 gigs of ram, 1060 GTX 6GB. edit: Let me add this is 1920x1200 in Windows and Linux and on Windows I have a few settings cranked up but in Linux those 8-15fps was at max performance mode so Windows was actually way better in FPS and visual quality at those FPS.Only scenario I can think of that would produce such results would be when using the open source Nvidia drivers.
  23. Thanks for confirming that this package actually solves the issue, I will add it to troubleshooting list :) Can you please post your system specs? I'm finding it odd that you're getting such low fps. On one of my low systems with a G4560 and GT1030 the game is very playable with a mix of medium-high settings at 720p, in LA it's able to reach 35-50 depending on the area and 50+ in most other areas (outside of large group events).
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