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Everything posted by Ghost.7032

  1. Use reflect. As core guard I am high dps but use reflect. By doing this succesfully Mag was killing them selfs while I was standing and doing nothing.😆
  2. Sadly I have to repeat myself but stop asking it. If you wish for a balance. There are tons of classes that can be boonstrip/dps and vulnerability stack same time in your build. Sadly 80% follows meta and probally cant figure out anything else. All you have the do is have atleast each party squad 1 or maybe 2 heavy boonstrip/dps. Stealth. If you have that believe me the enemy backline will melt down or few of them. I won't say you will win the fight but then you need to figure out how sample fight choke points or pessure them always depends on the sistution of the fight. The reason why old wvw days was so succesful is cause a lot got changed but there was also hardcore fight guilds fight fast, smart, training and even make none meta builds and didnt even had arc dps meters.. Want nasty front, range boonstrip dps class? Try virtuoso. Want the build? Teach yourself the class, read the traits and you will for sure figure it out instead of following easy mode way by meta's...
  3. Lol. I am from IoJ current paired with Mag. I am leader from SoL and we raid during ocx and sea time. We fought and faced vs 50+ or 60+ blobs. While we had 25+ and a bit random pugs. We love hard changelles and outnumbert. The funny part was when the blob was hiding in the keep with probally 10+ AC, cannons and mortars and only wanted to fight in siege fight. Either they don't know how to fight. But yet i am not complaining. It was hard but good experience cause we capped the keep anyway and farmed them a lot. The thing is.. people needs to learn how to deal with in fights or extreem moments just like old days. I remember back then we were fighting outnumbert like almost 2 years but i loved! We learned a lot and we wouldn't be what and how we are right now cause of that. I love Mag cause they don't back down from anything. I guess other servers should start the do the same instead of asking nerfs or easy ways.
  4. In the name of ex Red Guard member and System Of Law we send you our condolences. Some of us have ran with him and also fought against him.One of the top commander I've seen in fights. I am sorry to hear that another legend is gone. He will be missed. May hes soul rest in peace. Respects from SoL team
  5. After 9 years of playing and commanding I took 1 year break cause my personal life has changed. I had an amazing guild where i was proud guild leader but sadly had to disband it cause of my personal life. Now i come back but only when I can cause of my schedule. What am I looking for? A guild that wants teamwork, willing to play classas what we need in bad situations.Communication is the key for more succesful fights plus it takes the weight away from everyones shoulder. I am not intrested for running blob guild, only max 25+ regular 15+ even 10+ is perfect. The changelle is a lot more fun to fight the double size then us. For communication Discord always recommand. What can I offer as a commander? I can teach you from unexperienced to experienced WvW member, teach you teamwork, fights, classes, hardcore fights, havoc, roaming even pvp.My responsable is to keep you alive long as possible and fun.If we lose a fight, we figure out as a team how and what we need. I always can learn aswell. No fights? No worries, necro raid or other plenty ways to make it fun. If you have any questions let me know. Regards
  6. Hey Boris! Long time no see it has been a long time. I am glad that your still playing gw2.We are also excited and trilled to be back. We will be focusing again for hard fights as the old days. Same style as RG and TA. I will let you know when the trainings comes up. I will send you aswell the discord link. Glad to have you back with us!
  7. Sounds good,I will send you a message with the discord link so you can reach out and in case if you have any questions.
  8. EU guild System Of Law (SoL) is recruiting! After a long break we decided to come back.Most of us are ex hardcore fight members such as GD, RG, TA and more....Currently we are on Yaks Bend (NA) server. What are we looking for? We are looking for eu members or NA members that are willing to raid during eu time.For those who dont have any experience yet in fight guilds and are willing to join will be trained by our well skilled commanders in trainings. Contact our guild leader in game about server transfering Requierments: You need to be +18 Willing to fight outnumbert. Be respectful. Atleast must have 1 support class and - 1 dps class the rest can be random classes. Teamwork highly recommand if you chase enemies or do your own thing during raids you'll be kicked out. Only english Flexable change class if need it in worst situations. What can we offer for you? You will be trained by well skilled fight commanders, tips, advise and different play styles such as roaming and havoc.Also builds can be asked by our commanders if you need help to set one up and to train it. Otherwise feel free which one is comfortable for yourself. Access to materials you need to upgrade your armor or wepeons in our guild bank.Acces siege only for commanders if you wish to become one. Whats our goal? Samething as we always have done. Fight outnumbert, to changelle us self that others can or say impossible. Go nuts and have fun.Nothing is impossible. Raid days and timezone will be private spoken in the guild. Contact Guild leader:Ghost.7032 Greetings
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