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Everything posted by Umut.5471

  1. I find Soul Grasp's siphon healing useful in open world, at least you can use the full potential of that skill in PvE. But the healing effect needs to be buffed a bit. And having a 5-target bounce on it would be better. But Spinal Shivers always hits the lowest damage possible in PvE due to no boons on 99% of mobs, also the boon strip feature goes wasted/unusable. Maybe it should inflict some random conditions if the target doesn't have boons and increase the damage to remove boon scaling? (in PvE only)
  2. I have a small QoL suggestion. I think you need to add a quantity selector that goes up to the maximum amount/remaining quota of that item you can buy with your Astral Acclaim in the Astral Rewards shop. Buying one at a time or 5x is sometimes slow.
  3. Hello everyone, Since most mobs don't have boons on them, (especially older PvE expansions/core maps etc.) the Focus 5th skill can't be used to its full potential in PvE. This skill's damage scales with the enemy's boons, and it removes boons, which is mostly useless in a PvE scenario. Can we please have a Focus rework as a PvE-specific change? I need an alternative 1200 range off-hand weapon for my Power build, 4th skill does ok IMO. Also, the Focus 2nd Gen Legendary fits the Necromancer class very well, I won't lie.
  4. Hello, I've completed the 250 rift energy step to charge Runestone of Suffusion, but it got lost out of nowhere. Do we lose captured rift energy stacks somehow, like over time? How do those blue objective charges work? Is there a way to lose them?
  5. It's nowhere near the raid armor, doesn't look legendary at all. I have some gem store outfits that look more legendary than this. They should've added animated parts and those glowy parts should have been blended better. Also, light armor is always meh, it won't suit my necro at all. If they add a T3 with different choices that completely change its mesh, it will be better. At least add a cool aura or something unique like the WvW legendary chest piece.
  6. Do you use Griffon and its attack ability? This bug happens to me this way.
  7. This issue happens 25-30% of the time for me. After you dive and attack using the griffon mount ability, it makes the camera act weird like locking to the player and having slight roll-axis angle issues. To fix that, you need to mount griffon and use that ability again. I think it changes the camera mode while doing this ability, then switches back to the normal camera mode, but sometimes it doesn't switch back to the normal camera and you are left with this griffon camera.
  8. Hello, I think, like T3 legendary weapons, we should have different options to upgrade our legendary armor. For example, the current T1 light set doesn't quite fit a Necromancer, but with an upgrade with Zhaitan or Dhuum theme + effect/animations, we may get the dream legendary armor we want. Mesmers may wish to have a Lyssa-themed legendary armor etc. In my opinion, every weight class Obsidian armor should have upgrades that cater to their fitting classes. Or at least they can be done like T3 weapons which used dragon magic/elements. Yeah, the best feature of the legendary armor is swapping stats on demand, but I'm interested in a visual trophy as well, I'm sure many people also look for visuals as well. The T1 version looks too generic to be a legendary set.
  9. I really hope that the second tier gets better visuals with some effects and animations.
  10. I am disappointed with this as well. I expected animated stuff, I wouldn't even use these without transmutation or an outfit. Looks so generic. I was looking for some visual trophy as well after all that Kryptis rift and meta grind. They definitely need rework.
  11. Jade Tech Offensive/Defensive Charge buffs should persist on home and guild hall instances. I understand that they get cleared on mission instances and dungeons etc. but they aren't usable in home or guild hall instances so there's no reason to clear them. Going to those instances clears your buffs and makes you go back to Cantha and restack them. Maybe make stacking them or getting battery charges easier as well.
  12. Skyscale fireball indicator needs rework to be more visible.
  13. We should have storage for Relics (maybe also Runes, and Sigils). With SOTO expansion, we are getting rewarded many unique relics and they all waste a slot. They are designed like collectibles but take valuable item slots in inventory.
  14. There should be Jade Tech Offensive/Defensive Protocol nodes on the map since it's a part of Cantha.
  15. Hmm I didn't know necro even got to PvE meta. I wrote that because when I stopped playing for a while, necromancers were being bullied in Raids. They were saying don't play necro, play a meta DPS class etc. But then I would recommend separating instanced content and open-world PvE to balance things. Epidemic should work like it used to in open world while being nerfed in other content.
  16. I returned after a long break, they just killed my beloved necro 😞 Epidemic was the only fun of me in open-world PvE. Was this nerf really needed? I mean we already played like that for 9+ years and it wasn't breaking anything in PvE. 50% duration nerf already killed it... Shroud damage nerfs are also another problem. Necro wasn't meta at all in PvE, why do you keep nerfing necro?
  17. Hello, As you know, we are going through a season of global economic difficulties. I live in Turkey and I'm feeling that with 10x multiplier. I have been playing this game since its release, yet it became difficult to buy the new expansion or gem store items. Can you please offer regional pricing for countries with bad economies? Almost 90% of the games on steam does this, maybe you can offer this with steam release as well. (Though it may not affect old players who play the standalone version)
  18. Can we have Primal Spirit jackal skin back please? It's been long time since its last sale.
  19. I did this as well but it's not limited to these people. More and more people started doing this.A simple mechanic addition can prevent this without hurting anyone. Like I suggested in the first post, a mob or triggered event can clear or teleportAFKers staying at event spawn areas for a prolonged time.
  20. Masteries should bring global benefits on all maps IMO. I personally don't like the concept of map-specific or region-specific masteries.For example, it would be very fun to have Bloodstone Fen's glider attacks on other maps.
  21. These guys are afk-farming the supply caravan event by staying at this spot everyday. As I observed some of them are using bots/macros to automate the autoattack, some of them just use necro minions.Thus, when the event mobs spawn on them, they hit some of them and get participation from every Vloxen mine supply caravan by doing nothing.I have hidden their names by hiding the UI because it may be against forum rules. My suggestion: These events are very open to this kind of abuse, a powerful legendary mob can spawn around and attack&kill people who stay in the same spot for prolonged periods then disappear.
  22. I'm writing from the perspective of a PvE Necromancer.Staff is actually a mediocre weapon for some PvE builds. I'm using a Viper hybrid CDPS/condition transfer build and the 4th skill allows me to do about the same DPS compared to a Greatsword. I sometimes change my Greatsword with Staff depending on range, I made presets for them.It's not good enough tho, auto-attack projectile needs to have a better velocity. The staff had some bleeding stack nerfs in the past, they should be reverted at least for PvE aspect. I personally don't care about DPS in open world because Necro has other perks like tankiness and survivability. If you don't die or go into downed state, you deal more damage eventually and solo most of the group events. Same for fractals. But if you wanna join Raids, then you can't satisfy perfectionist people there. There should be a Raw DPS build/option for Necromancers comparable to other classes to be useful in Raids. (ofc. by sacrificing something) We had Epidemic Necros in raids but they instantly got nerfed.
  23. Doing the first mission of PoF gives you a Raptor. It's not a big problem IMO. But a basic Raptor rental (without masteries ofc) wouldn't disrupt the game either. For more advanced mounts I would say no because players need to work for them, this makes you hyped to unlock new masteries and mounts and gives you a goal to reach. I'm ok with a basic raptor rental or something like it for new players.
  24. It's really annoying during fights in "Bjora Marches" (EU Server) and It doesn't only happen during meta events, the lag is constant on this map. Sometimes it lags for 2 sec and you get hit for massive damage after the lag and it makes you die or leaves you in a hard position. This is not normal. I took a break for several months and returned to the game, there was no problem like that before. I haven't tested other maps because I'm focusing on LS5 but Drizzlewood seems ok compared to Bjora Marches. I've seen people complaining about Thunderhead Peaks as well. This should be a top priority issue to fix at this point.
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