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Everything posted by Astrolicus.3716

  1. yeah this, i hope they find a way or compromise to allow us to link/un-link our existing ArenaNet account and our Steam account... other games allow it (like PoE), so i hope ArenaNet finds a way to make it work. Even Destiny 2 allows it via cross-save, Bungie allowed us link our console account to Steam and transfer our characters
  2. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1284210/Guild_Wars_2/ Official Steam page!
  3. Good news, but find a way to allow us to transfer our character to Steam. So we basically have to start from 0 once we play the Steam version? Some of us have 3, 5, or 8 years old accounts here.
  4. I created Frostfang in 2017 because I have a pretty bad obsession with ice-themed things, I like it, but I must say that the arm's effect is quite horrible. It is literally a block of ice stuck in your arm, other legendary weapons have awesome arm effects. I'm quite disappointed with Frostfang's. (The worst part is that this falls into the category of "aura".) Do you know what would be great? If Frostfang literally turns your entire arm into ice, not covered in ice, turn it into ice.
  5. *Eternal Battlegrounds: fixed assorted environment issues around Stonemist Castle. They fixed it today, and I'm sad. I know people could jump inner with warclaw, but I was glad to see just a small update to Stonemist Castle. I wouldn't mind if they change the wall again, but this time they add fences so people don't try it again. My example:(imagen taken from a video I found on YT) But I'm not talking about a small fence, they could add a really, really tall fence so that nobody can jump inside again.
  6. Eternal Battlegrounds: Fixed assorted environment issues around Stonemist Castle. They fixed it today, and I'm sad. I know people could jump inner with warclaw, but I was glad to see just a small update to Stonemist Castle. I wouldn't mind if they change the wall again, but this time they add fences so people don't try it again. They should have added fences instead
  7. Imagine being so salty and complaining when we're just in episode 1, just wait until later this season, then judge. It is extremely early to judge LWS5 at this point. We are literally in episode 1
  8. I can't take this seriously, people complain just because they update the UI and the icon. ??
  9. What is "Boneskinner?" I keep seeing this word but can't find info. What did I miss? It is an image that they revealed on Icebrood Saga reveal, it will be part of the story!
  10. I would be surprised if we get the trailer tomorrow. It could also be November 12, but why wait until November 12? Give us the trailer to hype people so people stop crying about build templates.
  11. This package is only available in December, but I miss it every December since 2017. I don't want to wait until Wintersday just for this, please. I always wanted to buy it, I finally got the gems for it. I know there is a topic for this, but people publish very often, my comment is lost among the rest of the comments.
  12. Please bring back Cozy Wintersday Mounts Pack. I don't want to wait until December, please
  13. No. I mean they should have announced Icebrood directly on YouTube instead of renting a theater and making people move there, the announcement should have been directly on YouTube.
  14. Do you realize how stupid it is to rent a theater just to announce Icebrood? Why didn't you announced Icebrood through YouTube? Just as you did with Path of Fire. Probably a lot of people who showed up in person were expecting something really amazing, you could have avoided all this just by streaming on YouTube instead renting a whole theater. Also. I'm not disappointed, I'm glad we will visit Far Shiverpeaks. I am disappointed that you missed new elite specifications. You just have no idea how much I truly want Longbow for Necromancer with all my life and I thought I would get it this time. Next time, ArenNet, whatever you're going to announce after season 5. Please do it only on YouTube.
  15. I see someone moved all the comments from my Ice Throne post to this post.
  16. Please bring back Cryomancer Glider. Just the glider. I want it so badly
  17. Can you please bring the Cozy mount skins back? I always miss it every December. I want to buy those skin games for my ice king themed character.
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