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Everything posted by Ves.8236

  1. All I want is to just be able to choose skills for my pet, cause now only a few pets are even playable, and I just wanna choose the pet I like and play with it 🙂 There are so many pets that I don't think people in PvP remember them all and what they do, so I am not buying to the issue of competitive playing. Also, we could just make the skins unchangeable in PvP and WvW. But for PvE? Cmn 😉
  2. I think we all want it - to be just able to customize our Mech, Turrets, and pets/minions. I am sure ArenaNet have heard our prayers, so the reason that we haven't got it yet must be due to implementation problems. Perhaps it's even impossible to implement? Maybe there is no way we could customize it? Or maybe... They could add Juvenile Mech in the future, so it works like in Ranger? You can collect your mech 😉 I believe ArenaNet is one of the few that truly listen to their player base, so if they are silent about this - there must be a good reason behind it.
  3. Well... Hi guys! I see that GW2 community is most of the time polite, nice and helpfull. Because of that I wanted to ask you great people for something diffrent than items - could you spend a moment of your precious time and write something nice to me? Even something short. Im curently in a process of healing from depression, and I could really use some words of courage and inspiration :smile: Peace! P.S. Hope im not breaking any rules? :open_mouth: Edit:This... is... just amaizing! You people are such lovely caring souls! This community is just a precious gem, and im so greatfull for all the love you shared with me :) I will respond to all of you, just give me some time :) This is all so emotional, and great, and cheerfull, and I feel like im not alone here anymore. Thank you all for that <3 Edit 2:It warms my heart that you are still writing to me, and im so greatfull for all support im getting from you all <3 Im going to print all the sweet words I got and hang it on the wall to remind me that you care <3 Edit 3:Thank you once more for all support I got! It was wonderfull :) I wanted to let you know that im on my way to recover, and that its getting better everyday :)
  4. Maybe they could also make Springer mount into golem for Asuras :3
  5. You have such calm voice :) Me and my partner like to watch your videos while eating breakfast ^^
  6. In the game, where everything is about look - im suprised, that we can't get it from playing. Just playing. Not crazy farming for gold, to buy gems, to buy it from tp... Like Naxian.9823 summed up: 0 skins from doing stuff in game. It would be awesome to have some dungeon related skins obtainable by some new achievements or something like that.
  7. I don't like that way to obtain skins as well. I would love to see some in-game random drop, but random skin for 400 gems? Well... That's just awful. Let us at last choose with type of mount we want random skin for.
  8. More hair options for Asura - something simple, minimalistic, not as weird as some of the added options. Dread's with scarf are my favorite now, but I would love to see more of that. Also we need more mature faces for Asuras - not cute, no weird big eyes, something that allow you to make tough looking bad-ass. And finally, we need more ear options - I wish we could use male ears with scars on females too. Hood for all proffesions, but with visible ears, and kinda NORMAL hood - not with mask, not with weird eyes, or not filled with black. Just a normal looking hood. Maybe with hairs? More lore friendly gliders :)
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