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Everything posted by nia.4725

  1. Exactly! See, nobody else seems to get it, that is exactly why an easy mode is needed, because the current version alone can't possibly cut it for most players. Do you think raiders have been born with the skill required to raid? No, we were casual mortals with no idea of what a rotation is. And yet we did it! So why can't everyone else? It's just an effort. Do the effort and you'll be able to raid. You don't need an easy mode, just do a friggin effort. I started raiding a year ago and you know that? I was a terrible player, I died 3958903579 times trying to play tempest, my dps was absolute crap and I struggled trying to do my rotation. But, wow, I actually tried, and kept trying, and even though I can't play everything and I'm fairly bad at some classes, I full clear and I am able to play a lot of roles and professions. Ifull clear every week. If I didn't need an easy mode, why do you? Believe in yourself and try. I swear, I am not a very skilled player, I'm nowhere near a pro, I just persevered.
  2. The thing is that you won't be able to kill a raid boss without a proper rotation. Raid bosses can't be killed pressing whatever buttons. Try to go to a raid boss with 10 people who won't do a rotation: you'll fail miserably. And I can assure you that once you've done your rotation many times you have it so internalized that you don't think about it -you just execute it. And then raids are very chill, if you have a decent group. Raids are end-game content, they're supposed to be the most challenging content ingame. That means they can't be cheesed, they are supposed to be difficult. They are supposed to require an special effort in order to beat them. Not just going there with whatever and doing whatever. If you want to kill the boss you need to play as good as you can. If you aren't willing to do that, I'm afraid raids are not for you. Every game mode has its own things and "effort requirements". Just as you can't go to WvW with greens and whatever stats if you want to succeed, you can't go to raids without a decent rotation. A lot of raid bosses are already easy/normal. You don't even need a rotation to do W3 Escort, maybe not even W2 Trio. I'm not trying to be rude or aggressive here, just trying to show my point: raids are supposed to be challenging and require an effort, It's part of their essence, it shouldn't be removed of them or else they will stop being what they are supposed to be -challenging, end-game content.
  3. Raids are meant to be difficult and challenging. What's the point in making easy peasy versions of bosses so that people can learn? You are meant to learn the real boss directly, no matter how much time it takes. If you really want to raid you'll do it, it's not difficult nor it takes an insane amount of time. What's the problem with struggling a little until you finally learn and improve enough to get the kill? We all have been there, where raids were difficult and the boss didn't get killed, and it was frustrating wiping and wiping and wiping. But we kept trying, and practising, and we ended up killing it. I'm an average player, I'd say. I need more time than other people to learn to do something. I'm not especially good at the mechanical side of raids. So every time a new boss is introduced I struggle a little more than everyone else in my squad until I fully understand how it works and what I need to do. Yet here I am, I full clear every week (620LI right now). What I mean to say with this is that raids are perfectly doable, you don't need to be super good at this game. You just need to persevere. Raids aren't for people not willing to practice or improve. But everyone can raid. It's true that in can be difficult to start, with all those LI requirements and such, but it's doable. There are training guilds, lots of guides, you can make your own squad or join pug training groups. A lot of experienced players join them because they want to help. What we don't like, at all, is to join a practice group just because we want to help and then realise than some people have not even made the effort to read a stupid guide about how the boss works. We even have "easy" raid encounters perfect for new players. W3 Escort, W4 Cairn and Mursaat (not saying W2 Trio since it's locked behind Slothasor) are good to start learning how raids work, so I don't think we need an easy mode. Start with the most forgiving bosses, then to more difficult ones etc etc. This is what everyone does and it works. Of course when you start raiding you need a lot of time practising the boss until you get the kill. That's how it should be, in my opinion. Then you learn, and improve, and a full clear doesn't take more than 3-4 hours.
  4. I didn't say "WvW as it is", I said "WvW for some people (and guilds)". Please read properly. I understand that WvW needs a change, but I don't think it is a good idea to make a change that kicks out players and guilds, while giving more power to large and dedicated guilds. What I think is that everyone should be able to play WvW, and this won't make that happen. This will leave people alone, and will kill smaller or non-dedicated guilds.
  5. I am afraid this will completely kill WvW for a lot of people (and guilds). Me and a friend are in a guild that does all kinds of content -pvp,pve,wvw-. Even though that guild is not dedicated to WvW, it is very active there. I'm more a casual wvw player, only participating there with that guild because I do not have the time to dedicate enough time to WvW to be in a WvW only guild. My friend, however, has a WvW guild and plays with both guilds actively. One is his WvW guild, the other is his main guild in general. With this changes, won't he be able to play with both guilds if they don't end up in the same world? Will I be able to play with him? I'm afraid that not only this will prevent a lot of people (like me) from playing with friends who happen to have a WvW guild, but also it will kill WvW for those non-WvW-dedicated guilds that are active in that mode. Because, let's say, my guild has a group of ~15 people who play WvW together and roam 3 times per week. But that group would be completely screwed with the new changes, because a lot of its members also have WvW guilds and will be forced to choose between those WvW guilds and our general guild, resulting in less people able to play with this general guild. This will end up making impossible to play WvW for casual people like me, unless we accept we will be playing alone. It will magnify the difference between active, experienced people and casual players who still like to WvW and it also will prevent us from mixing and playing together because the active ones will be forced to choose between guilds. It also will kill any guild that includes WvW in their activities, without fully dedicating to it. And the solution to this isn't saying "join the same WvW guild then". Why does he have to choose between guilds, knowing that choosing one could mean he won't be able to play with that other one he's now active with, too.
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