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Prophet of Flames.2783

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  1. So, now that we've all brought the crew back together for one last heist, it would be amiss, no, foul even, of Anet to not give us the content we all desperately want and let the new raid wing be the actual heist. We've done the prep work, we should be allowed to play through the real deal. And there's no current content that can meet the challenge, the excitement, the prestige and difficulty level that robbing the Black Lion Vaults has to offer. This is the true endgame content and you all know it. If Anet wasn't already working on this being the new raid wing, let them know in this post how much the people need it to be.
  2. Which is exactly why I ask him why that line is included to try to make his point, as it doesn't support his point. So he is talking about story because he included this example.
  3. I have written for the creative industry for many years, you don't have to explain this to me. The point is the 'every time you do the story' part, like it's somehow an argument in his case that it happens *every time*. But of course it does, it's not going to get different dialogue. It's not supposed to.
  4. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aellin I need to give him the letter for the hidden achievement, but he just isn't in the spot the wiki says he should be in. At first I thought it might be due to Halloween changing Lion's Arch, but now the event has been gone for some weeks and he still isn't on the map for me.
  5. Wait, is your complaint here actually that the story mission has this dialogue every time you do the same mission? Of course it has, it's only got one option, it's a story mission. You're not supposed to repeat it again and again and expect something different.
  6. Yes, I farmed for a good 2-3 hours to then find out you cannot claim this chest afterwards because it runs into a bug 🥲
  7. I had to buy an associated weapon to be able to find the sigil. Everything was checked right in crafting interface, I tooled around with it bunch, even bought a new inscription karma item to see if I could buy the recipe again but it showed as having been learned.
  8. Yes, it's even greyed out in my wiki (when using account API) to show I have unlocked the recipe. (https://imgur.com/a/lyH9sqb) I guess I'll just have to waste 3 gold on one of the weapon recipes and see if that gets me to the inscription.
  9. Yes, I've even checked multiple of the correct crafting Disciplines (Weaponsmith and Artificer). https://imgur.com/a/LjrB5wQ
  10. So I've unlocked the recipe for Ossa's Crusader Inscription (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ossa's_Crusader_Inscription) but it doesn't show up to be crafted in my crafting bench. I have made all the necessary components as well, but I still cannot make it anywhere. Is this a bug? How do I find this?
  11. It's still just as much a problem, regardless of the weekly. As described by me and others, very frequently you do insane amounts of stuff to hold a keep, and you don't get progress. This hurts your regular achievements as well, and it's tough for your weekly if you don't play a ton of WvW in a week because you really have to scrape to get 3 that count if 80% of them do not.
  12. Yes I know you need to do more than repair since the updates. But if whiping 10-15 enemy players, reviving the lord, repairing outer and inner gates and destroying siege doesn't even give you credit for a keep defense, than all we can conclude is there's some tough bugs out there. Not just for keeps but also for towers. While at other times you get defense participation (and achievement progress) for killing a single enemy attacker.
  13. Because obviously there are fine servers out there, I know many myself and from friends. So if you have consistent problems in the current system because of your server, you ought to move. It's not a "single experience". Just start by looking at the 'likes' in this topic and the amount of people who defend this ridiculous beta and the alliance plans. Sure it sucks you initially put your tent up where the swamp was going to be, but now you guys are just refusing to move your tents, instead wanting to replace the entire camping over it. That's just silly.
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