Please no, profession mechanic that makes you move around a tablet the whole time would make me drop this class for good. ventari tablet is the worst part of rev, I'd rework that legend completely, not make the whole profession revolve around it. I think rev is good in concept, like a lot of people I think a full rework would be removing energy costs on weapons, and adding an extra utility skill to each legend so you have some choice. I don't think weapon skills need increased cd's, they're already in line with other proffesion cd's. Having extra utility skills to choose from would help the pvp/pve balance; like assassin stance are all pretty usefull in pvp, where mobility is huge and quickness is rare. But none of the skills increase your dps, which is all that matters in pve, so shiro stance is basically useless there. If you add an extra utility that increases dps so you could replace impossible odds with it for pve content, you could buff power rev back into viability. Dwarf stance and ventari could use full reworks on abilities; dwarf abilites are all random and have no synergy, and the tablet is really unfun to lug around.