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Everything posted by Yerlock.4678

  1. Relic of Curiosity: After using a healing skill, gain a profession specific effect. (Warrior- gain 10 adrenaline, Thief - gain 3 initiative, Mesmer- reduce cd of a random Shatter skill by 7 seconds, Revenant- gain 7% energy, Engineer- reduce cd of a random toolbelt skill by 7 seconds, Necro- gain 10% life force, Ranger- grant your pet quickness for 3 seconds and reset the pet's skill cd by 4 seconds, Elementalist- reduce cd of a random attunement by 7 seconds, Guardian- reduce cd of a random virtue by 7 seconds). Just ideas but would be cool if a relic could directly do something to the class mechanic as opposed to just a general positive thing.
  2. All in title. We need rifle qol improvements to improve the jank. Y’all did it with spear so you can definitely do it with rifle.
  3. 2 QoL requests, not even technically buffs: -Rifle Warrior needs more QoL in the same way yall gave it to spear. Doesn’t need better damage just the Qol still feels jank. This is abysmal feeling and is causing hardly anyone still to play rifle in pvp. -“To The Limit” getting love is great, but please do something about the after cast, it’s annoying especially in competitive. As a bonus: Berzerker’s spear primal burst is hitting like a wet noodle in pvp, idk if that’s intended
  4. Freecasting, no duelist/roamer roles, no team dynamics. No thanks.
  5. I can’t enjoy it without duelists being a thing. Team fights are fun but not having the duels is just a hard pass for me.
  6. Just Curious, war got slammed hard.
  7. Edit after playing it: It's what I feared. Team fight brawls with hardly any room for duelists/roamers. Thanks, but no. Also the freecasting from ranged players is ungodly and so unfun to deal with. You might as well end the match 30 seconds after it starts cuz you usually know who's gonna win by then. This is a hard pass for me unless the side objectives become enticing enough to make duelists/roamers useful and a thing. Seeing your pugs on your team die with literally nothing you can do about it unless you're a support is just the most unfun thing to deal with in the world. Cuz it means you know the match is hopeless and it's gg. Secondary objectives allow a game mode like this to give veterans and good players a chance to shine and have carry potential. Right now the best way to carry is either being a diehard support, or more likely be a freecasting gunflame zerker or DE or Ranger in the back to wrack up kills. Tbh I actually really hate this mode but I see why it's being made. But by not giving sidenoders/roamers enough love, it's dead on arrival for me I'm afraid. Hope some changes to help out with that come up in the future, along with some ways to mitigate freecasters.
  8. we had that it's called team deathmatch. It's a terrible mode cuz good players can kite around the map if there's no objective to focus on and never die.
  9. First impression is it looks like good fun, my only worry is bunker boon balls ruining it. Or premade teams still steamrolling newer players and still making them want to uninstall. Keep in mind that many pvp mains have been playing this mode for a very long time and the skill gap is very apparent. Edit: Just making sure secondary objectives are tempting enough to pull away roamers and duelist types, but not so strong that they force the teamfight there. And not worthless enough to where they're ignored. Also the node being that small might be fun to kite around to not get the debuff, but newer players won't have this intuition at first. So maybe making the node larger so that the debuff is felt more generally in the teamfight? Idk yet though will have to play it. Additionally, I'd watch out for ranged high burst builds, as they'd be able to shred people on the node without getting debuffs. (Power buff+ people contesting the node and having debuff= One shot ranged builds having a field day). Look, any love in the pvp world I will absolutely praise, even if it's messy or not working at first ❤️ I Just find it odd that instead of fixing a mode that already exists and has a lot of potential (Stronghold), you guys decide to make an entirely new mode. Couldn't you kill two birds with one stone here? Why not reform Stronghold so that it's more fun and more new player friendly? You can bump up that 10% number, those are rookie numbers in this bracket. You could turn Stronghold into one lane, make minions automatically spawn, no more getting supplies, reduce the healing effectiveness to npcs so they can't steamroll gates, make walls get slightly damaged from players if they attack them, and put some powerful tower mechanic on the gates or walls so that players have to use minions as cover to attack unless they want to take more damage. Voila, you have a more fun more simplified and faster Stronghold mode! Why not beta test this stuff that has already had most of the work done for you?? Get our feedback then keep updating it until Stronghold goes from 10% of play to freaking 40-50%.
  10. Spear is particularly dominant in pvp/wvw at the moment. While some skills will get some reduced damage, Wild Throw actually will get a damage increase to help power Berserkers feel more adequate with spear while in Berserk mode. Spearmarshall's Support- Reduce damage. (7%) Disrupting Throw- Slightly reduce damage. (3-4%) Mighty Throw- Very slightly reduce damage. (2-3%) Wild Throw (Berzerker)- Damage increase. (7%) Spellbreaker: Full Counter is an extremely useful skill to have in pvp and wvw. While the theme of Spellbreaker removing boons with an interrupt is an intended thing, it can be frustrating to encounter frequent longer lasting interrupts during fights. Therefore the daze duration is getting a decrease. Additionally, No Escape is getting a slight decrease to it's duration to match this change. A bug fix to the cooldown of Full Counter will also help keep it in check. Dispelling Force will now have a 1 second internal cooldown to make sure rapid cc successions don't become too oppressive when it comes to boon removal. Along with some other buffs to Spb skills, this will allow Spb's to need to invest more in boon removal without it feeling too free, while still feeling that boon removal is a strong part of being a Spb. Full Counter- Daze duration reduced from 1 1/2 seconds to 3/4 a second. Fixed a bug that caused the cooldown of Full Counter to be shorter than intended. No Escape- Decreased duration from 1 second to 3/4 a second. Dispelling Force- Now has an internal cooldown of 1 second. Other underutilized Spb skills are also getting some love to keep Spb relevant and a viable option for pvp/wvw. Winds of Disenchantment- This skill now follows the player upon being activated. Break Enchantments- Now does 499 damage in pvp only. Featherfoot Grace- Additionally grants Resolution for 4 seconds. Imminent Threat- Increased radius to 350. Decreased cooldown to 30 seconds. Sight Beyond Sight- Now allows the next 5 hits to be critical hits. Grants the user Resistance for 4 seconds. Natural Healing- Removed aftercast. Now heals for an additional small amount for every boon and conditioned removed. Bladestorm- Increased damage (7%). Increased barrier gained from 289 to 330. Revenge Counter- Provides Resolution in addition to Resistance for 4 seconds. Slow Counter- Additionally grants Torment for 3 seconds. Enchantment Collapse- Increased radius from 240 to 350 in pvp only.
  11. This game has so many combat mechanics and systems, and with more and more weapons/relics/amulets coming out we are in dire need for more balance updates. This could open up the diversity options for pvp and let people choose a variety of good builds. Inaction is still a choice Anet! The more new weapons, traits, relics, runes, sigils, amulets etc are added to the game the more this mode will need more balance updates to maintain healthier metas! This is not even considering the older specs/weapons/core classes that have been neglected!
  12. Thanks I agree. Core specs other than core guard are usually awful or not up to par. Giving new players a taste so they can choose which spec they like would go a long way. Hell even a trial of the specs would be nice. Something to entice new players and show them how fun the especs are.
  13. Oh I said monologue because it's mostly npc's waxing poetic as opposed to the main character.
  14. I wanted to take a nap many times, show don't tell. At least let it be skippable.
  15. Reload- reloads your other skills when your 5 skill is not in range. Make the f1 movable while using, or reduce cast time to 3/4 a second. Slightly speed up the 2 skill. It’s too sluggish compared to something like Rapid Fire. Bonus: Make the the 3 skill a shotgun cone blast.
  16. Bump. Bladesworn needs reworks and animation cleanups.
  17. Snap to target makes the f1 already guaranteed unless they dodge.
  18. Yeah but the hitbox isn't that great considering how crazy fast the flow of combat is in pvp. If the line was only a smidge more forgiving I wouldn't have this complaint. Also we have snap to target in this game, so "skill aiming" is pretty much not a thing. And when it is, like it is here, it's a nuisance. I think it's lame having a game basically admitting that skill aiming doesn't matter then caring all the sudden. Breaks their precedent. Let's not pretend you have to aim things in this game at all because for literally almost every damaging skill that's not the case. This ain't CS2.
  19. Spearmarshal's Support is hitting people for 10k
  20. In competitive modes when timing is critical this skill really is tedious to aim, can it just be shot normally without using the line thing to aim? Or at least let snap to target work for it because this game gave up on skill aiming a long time ago. Why suddenly bring it in here with one skill?? Other than that, great improvements to this weapon! Great job
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