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Everything posted by Yerlock.4678

  1. The pushback of pistol considering the awful range makes it a hard option to swallow, especially considering shield or war horn. While I love the idea of a Bloodborne style toon who can blow up people at close range, it still feels like I’m being pushed back on a skating rink when I use the 5 ability. Either the range of the skill needs to be increased, or the the pushback with more shots of ammo needs to be less, or both.
  2. This game's matchmaker is trash because in part the population of pvp is about the size of three high schools combined. Combine Ranked and Unranked and use the ranking system from Ranked that we already have (with badges, leaderboards etc) because right now ranked is full of win traders who have to get toxic to beat the trash mmr that is DESIGNED to try to make you lose if you're doing too well. The problem with ranked is the mmr quality is terrible and can't be taken seriously. After they're combined we can have 5 man ques with better quality mmr so teams that want to have fun can mess around in lower league's and try hards can try hard with out wanting to cheat the system. Am I taking crazy pills? Seems like this change is a no brainer.
  3. Supports are suppose to help in the fights mostly. If it looks like a big nerf to them and they are terrible then buff their other abilities to compensate. It’s just an act of balancing after the change.
  4. True we should have a no downstate trial period of a week or so and see how that goes. I bet everyone would love it. It’s why Sword of Reaping feels great cuz It makes kills count! And it’s one of the reason a lot of people vote coliseum.
  5. Also less time being annoyed waiting for respawn lol
  6. Everyone would benefit. Every other pvp game laughs at this one for still having downstate and it’s a shame cuz the combat loop is great- near perfect. Start by gutting the HP of downstate. It’ll encourage faster reflexes on annoying rez mechanics that people have always complained about. Just get it done it’s holding this whole game mode back
  7. Ofc it’s tactics bs cuz tactics because anet is obsessed with support tactics builds instead of fixing outdated traits/skills from 2014
  8. A variation on shoutsworn in PvP I crafted. Let me know your thoughts. In my opinion it's meta material http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKgAc6lJwuYhMMmLOeTtRVA-zZILjGLgMTAZHA
  9. Banners are trash now. And even before we were all called banner slaves for using them. The meme and bullying has gone on long enough. Make banners busto. put down banner gives perma swiftness. And original stat buff pre nerf skill 1: auto attack 2: extra stack of stat buff for 8 seconds 3: quickness 4 seconds (5 second cd) 4: a rush ability exactly the same as rush on GS without the attack (1200 range) 5: aoe breakstun. Gives group 1 second of stab. 25 second cd. With elite banner it’s the same idea but more busted. Full banners allow you to use the abilities back to back on different banners or let your team grab one to be offhand support also. it’s now godlike and everyone’s begging for warriors. Warrior controls all the ethersphere and dominates wvw/pve and maybe some pvp .
  10. Banners are so strong we all should play only with banners, just remove weapons entirely we don’t really need them. Just hold the banner and move around with the group to give a couple seconds of quickness and maybe swiftness. Will be doing plenty of support with our one stack of might every 3 seconds giving the group lots of help with that, no need to worry. And with the arms trait we should be completely fine. Arms gives us extra precision anyway, do you guys not have phones? I think the quickness uptime is too high, it almost makes me think of Harbinger and Harbinger is scary. I don’t wanna think about his passive perma quickness given through one trait. I think for us submissive warriors we must invest every trait line and every skill and have diviners gear to have Perma quickness. Actually not even Perma it would be 40% up time if we pretend and sauint at the screen. basically what I’m saying is Warrior should be in RP class and nothing more. Warrior is simply too strong and does way too much. It’s still giving people copium and we can’t have that rip harambe
  11. I mean it would just be a tub where the drain is right, so not exactly clipping into the floor geometry or anything. Make it shallow to be on the safe side?
  12. There’s no fishing in pvp lobby, and anet is missing an entire niche community who never leaves HoTM who could be fishing. Thought I his would be obvious but just an idea. The center drain of the arena seems ideal to me, with the collums being good places to have fishers above the ffa pit. If not not then just put a pond somewhere lol
  13. I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence In restless dreams, I walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestone 'Neath the halo of a street lamp I turned my collar to the cold and damp When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light That split the night And touched the sound of silence And in the naked light, I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never shared And no one dared Disturb the sound of silence "Fools" said I, "You do not know Silence like a kitten grows Hear my words that I might teach you Take my arms that I might reach you" But my words, like silent raindrops fell And echoed in the wells of silence And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming Then the sign said, "The words on the prophets are written on the subway walls In tenement halls" And whispered in the sound of silence
  14. stating the obvious but yeah. Arms is terrible needs reworks. The devs don’t play this class
  15. Banners are competing with firebrand and scourge. It was fun guys sorry for the Pve'ers out there I feel for you. RIP in Peace F
  16. In b4 everyone has that one or two exceptions of the only two people they know who still lay warrior for some unbelievable reason… Seriously just look around the lobby and you’ll see barely any warriors anymore. They all quit or rerolled. There’s no point to playing them in their current state. It’s so bad that players who left warrior now only fight for balance changes on their NEW rerolled class. Warrior is the untouchables of this game mode. Next week is their last chance or I fully give up hope they’ll do anything other than neglect until the servers shut down. Am not even kidding.
  17. Guardian <- Yes/Always Maybe/Yes Maybe/No-> Warrior Revenant Engineer Elementalist Necro Mesmer Thief Ranger This is overall btw in the game's history, not just recently.
  18. bump ❤️ We want to be brawlers and fighters, not freaking medics
  19. Prove me wrong. They were busted in pof and they’re still busted now. As soon as vanilla necro finally gets nerfed don’t worry harbinger is super busted. Anet is showing their favorite classes for all to see
  20. Warrior isn't like Mesmer in that it's a super special anet designed class. The archetype is in every fantasy game ever. People by the droves will be playing it.
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