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Everything posted by Yerlock.4678

  1. Why does Anet hate them? Just tell me to reroll and play guard or necro or rev after making one. Seriously, even banner slave tactics gimmick shout war is a joke. And the new spec looks cool but effectively plays like clunky Lego pieces stuck together. They only have two months to fix that, so unless there's some amazing updates coming to fix QoL, or they just give it a lazy buff, there's no flow to it. Pun not intended. I seriously, no joke at all, think almost none of Anet mains Warrior. Especially in pvp. If they did, either War would get buffed or they rerolled to another class after pulling their hair out. https://ibb.co/7Y6kNVz You're forced to use one heal, forced to use one elite, everything in this class is pointing toward a desperate need for some sort of buff. "Well everything else just needs to get nerfed." Even after that ideal scenario we are stuck with massive balance issues. Banner's would still all be garbage, the Arms traitline would still be unusable. Rifle would still be a silly meme, as would Berzerker. Defense is a shell of it's former self, Tactics is a only meh with shout spamming being the most uncreative way to support, Spell Breaker leaves you brittle and weak with not enough room to keep you afloat outside of duels. Discipline is still mandatory and needs to be addressed as this glaring issue has been sitting there since launch. Strength is quite literally the only good trait line with no room to experiment even there. This is not even acknowledging that blind spam shuts down Warrior in every possible way, and considering how prevalent blind spam is in this game it's infuriating. Berzerker amulet- mandatory. Fighter Rune- Mandatory. The class is the worst of all worlds, as every role it can play can be done by another class. Duelist- Holo's better in conquest, arguably ranger and ele as well. Also Mesmer when strictly duels. Support- Guard, no contest. Mercy signet is a joke. Also necro. Roam- Thief ofc, Rev, Mesmer. Team fighter- Necro and Guard ofc. So there you have it, literally everything's better than warrior as a profession in pvp. We used to be the shining example of this game's combat and have withered away from almost 10 years of nerfs. We've been bad for years and nothing's been done. Please us and buff us, it's not just a pitiful wish. Also stop thinking we want to play tactics we want you to fix the other traits first.
  2. It would be easy to make that change, and kill the class. Warrior is the lowest spot in competitive gameplay, it had ONE appearance in the last 3 MATs in a row. So taking out that fundamental trait would kill it. And just imagine having to balance the entire class around a worse QoL. Oh wait they tried that with Berzerker and now it's terrible and a meme. You can inflate the numbers all you want but Berzerker is a one shot meme rifle gimmick build that doesn't have any QoL that it used to have from it's f2 being removed. So now do that to the whole class and let's just say the whole Warrior pvp/wvw community has an exodus from the class and possibly the game. This is why playing the class is important because it gives you a feeling for what you're talking about. I wouldn't judge a movie I haven't seen, a game I haven't played, a class I haven't understood.
  3. I understand your point Obtena, FH is super great. It could even be nerfed to make an unbalanced class an even more unbalanced nightmare. All I'm saying is that it would be much easier to balance Warrior with FH baseline and everything else weighed against that notion, as opposed to it being a minor trait pigeon holing every warrior in the game.
  4. I concur with this poster, Obtena are you playing Warrior in spvp? I mean let's be real here, if you want to argue your point then have something behind it to weigh in. If you're going to ref from the sidelines without playing warrior in pvp then be my guest, but as it stands it seems almost every warrior main wants some for of FH to be baseline and balanced around that concept.
  5. It does has relevance to the discussion, because it says that any warrior build with FH is better and it means a must have in any game mode. It would be easier to make FH baseline and balance accordingly as opposed to nerfing it and bringing the world down to a already nerfed class that's now even more nerfed that would literally kill the warrior class and all warriors would want to quit.
  6. Just play a warrior build without FH and I'll play one with FH and we'll see who wins:)
  7. That's not the point, the point is it's easier to make FH baseline and address the follow up balance as opposed to nerfing FH and putting the entire game around a lower denominator than it already has and has had for almost 10 years.
  8. Yeah just nerf FH and make Discipline terrible also, in the same vein as Arms. Or how about just delete Warrior altogether and tell all Wars to reroll to Rev? Nerfing FH won't open up build diversity it'll simply kill a starving class. Anet's roundabout way of dealing with the new Samurai spec aren't addressing this problem either and it's a shame because ask any War main and they prefer FH over even adrenaline, and that's saying something. Weapon swapping is fundamental to War, aside from the new beta gimmick which like I said ignores the issue. When you have a minor trait that has such core functionality to Warrior and to the combat system as a whole, the entire balance outline will be and has been based on the presumption that it is taken for 9+ years. Nerfing it will kill the class outright. And nerfing it with an even hand with all the other specs being nerfed won't solve the problem either because it's so integral to gameplay that the fun factor would be lessened also. (Waiting that long to swap Weapons and synergize isn't fun in any meta who knew). This is why making FH baseline is a good idea for balance, not because it makes it OP but because it opens build diversity for warrior. It allows War to take other Trait lines, and if War is performing too strong then other traits can be nerfed if needed. Point being the War has a QoL update and a balance change that frees up War in a massive way. It allows Wars to not get pigeonholed into Discipline. Side note we know Tactics is being pushed on us and we really wish Anet would fix Arms and Defense first and address FH before anything thanks.
  9. There are some basic things you can do to make BS (Bladsworn) fun and viable. Many of them are QoL improvements: 1. Remove the secondary weapon set altogether, it's just confusing and doesn't really work with the theme you're going for. instead make it to where the secondary weapon will ALWAYS be the gun-saber. Due to this change, the f1 burst skill doesn't show up with the primary weapon. Instead, it's simply the secondary weapon. The old f2 ability would instead be the f1 burst ability while wielding the gun-saber. 2. Make Fast Hands Baseline. This allows synergy to be created between the primary and secondary weapon sets, without relying too heavily on the gun-saber weapon spam with shouts. Also, as a bonus to the theme of the BS, make it to where the gun-saber is always showing at the hip of the character. Like a stowed katana of a samurai ready to be unsheathed. This will fit better once skins are (hopefully) introduced. 3. Fix Arms, Defense, and Discipline. Not really too much to say here other than fixing these trait lines will open up build potential for the Warrior altogether, including the Bladesworn. This will make it so BS doesn't get pigeonholed into using Tactics. (Used to be Discipline but now Tactics because Fast Hands is still not baseline,....) 4. Allow Ammo to be Stowed once it's Charged. Charging ammo should allow the "bullets" to be stored, so that they can be used for later. This would help with the QoL for BS and allow for more synergy between the gun-saber and the charging ability.
  10. Start from there, and make adjustments where needed. Whether it's too strong or what have you, this weapon swap cd is a core mechanic to Warrior. It is unplayable unless you play the new spec WHICH IGNORESTHE ISSUE. It's not solving the fast hands problem, only ignoring it. Please address this elephant in the room it will never go away. It's not power creeping, make the nerfs if its too strong. This is where to start with the glaring balance issues for Warrior. Please CMC listen to us.
  11. It's just shout spam with tactics instead of discipline. Please do two things! 1. Make moves synergize together! Not just button mashing, things need to connect to other things! Bulls Charge -> Hundred Blades. Shield Bash -> f1 burst. Here things are just being spammed like crazy! 2. Fix Arms, Defense, and Discipline! Don't just force us to take Tactics with this new spec it's not inventive and doesn't solve core issues with the Warrior. MAKE FAST HANDS BASELINE!!!
  12. But it's only been nearly 8 months since that patch. We are completely neglected as a class. For those who don't know, Sun and Moon Style used to have quickness with the mainhand dagger, which is why that cd existed. But when it got changed and pretend buffed, the CD remained stuck there, confusing everyone and showing yet again that no one cares about warrior. https://ibb.co/wS7F1gh
  13. 1. The Cthulhu Necromancer This came from a fan made expansion idea that I really like, where it would be a necromancer who summons the dark energy of the Unending Ocean and channels Cthulhu with the weapon of a trident. Super fun and thematic in my opinion and would work great! 2. The Poseidon-themed Water Elementalist Also bearing a trident, the Elementalist would be a master of all things water. It's attunements are all water-themed, but carry different varying versions of the power of water. Whether it's healing, aggression, crowd control, or a Whirlpool or Tsunami. This would put the focus of water entirely in view for Ele's to play with! 3. The Pirate Thief Carrying an offhand sword, the Corsair or Pirate would use the dirty tricks of being a scallywag to defeat his/her enemies. 4. The Vampire Revenant The Vampire gets two daggers to use to viciously tear enemies and steal their life and drink their blood. They have a life steal-type ability that effectively makes them carnivorous dps or tank hybrids. 5. The Monk Warrior The Warrior gets a staff to trade in his/her weapon swap, and in turn gets to be an amazing jack of all trades with amazing dexterity and utility. Being able to land some hybrid crowd control and dps, the Monk would be a versatile class fitting to many situations. 6. The Pet-Master Ranger The Ranger can be able to summon TWO pets at once with the ability to micro manage at the cost of some personal utility. He/she uses a Rifle in combat to maximize his/her ranged attacks and aggressively use Both pets at once in an even larger effort to control his pets! 7. The Spear Wielding Guardian Paladin Using a Spear as a mainhand weapon, the Guardian is able to extend his/her range in melee combat while having an offhand weapon for support! Jousting his/her enemies and delivering massive one punch blows to their armor, the Paladin can charge a fight with authority. 8. The Super Mech-Suit Engineer The Engineer's only new weapon is a Warhorn, giving him/her some stealth and superspeed. How can this be a good spec?? Well add in a usable massive Mech Suit and things get a whole lot more interesting! The Mech suit allows the Engineer to become a massive Tank, providing either support or damage in the heat of battle. All while the Engineer is safe inside. And if the Mech gets destroyed, the engineer becomes vulnerable. Luckily his/her handy warhorn can help out a bit in the downtime! And if kept alive he/she can re-summon his Mech-suit, allowing him to become super OP again. 9. The Clown The Mesmer gets the most unique weapon of all, the Harpoon Gun. Usable above water, the Clown is able to harpoon his/her foes into a world of mystery and madness. Like a sudden nightmare, The Clown grapples his/her enemies for his/her own amusement. And upon being ensnared, he/she can deliver his/her enemies into a parallel world of Chaos and Illusion, like a prison for the mind. The Clown also makes insufferable jokes for his enemies to be further tormented by. It's elite ability is literally a Pun. And all it's new Shout Abilities are terrible jokes.
  14. If I had to guess I would expect another sweeping nerfs across the board probably around the time of EoD to compensate with the PoF builds, but I'm not sure.
  15. He plays zerk one shot meme build. Just works in the AT's against pugs not in the MATs. Have you seen a single warrior in the previous two MATs? Nope, there wasn't even one. It needs either an ICD or less spam. Atm it's way too prevalent. Resistance was gutted and needs more love after what happened to it. Condi only needs two stat lines to be effective and dps needs three. No it's not, especially mid game. It devolves the matches into building against your team as opposed to using the group you have to overcome.
  16. Anti-cheat. GM's can only do so much and with the latest controversies I think this one speaks for itself Blind spam, needs ICD Resistance needs buffs in duration across the board as it was gutted Warrior is falling behind in all regards compared to other classes No more swapping out classes and Build Wars 2 before a match starts in competitive Enforcing rules against wintrading, a complex problem but needs a mention Being able to close the freaking que window once you accept after it pops up Your teammates full set of stats as opposed to only who had the most dps healing etc. like in other games Overall class balance changes, mainly nerfs to address the power creep from PoF that will hinder future non-busted specs from being successful in comp Feel free to list any others that come to mind or that I missed
  17. they'll probably buff tactics cuz Anet likes banner slave warriors that support their guard necro mains
  18. More feedback. I hope to almighty (insert GW2 lore here I don't know the story) that you guys are reading these. Make. Fast Hands. Baseline. Guys, I'm never going to stop addressing this until the elephant in the room is FINALLY addressed. Fast Hands and weapon swapping is as important to the Warrior as Attunements are for Elementalist. That's all we are. That, and banner slaving I guess which is unfortunate. Making it to where we don't need Discipline for the Bladesworn hasn't gone unnoticed and is a roundabout way of addressing a fundamental issue. While making it baseline can effect balance in a negative way at first, that's what balancing is for! You can slightly alter the other traits/skills if need be. Do whatever it takes, just give us the weapon swap we've been asking for for 9+ years! 2. Make the Saber Blade super fun and strong, without the weapon swap limitations currently imposed. Sounds broken at first, but with a small time-gated (for example 30 seconds) marker on the Saber Blade weapon as the f1 f2 skills, this will allow the Saber to get the crazy damage and buffs the team looks to want to make it. If that is too restrictive or not what the developers want to do, then you could just as easily have it to where you are able to swap off of the weapon back into you're other normal weapons, but can't swap again for an additional 5 seconds. The point here is that there is currently too much emphasis on the Saber being kept and not swapped to anything else, which will restrict and limit gameplay with the warrior drastically. Allowing more swaps between a third weapon set in exchange for bursting skills is a good enough give/take mechanic as it stands. Just putting a smaller more forgiving time-gate is all that would be necessary. 3. The abilities (Shouts and Saber Blade skills) are not chaining and combining anything together!! The beauty of this combat system shines best when abilities and skills link up, and allow for one thing to allow for another to happen, requiring skill and finesse in order for it to be performed. For example: I use Bull's Charge to lead into Hundred Blades to lead into weapon swapping (which because I'm a Warrior I should excel at 😉) which leads into Shield Bash which leads into f1 ability burst. THAT is what good combat looks like, things combining together to deliver unique attacks or abilities. But here it's quite literally button smashing. Shout spam and weapon spam with the Saber Blade, and nothing combines other than the f2 stun that takes forever to charge up. We need more momentum and combinations of things! For a start why can't Bull's Charge be a thing in this spec? That should be more viable. 4. Let us save ammo in combat once flow has given it to us This is more a QoL from others I've seen but it makes perfect sense so I'll put it here as well. It takes forever to charge up that massive attack, so letting us store ammo fits and gives us time to charge up our energy. Kind of thematic also like DBZ or something when Goku is revving up in between skirmishes. Very anime, very awesome. Should definitely be added. 5. Make the massive Anime Attack (forgot the name plz forgive) Do insane damage This speaks for itself. Don't hold back CMC. We want this attack to be super big and awesome, even in PvP. It's just one number it can always be changed later, but this attack needs to probably hit harder than anything else in this game.
  19. 1. Up the number for Attacker's Insight from 35 to 50 per stack in PvP. 2. Make Revenge Counter do 40% more dmg as opposed to 20%, and grant 4 second of Resistance as opposed to 2. (2 when Full Counter is used, and 2 after it's used).
  20. Not really but I still like it. It's MS Paint please forgive https://ibb.co/0YZLK3Y
  21. I'm sorry you're dealing with toxic people in pvp. While it should be expected to some degree it's no excuse for that kind of behavior. The truth is that this game is in a low period right now due to the lack of content and balancing issues. The good news is that more stuff is on the horizon, and with that hopefully more players. In general, more players with more content gives better results. Ignore the trolls in the game and this thread (actually the best advice I can give is to not take these threads too seriously) and just work on self improvement on the class/mechanics. Just remember it's a game for entertainment. So do whatever you'd like to do to have fun and enjoy yourself:) Take care
  22. But necro looks kind of weak, maybe needs another teleport.
  23. Pros: The gunblade and the spec are in the right direction with the fun anime style gameplay, looks cool also Lots of sustain which other specs like SB duelist lacked Really simple but good elite skill Interesting new heal, not quite mending I guess but still very usable Not forcing us to use Fast Hands anymore is an interesting change of pace Artillery Slash is fun, and has great range 😄 The Armament abilities are a unique idea, even if some of the skills are underwhelming atm Cons: Dragon Trigger hits like a wet noodle in pvp. The power coefficient is way too low which only encourages it to be spammed for mobility and quick stun potential. This needs a buff. There's left over "flow" always just sitting around while in combat most of the time also Break Step needs better range than 450, as even with two charges its barely moving us anywhere. Buffing the range will also push people away from quick dumb Dragon Trigger bursts for mobility. Blooming Fire is using the Eviscerate animation too precisely which isn't good, as that was meant to be a slow telegraphed massive attack. The speed of the animation should be faster by a bit and less clunky. Or simply buff the damage on this to justify the slow eviscerate animation. Overall the damage is lacking tbh. Feeling too pigeonholed into using shouts. This is alright for now but Defense and Arms especially need reworks and buffs. Stances are being openly neglected in the traits and it's making me question if Anet even has any Warrior mains... Flicker Step needs better range (and possibly more charges). If you've already committed to an anime teleporting warrior, might as well have this be a super cool ability with some good range and crazy anime style blinking going on. Just an opinion yes but for what it's worth. Maybe just me but Bulls Charge feels like it doesn't synergize at all now with this current spec. Seems smarter to take another shout or Endure Pain(?). If that's the point then alright fair enough but it just feels like a waste of one the warriors most historically used and fun abilities.
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