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Everything posted by Yerlock.4678

  1. The downtime between blind is maddeningly small, and the burn dps is too strong.
  2. Title explains itself. There's not enough build diversity in this game and everyone is choosing 2 out of the 3 heavy classes while disregarding the other unless it's support.Please stop giving DH and Herald special treatment. Revenant in general feels like a power creep for paying players and it's encroaching on p2w.Meanwhile Berzerker feels lacking and doesn't burn as well as Burn Guardian. That's absurd! Berzerker is all about burning with torch and yet Guard takes the cake!
  3. Just a reminder that Warrior is still the worst class in PvP. Let ANET ban me idc, it has to be said. Been getting nerfed for almost a decade and it needs to end.
  4. I love axe so much and just can't find the will to change on my SB. What is the benefits of dagger?
  5. After being away for years, I came back to find my beloved Warrior in a terrible state. The Defense Line has had it's passives absolutely nerfed into oblivion. I still want to play Berzerker and want to like him; the potential for a fun sustainable powerhouse of damage sounds great! But the sub class still leaves so much to be desired. The Elites feel underwhelming with bubbles everywhere, while everything else feels underwhelming compared to other ults. (Looking at you necro).We really need a comeback, as I can only play ranger for so long.What would you guys change? Also vanilla war needs love too.
  6. I would love to see NFL skins like they did in Fortnite! Just a dream but that will be wonderful to see in the gem store ⚜️
  7. Staff AoE abilities would just be so much fun, especially when bringing lots of physicality to it. Your 234 and 5 could all be a different AoE's that has different forms of soft to hard cc. And the burst could be something wild like flinging opponents into the air and letting them take light fall dmg lol. Also adding an extra bar of adrenaline, and making all the regular bursts do more dmg without the perks they currently grant (evis- stacks of might, arcing slice-fury, etc.) would be cool. Then we'd have four stacks of adrenaline and could go wild with our bursts. Not OP at all lol
  8. Yep, all true. Even with all the condi cleanse in the world Necros still lol and can take anyone down in range. It's gotten the point where fighting Scourge is simply math. If you get close, you'll die from condi.
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