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Everything posted by Jemmi.6058

  1. Takes them an hour, because they only sort their inventory once a week, I guess.
  2. Tough answer for me. I had quit the game and wasn't really playing when HoT came out. The expansion announcement didn't interest me, and I disregarded it. It wasn't until Living World Season 3 episode 4 came out that I decided to check things out (and I missed out, I admit). Conversely, I was very excited for Path of Fire and pre-ordered/played on launch. Factions was my favourite region/campaign in GW1, so I am very excited about that. That said, LWS3 story was so good that I was hyped for the PoF story. I strongly disliked IBS from the get-go, that I'm not very into the story any more. I'm hoping EoD hooks me back in, but I haven't enjoyed any story beats since War Eternal (May 2019), so I am not holding my breath. The elite specs aren't super interesting, but it's hard to compare to my thoughts on PoF/HoT as I didn't really look at the e-specs before either release.
  3. So.. like... just buy some gems, convert to gold, and then you've got the gold to pay for waypoints purchased with gems - your very own waypoint pass.
  4. Heads up, you can right click your build at the top and select "copy build template" and it will give a shareable code that can be pasted into chat and people can see the traits. As for Thief, I can't speak much to it. Not a class I'm very good at / find that interesting. That said, from my understanding D/D is really more of a condi set (may be misremembering though?). You may do better if you swap that out for staff and spam #2. Have you tried something like: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Daredevil_-_Power_Daredevil ?
  5. One of the downsides of the build system used in GW2 is you'll have people who struggle to complete story bosses that take others less than 10 seconds to kill. Other games (i.e. FFXIV, WoW) won't have this issue, as the range in possible builds is low and thus the difference in DPS in players isn't as large. I recommend looking up some builds for your class - there are plenty of sites/guides out there.
  6. I was doing WvW as my primary game mode this past week, and GW2 as my primary hobby this week. It was more than a 'couple of hours'. I spent many hours on the weekend and 1 to 3 hours a day during the week. I physically did not have more time to devote to it. It wasn't like, ah I'll go play Halo, or I'm going to spend hours farming Drizzlewood, it was like, ok gogogogogogogogo farm wvw as much as humanly possible (as I said, I woke up at 4 am on more than one occassion to do so), and I still did not cap. I also want to add that my point about capping pips was more a side-comment of my original post to your thread. I'm sorry to have derailed things. I'm just frustrated with this reward structure. I think it would do well to copy how other MMORPGs work and provide a significant bonus to your rewards in quick time-gated activities. WvW dailies could do it, or they could just reorganize it so that the greater reward is in the earlier tiers and it gets progressively less rewarding (rather than the opposite as it is now). This allows you to farm more for more skirmish tickets, but also let those who don't have as much time to also feel rewarded. Back to your original topic point, I do think that playing for the reward makes sense and should be encouraged. It's the carrot on the stick. It's a common game design that has been proven successful throughout multiple genres of games for over a decade. I also think your original post had a pretty massive contradcition. You spent a long time complaining that people play for the reward and thus don't play for fun or enjoyment, but then you bashed on a subset of people for their chosen way of playing. If you want people to play the way they want to play for fun, then let them play for fun. If you want them to play a certain way, because it's the desired way for the game-mode, then you need incentives in place to do that (i.e. rewards.).
  7. Ah, thanks. I have never worked to cap either of those, so I cannot speak to it. My best comparison is my experiences in WoW and FFXIV to GW2. In FFXIV, usually you can be done your caps within about 1-5 hours per week, depending on where in the patch you're at. With WoW, caps are usually quite fast, and weekly lockouts tend to have some sort of mechanism to give the best reward quickly (i.e. Great Vault first chest is after 1 M+ run only, if you want to work for more you're capped at 10 M+ runs). Conversely, in GW2, I spent hours on the weekend, every day after work and several days of waking up at 4am to get some time in before going to work. I did not cap my pips after all of that. There is no method to increase the rate that I get pips, simply participating and waiting for ticks, so it's not like I'm just playing badly for a slow return. Honestly, I'm pretty burnt out of the entire game mode after 1 week, and can't see myself keeping up with this for 22 weeks for legendary armor. If I were to just take it easy and play in and out of the game mode, the return I'd get is quite low, as the pips per hour increases drastically as you play more. It is what it is, but imo it's a poor design.
  8. started playing wvw after years of playing (started in early access) for the purpose of getting legendary armor. I'm actually having a fun time in wvw and I didn't esxpect it. Play for rewards and it works out, go figure. I would say that I think the payout of skirmish tickets is a bit off. To cap weekly, you need to play wvw way too much, and beyond that you get a faster rate of return the more you play (until your cap). This reward structure is the opposite of every other tried tested and true reward strurcture in every other MMORPG (that gives the best reward at the beginning with diminishing returns). The way GW2 sucks for anyone who wants to enjoy other aspects of GW2, play other games, have life responsibilities etc. Finally, I'll add that legendary weapons have required the Gift of Battle since their inception, which means that a large number of people will play WvW just for the rewards (as there is no other way to make their legendary).
  9. Would love it if we had more UI scaling / position options. Playing on 1440p with chat set to large, and still need to squint to read it. So, i set my UI scale to large and now everything's fine, except my inventory covers the entire screen. I'd love it if I could control the chat scale (and various UI elements) separately.
  10. Considering build diversity and use is one of the best parts of GW2, it's sad to see it took so long to get here and even sadder to see the implementation to be so... botched? Charging for extra templates seems like a poor decision, especially at the costs and limitations that you've put in place. It's likely not a good financial move either (as you're upsetting a lot of customers for the whales), but I'm obviously no expert on that. I'd much rather have seen this be a core built in feature that doesn't cost more to get slots. I say this as someone who has no issue spending money in the gem store to support your team. The maximum slots seems rather absurdly low, and am unsure why its even there. I think that it would be beneficial if you could link your equipment template and build templates together, so that when I swap from my Chrono to Mirage, I immediately change my gear to my Viper set as well. Most other games that have templates like this also include some way of linking, and this seems like a basic feature that should have been available at launch. Overall, I'd say this is usable, but it's not exactly exciting. It does it's job, but it's inferior to 3rd party applications or your competitors, and you're charging for it.
  11. The rewards aren't lucrative unless you get the big payoff, but I'm not sure it can be argued they are out of line with the amount of effort required to obtain them . . . Would rather a guaranteed reward via currency or something tbh
  12. Voted don't like them, but the only thing I don't like is the rewards. I felt that I wasted my time the few times I went in there. It was OK to check out, but so no reason to return.
  13. Charities don't normally need to make offers in an effort to show good will with their consumers. This is a business suggestion akin to many other good will gestures that companies do to gain loyalty of their consumers. Oddly given your own logic, as a company, Arena Net doesn't need you or its customers to defend it.
  14. My only guess is that Disables has to come from the player themselves and not one of their illusions, but that seems like a weird restriction. Hoping that an ANet employee can either acknowledge it is not working as intended, or confirm that the player (not the illusion) must disable the opponent.
  15. I voted "other". I don't think individual features should be paid for (i.e. pay for 1 slot of a build template, or 1 slot of a gear template on a per character basis.) However, I do not think that this should all be free either. This should have just been part of a massive feature package sold in an expansion as one of the 'expansion-level-features'. The way this has been designed is reminiscent of TERA and other Korean FTP MMO's that purposefully program their MMO to be inconvenient and then sell layering 'conveniences' to overcome it.
  16. Taunt from Illusionary Defender is not activating slow with the Delayed Reactions trait
  17. Did you recently upgrade your graphics card, and did you do a full removal of your old drivers when you did (using DDU)? If not, I'd recommend running that and doing a clean install of your graphics drivers, and see if that helps.
  18. Did you read the OP? You cannot just get a Mesmer to port you to the end. You have the mists chasing behind you during this story instance. The OP could just run though. It's like beyond easy. The platforms are huge, you raptor jump to them and get the volatile magic to refresh your endurance bar. Half the time the gravity is cut in half too, letting you slowly position yourself to land in place. The only reason it'd be hard for you to finish this is if you outright refused to even attempt it.
  19. Jumping Puzzles are fun, you're crazy ;) That said, this is hardly a jumping puzzle and is incredibly easy. Like, it's a jumping puzzle the way killing a veteran is killing a raid boss.
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