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Posts posted by obastable.5231

  1. On 8/28/2024 at 2:55 PM, BlackBullWings.2734 said:

    that's a dumb strawman, my point is that if a thing is marketed with a product, then it's to be expected to be part of the product.

    the janthir wilds expansion roadmap specifically lists "3 armor sets" yet one of them is specifically obtained by not playing what you paid for, that's really dumb marketing at the very least.

    This could be said about everything in PvE that isn't available through WvW or PvP. 

    Which is the vast majority of skins, all of the legendary weapons, and almost all of the legendary trinkets. That's why this is a facetious argument with no merit. 

    Do you see us whining that we want the exact same skins PvE gets? No. We just want the option to obtain a functionally similar item, what it looks like is irrelevant. Being neat and distinct is a bonus that isn't actually important to how it works in the game. 

    I have lots of PvE skins, and I loathe and hate every moment of PvE I have to do to get it. Not because PvE sucks I can't do it w/e mentality but because every time a PvP or WvW player has to exit their chosen game mode it literally removes content from that mode. These aren't dynamic events on timers or scripted triggers, these are people. 

    In PvE the game is always there waiting for you. In PvP and WvW there is no game without players. You are the game mode. I am the game mode. Without us there is no PvP and no WvW. 

    Forcing us out of that mode and into PvE quite literally kills those game modes. Forcing you out of PvE and into WvW takes nothing away from your game mode. It's all exactly as you left it when you go back. 

    I've got no sympathy for you not wanting to WvW for a cosmetic. Not even a little bit. I'm actually happy and excited to see this and hope they implement more WvW specific cosmetics because it means more new players discovering WvW, and that means more gameplay and content for everyone who plays it. 

    • Like 5
  2. 1 hour ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

    That's nonsense. You are strictly talking about zerg play - while completely disregarding that the combat system itself was not designed for that sort of gameplay to begin with. The overreliance on stability at larger scales is a mere symptom of players being unable to fully utilize every aspect of the combat system. At smaller scales up to 5vs5 - which is exactly what the combat system was designed for - playing without stability is perfectly reasonable and perma uptime is detrimental for the "quality" of engagements, because cc is actually an important aspect of this games' combat system and not something players are supposed to simply render useless and ignore.

    But yea, because i'm not running arround in a boon blob, i'm not actually playing the game. Just casually winning my fights without having to get carried by 30+ others spamming boons ...



    You are wrong. You can be wrong, but that doesn't mean Anet is obligated to change its game design to fit your wrong narrative. 

    The combat system is designed around cooperative gameplay. 

    The combat system is designed around giving and receiving boons. 

    This is independent of group size, in other words:

    It has nothing at all to do with group size.

    I am not talking about zerg play, I am talking about the game and it's foundational design. 

    That you clearly do not understand that design and how these elements work together at every level of group size is not a reason for Anet to change the foundations of the game, although it is very clearly the hill you're standing on as a reality and expecting others to buy into. 

    Boons are not permanent. Uptime and reapplication rates are tied with strips. Play/counterplay.

    Stability is not permanent, it can be removed just like every other boon. That you aren't capable of translating what a group of 5 does into being the same thing a squad of 20 or 40 can also do is, again, not a reason for Anet to change the foundations of the game, although once again it's very clearly the hill you're standing on as a reality and expecting others to buy into.  After all, that squad is simply repeated groups of 5. It is the exact same thing as a small group replicated to scale. 

    I understand you have an idea that small scale has more room for skill expression, and in some cases this is true but against the more skilled larger groups it isn't true at all. A competitive skilled group of 30 has much higher standards than any roaming group I've ever played with, some are more demanding than the GvG groups I've played with, and many of your top PvP players play in these groups. 

    I don't know how you could convince yourself it isn't skilled play or competitive unless you genuinely have zero clue or insight and have based your entire view strictly on your highly subjective observations and never actually tried to talk to any of these people. 

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  3. 3 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

    This does not only apply to no downstate, but to many other changes too (such as increased offensive aoe caps). Winning outnumbered is and always should be about playing better than the opponents. But the game needs to allow and require active counterplay for that to be possible instead of adding more and more fail safe mechanics for larger numbers.

    Nobody thinks that. Everyone knows that boons have been in the game since release and that they were always important for grp play. But number, access and uptime of boons has gone way up across the board, while at the same time counterplay has gone down significantly. That means there is no effective counterplay to boon spam anymore, (unless outnumbering you opponent ofc), while at the same time boon spam reduces or even straight up removes the neccessity for active counterplay from larger numbers, because boons alone passively counter many combat mechanics.

    Boon balls are pretty much the opposite of the original combat design, that is a lot about a large variety of active and reactive counterplay, movement and positioning, timing, combos and so on. Boons are part of the original game design, yes, but current "boon balls" are not and complaining about them is not the same as complaining about the mere existence of boons ...

    True. And therefore the game should cater to a variety of playstyles, instead of pushing everyone into a single (and for many unfun) playstyle, while actively discouraging everything else.

    But if one gets continuosly buffed and the other one continuously nerfed, there's a lot less to "think about and interact / plan around / make decisions about".

    Whenever i watch some boon blob gameplay, most (boon) buttons are just pressed on cd. So much managing of resources, wow.


    Not to be impolite but you are wrong. The game design is based on boons as the primary source of support. The entire combat system is designed around one boon in particular - stability - and everything else is play/counterplay focused from there. 

    The game design is fundamentally centered around cooperative play, in the sense that you can cooperative and coordinate with others and gain bonuses for doing so without having to join their group to share experience. Parties and squads aren't used to gatekeep participation. 

    Yes we 100% used and relied on comped parties at launch, whether it was 2 people or 5 people or 20 people.  We absolutely ran comped 5 man groups, we absolutely ran purposefully paired 2 man groups, and the meta party base of  2 guardians, 1 Necro has existed since the game launched because that was the only way to have consistent stability uptime, and if you didn't know then that stability was the most important boon in the game, much like it still is, then you were probably not actually playing the game and were just enjoying it casually.

    This is what separated the winning groups from the losing ones back then - either you understood the game, used it's mechanics, and actively played the game or you were a casual player enjoying the game. This is what I reference when I say the game was not better back then, it was just easier to kill people because more people were much less informed about how the game worked and the game lacked access to easy to use specs for those players. Coincidentally this is still the same method that separates the good players from the bad ones. Either you are actually playing the game or you just enjoy the game casually. 

    The entire combat system is designed to use boons as primary sources of support. Each class has access to opportunities for receiving boons to boost their performance, for specific boons to synergize between different specs, to boost other players through synergistic interactions. This is not new. This is foundational design that existed in the betas and has been built upon year over year. 

    If you aren't approaching the conversation from the understanding and acceptance of that very clear and well advertised, heavily promoted by Anet fact that boons = primary support mechanics in the game then you aren't participating in a conversation based in reality. 

    It is perfectly fine to have a preference for how you enjoy the game, but it's not fine to substitute the history of the game and it's design methodology with that preference and expect people to engage with it as fact. That isn't going to happen. 

    Nothing wrong with not liking a design aspect that interferes with how you enjoy the game. If you want something to happen about it though you gotta approach that feedback and problem from an angle that actually works with how the game is designed and intended to be played. 

    "I don't like boons they ruin my game!" What is Anet supposed to do with that? Delete the whole game?

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  4. Sheff, I thought the stream was very enjoyable, loved casual yap vibes. I hope you can convince Anet to do more of these. 

    As to some of the comments here .. 

    I don't know how it's so hard to understand that any change made balance wise to benefit small scale groups will exponentially offer more benefit to larger groups.  They have more people, they will always gain more benefit. 

    Lower AoE caps hurt smaller groups more than larger ones, because you have less AoE to waste and your enemy can target cap it. 

    Larger AoE caps hurt smaller groups more than larger ones because every person in your group will take damage from more sources as opposed to some people in your group. You also, consequently, still have less access to AoE because you have less people. 

    Damage buffs mean you die faster. Damage nerfs mean you can't kill as easily. 

    Res utility buffs means they can res more downs then you can. Nerfs hurt you, not them, they have 6x more res than you to begin with. 

    Nerfing boon access doesn't help you much, now you also have less boons and less sources of application. The big group has three times the people, boon nerfs to a state it would be detrimental enough that 6 to 10 people would matter vs 50 is not a state of the game you want to explore. 

    No downstate might be the closest thing to a buff for small scale, not because it's actually a buff but because it has potential for more skilled players or groups to succeed. It's not a benefit to less skilled players at all. 

    I've been playing WvW since launch, probably close to 10,000 hours roaming and small scale fights alone across the tiers, and a few more thousand hours with comped groups and am a GvG enjoyed on the side.  The list of things that were better before than they are now is incredibly small and none of it is reflected in this thread. 

    The fights were not better because the game was better, the fights were better because moderately skilled players that understood the game could more easily farm low skilled players who did not. 

    Don't for an instant think we did that without using boons, or that the larger groups didn't somehow have exactly the same boons from more application sources. They did then just like they do now, the only difference is skill expression. 

    Anet has repeatedly levelled that playing field by introducing specs that allow low skilled players to jump in and casually enjoy the game while also feeling effective. This is not a bad design decision, it encourages people to join WvW and gives them a low barrier to entry. Some of those implementations have been overtuned, some of those balance issues have been addressed, and the current state of the game is actually not horrible compared to how it was a few short years ago. 

    When people complain about "boonball" what you're saying is you actively choose to not play the game as it's fundamentally been designed to play from the very beginning. Boons are support. TBT to launch, there were no healer specs, only a self heal and boons

    "But boons make it harder to kill people! "

    Well duh, they are support mechanics, that's what they're supposed to do. 

    "But the enemy has so many people and so many boons!"

    You have the same map cap, this isn't a design disparity favoring one group over another. It's a personal choice to ignore fundamental game mechanics. You can choose to not use boons to the same advantage as your opponents, I don't know why you would choose to make the game more difficult for yourself but that's certainly a thing you can do. 

    Making the choice for yourself to not engage with the games mechanics is one thing, but making it and then complaining the game should balance around your choice in direct opposition to it's foundational design mechanics is not constructive feedback of any sort. 

    WvW is a sandbox casual PvP mode, it's meant to be hop in and hop out at your leisure.

    There are no rules or restrictions on how you choose to play. 

    This applies to everyone. It's not a "no rules for me but rules for thee!" situation where one group gets to tell others how to play. 

    Big groups aren't telling you how to play, they are telling you that if you want to engage with them then you'll have to also engage more with the games mechanics. It's very possible to win outnumbered fights, but there's no situation where you should be able to do that 6 v 50. The game absolutely should not cater to that kind of disparity, and the only reasons it existed in the past was due to the lower skill level of players coupled with less low skill builds for them to be effective on. 

    Boons in and of themselves are not bad. Boon strips are not bad. Both offer levels of gameplay for players to think about and interact / plan around / make decisions about. If you think that comped 30 man isn't actively managing their resources you're lying to yourself, and a dishonest position is no way to have a conversation. 

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  5. 17 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    There ya go again, confusing readers with all that statistics psychobabble.  😉

    For reals though, it means alliances for now can't be built for much coverage even though that would be an ideal under the current scoring system.

    I need somewhere to test my newfound knowledge and skills! Might as well mix my homework with my video games. 

    Sad part is this is how we structured our Alliance - not so much to account for a balance of coverage but mainly to allow people who play across more than one time zone to have friendly groups and tags to play with. The bulk of our alliance are people who play together on alts, this allowed them to bypass alts and just play as one group on their mains. Seems like those guys are gonna have to go back to relying on alts for the time being. 😞 

    • Like 2
  6. 6 minutes ago, globe.7238 said:

    Alliances was not the answer to WvW. T5 is an absolute ghost town outside of raiding hours with guilds, and once the raids are over people simply log out. I do have some questions i'd like to ask though.

    • How does ANET plan to bring in new players to WvW and keep them interested when this alliance feature isn't friendly to them? ie. You have people who just started, are in T5 and theres not a single commander and OM buff on every map. Do you honestly think that player is going to keep trying WvW? There always needs to be a certain number of new players being introduced to fill the spots of players taking breaks, leaving etc.
    • Its been 3 weeks now, can you compile the data of player hours before alliances and check the player hours now and see whether or not accounts that had been playing a good amount are no longer playing the same time? I'm 100% positive you'd notice that PH are dropping massively.
    • Why am I forced to play on multiple accounts just to get content? Before alliances our server had a few deadzones but they weren't large, I could stay on my main account and enjoy content from logging on to logging off. Now it is the complete opposite, I login for my guilds 2 hour raid 3 times a week then log out due to zero coverage, consistently being OM on each map etc. Roaming is a thing of the past, esp when you run into nothing but "small groups" of 6+ - Being someone who frequently buys gems to support, I can assure you i'm not spending a penny until this system is reverted/better solution put forward.

    This last bit is more of a statement, I cannot recall a time other than now where I log in on reset and theres not a single pugmander, single group etc. thats formed other than now. While the idea in concept was good, it was terribly implemented and not very well thought out. This has hurt WvW more than aiding it..and by the time any real adjustments are done or reverted the damage will already be too massive to recover from. This game has always had so much potential from the start but failed leadership has dropped the ball multiple times and it shows, its like you all never learn from any mistake. /endrant


    T5 on NA was/is a temporary solution to ease the inevitable uptick in population during a new feature rollout. It did exactly what it was supposed to do. Once activity on NA dies down so, too, should the number of matches. That's like one of the key features of World Restructuring - to dynamically respond to population & activity booms and busts as needed by automatically adding more matchups and dispersing populations into paired matches. If / when there are spikes the system makes more worlds so there's less likely to be heavily queued matches. Predicably, as the weeks pass, activity has lessened, and the need for that extra tier is lessening. 

    And while you may not have queues, other matchups still very much do, and cannot get their groups together on maps. Your experience is not everyone's. We have consistently been unable to get 20-25 players on a map together due to persistent activity from small groups and roamers on our world. We are overpopulated almost every single night since WR launch during NA prime and queued across multiple maps. 

    It isn't perfect, I agree, but it's working to some degree and it can be improved to work better. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, Zok.4956 said:

    Technically there is no difference.

    Here is a theoretical example to illustrate how I understand the explanation: A guild has two groups of players: 300 players who only play in the evenings and 30 players who only play in the mornings. If the playing time of the entire guild is statistically determined, the 30 players are statistically irrelevant, the guild is assigned as if all players played in the evenings and the small group of 30 players are unhappy because they are unbalanced.

    That is why they recommend that the 30 players who only play in the mornings create their own guild.

    Of course, all of this could have been seen from the game data long before the WR...

    Correct, this is how a normal distribution works. There are ways Anet could account for this but it requires a different type of distribution and different sampling measures. Maybe that's what they're going to work on, but in the meantime the easy fix is for groups to only alliance with other groups inside their own time zone - or to go solo for better dispersion against each other in the case of lower populated time zones. This sucks for groups and players who play across multiple times zones, many in our Alliance are such people, and the result will be having to choose between friend groups or go back to using alts. 


    1 hour ago, Serapis.7240 said:

    Can we at least get Gift of Battle added to PvP reward tracks now? Legendary crafting is now essentially a dead game mode for casuals who aren't part of a WvW guild, and if you're still potentially months away from even being able to balance established guilds with an entrenched playerbase and consistent playtimes it's unreasonable to even say "Get a second job by joining a WvW guild" because that won't even get you somewhat fair matchups anymore.

    I do not think that's what you need to do to get a GoB, or to join a WvW guild. Are you on EU or NA? Can probably recommend a bunch of guilds that accept casual players (people without high time commitments and/or intense competitive mindsets), or put you in touch with a good resource to find something that fits your needs and play style. You can dm me if you'd like. 

    1 hour ago, catbus driver.4918 said:

    It's actually crazy how out of touch Anet is with not only the majority of players, but clearly the entire game itself. 

    Currently a decent portion of the visible WvW dev team (the public facing people) do actually play WvW regularly, both on NA and EU. They spend a lot of free time reading, listening, and interacting with WvW communities both in game and on various discords as well, in both regions. Given that there's literally thousands of people in these discords I do not think they're out of touch at all. If anything the players who aren't in those communities may be more out of touch than the devs. 

    Regardless of what they do or don't do for WvW people are going to be unhappy. There's literally no way to please everyone. I see WR as an opportunity to correct many mistakes in the old system, and the scoring changes they mentioned are being worked on should correct many more. It isn't flawless but it's a great start to something that has potential to be incredibly more adaptive to player habits and needs over time than the old system. I'm not happy with it as it is but I do believe the potential is here, and I'm glad to give constructive feedback that leads to improving it. 

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  8. 1 - NA

    2 - Seven Pines 

    3 - Skrittsburg 

    4 - variable, I have a couple alt accounts so I'll play where ever I can get content on whichever days life allows, usually 3-5 days a week (1-2 on the weekend and 1-3 during the week). I chose one account specifically to answer the questions for, based on its results. 

    5 - felt the same but we are frequently stuck in overpopulated server+links and our WR experience matches this, even putting most of our regular NA heavy guilds on the same world for the 2nd part of the beta. Multiple times we had every map queued well past prime time for both parts. 

    6 - yes

    7 - yes 

    8 - no idea I rarely look for other tags & almost exclusively play with my guilds on NA these days.

    9 - none, they all felt the same for me this time. 

    10 - process for getting people onto the right servers was really great to see. 

    11 - the explanation of how to select teams and the UI for doing so needs to be better executed so there's less player error in selecting the correct teams.

  9. In addition to what Chaba said - If you're feeling harassed just right click their name - > select "report" -> from the dropdown menu, choose Verbal Abuse -> click the "Report Player" button in the lower right corner of the reporting interface. Don't respond to them otherwise, no reason to spend your game time justifying your enjoyment of it to someone else who's not entitled to that explanation anyway.

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  10. Siege used to go where ever your camera was angled, including into outer space. Point up and throw and it'd go flying into the stratosphere and beyond, presumably. No idea where it landed but it was a fun time to toss siege to the stars when there was nothing else to do.

    • Haha 1
  11. I think it's pretty bad to change 2 gyros and not all of them. Either change them all or keep them all as is until you figure out what you want to do. Please don't implement inconsistent design, even if only temporary. A gyro should function the same regardless of what type of gyro it is - either make them all wells or keep them all moving aoe's, please for the love of good design don't do this half and half nonsense.

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  12. 4 hours ago, gvitch.9856 said:

    Thank you all for the kind and very useful replies!
    I might try looking foot pedals up, although there's a slight chance the price might not match the benefit, as I'm not quite in the financial situation to buy pc equipment for a minigame within in a single game.
    Currently trying remapping keys to where it's easier to move the hand and let me tell you, muscle memory of WASD makes everything feel really, really strange 😅

    There's some USB foot pedals on Amazon that are $10 and under, of course if you're going for a few you'd need the available USB ports on the computer or a USB hub. But yeah, you don't need to buy a fancy racing set of foot pedals at all, there are lots of cheaper options out there and most of them are easy to use and very plug and play.  🙂

    • Like 1
  13. Foot pedals and larger button controllers are pretty common for hand mobility issues. There are tons of adaptive controllers out there these days but the Microsoft one is nearly plug and play and gives so many options for connecting adaptive devices it's easily my favorite. 


    If you're finding it harder to use a keyboard for inputs for prolonged d periods of time it may help to move to a more accommodating control setup and save the keyboard for typing when you need to. 

    • Like 1
  14. On 3/3/2022 at 10:25 AM, Marina Demeretmonde.1064 said:


    Reasonable suggestion, but I try being a "good" team member and leave the board better than when I arrived.  The parallel with IRL was pretty profound and I could not avoid getting emotionally involved.  That is one thing I have always liked about GW2 story telling, but not when dealing with humans on the other end of the pixels. 


    Now I have visited 10 times in the last week and nothing is any different, except there is no one standing on the steps any more and so all effort is being applied to the "next to weakest".  Sooo similar to world events, right? 


    The only way as a solo player I have any chance of getting things in the game that I am physically barred from (complex team play/arthritis).  I would do it all PVE if I could.  Being forced into certain types of content (killing actual players and endlessly repetitive play) leaves me no choice but to be cannon fodder...or to bot like the guy in the golem suit.   SMH  

    My main takeaway from your posts here is that you aren't having fun in WvW. 

    The game mode is not for everyone, and if you aren't having fun then I'd highly recommend trying a different mode where you do. I don't mean that in a demeaning or demoralizing manner, PvP is not something everyone enjoys and certainly not in a format like WvW where it's a constant 2v1 on 4 maps and sometimes you're a part of the 2 and sometimes you're the 1. It's not meant to be an even or fair fight. The only upside to this is it also doesn't matter if you win or lose - there's little tangible reward.

    Things that could help improve your enjoyment of WvW - join a WvW focused guild that has a large & active group during your prime playing time. If your server doesn't have one consider transferring to a server that does. This doesn't interfere with PvE in any respect, servers only matter for WvW. 

    Your comment on people who achieve titles - I'm not sure how to take that. I've never actively sought out a WvW title like Yakslapper but after 10 years and thousands of hours in WvW I certainly do have it. 

    Really though, if you're intent on learning WvW (the meta builds and classes are quite different than PvE and it's not a player vs. environment setting, it's very much about player vs. player with the environment providing interesting and different ways to fight), do seek out a WvW guild with a large & active player base in your prime playing time. It will change the way you see & experience the game mode -- if you are open to it, of course. 

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  15. Started happening yesterday and has happened a few times now. All game audio cuts out suddenly, last time was mid npc dialogue during the guild hall claim where the three ladies are chatting. Halfway through their dialogue all game audio disappeared. It doesn't miraculously come back either, I have to reboot the client. 


    It is only the game audio that disappears - no other audio on my pc is affected. No audio inputs or outputs or volume levels change in any setting anywhere. The game just goes silent and stays that way until its closed and relaunched. 



  16. 35 minutes ago, 824E8762-B366-8556-63CB-EA9EE0278AF9.4573 said:

    As u can all see, my name is freaking long chain of numbers due to sync my GW1 with GW2 account.

    And for the past month I've been trying to reach support to change it, but with no luck. They keep closing my tickets with same message. I don't care abt in game problems with guilds/group chats and whatever stupid reasons they claim, I want it change. Ofc they won't tell me if my chosen name is already occupied. 

    It's a simple name change, what can be so hard abt it kitten.

    The most annoing thing is this closing tickets without any possibility to continue correspondency, each time u gotta submit new ticket with all your data.

    Your account name looks like a CD key, which is pretty strange. 

  17. The minis are cute and all, if a little awkward on the back legs ... however whenever I use one it just howls endlessly. Like, it'll howl and then about 2 seconds after it's finished it'll howl again. And it does this, forever, nonstop.

    As an owner of Shiba's I am fairly positive this is a bug. Mine almost never howl, even when I want them to, and certainly not non stop 24/7/365. It's honestly so annoying I actually hate using the mini, which is sad and unfortunate because they're easily my favorites. 

    This must be a bug, right?!

  18. 2 hours ago, Batel.9206 said:

    I personally don't have a problem with the new select screen (took me a little bit to adjust), but it is kind of annoying. I'd welcome an option to turn the movement off or just get rid of it altogether. Out of curiosity - do you (general "you" here; all people in this thread) have problems with the character creation screen, too? When you select your character's race and sex, the screen moves in response to your mouse, just as it does with this new character select screen.

    Not all type of movement on screen triggers motion sickness, and it's certainly different for everyone who experiences it. 

    Character creation screen is less bright, more monotone, and considerably less perceptible. A better comparison, for me, would be underwater combat where the camera angles are terrible, the field of view inconsistent, and the movement and tracking of objects less predictable for the eye (underwater combat tends to trigger motion sickness for me). There are lots of small places in the game that it happens, usually adjusting a camera angle can avert or avoid it, but that isn't an option on the character select screen.

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  19. Anet I hope you see this thread.

    I came looking to ask about this, too. Glad I searched before starting a new one.

    We desperately need a toggle button to disable the parallax on the login screen. Nearly puking every time I log in or swap characters is not a good experience, and it's one that you shouldn't have implemented without letting the player manage the setting client side. 

    • Thanks 3
  20. On the audio settings tab there's a slider for audio quality - "Fastest" being one extreme and "Highest Quality" being the other. This does affect dialogue, and if it's all the way on "fastest" you'll miss pieces all over the place, including cut scenes and quest dialogue. I don't know if that's intentional or oversight but if you want to always hear all the quest and cut scene dialogue that slider has to be all the way over to "highest quality".

    Personally I think it's a design oversight for the slider to cut out quest and cutscene dialogue but if the systems don't allow for them to be separated or controlled by their own setting then it is what it is.

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