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Posts posted by scerevisiae.1972

  1. 1 hour ago, CafPow.1542 said:

    I have the same feeling. Also: make weaver roaming a bit better. I see a bunch of tempests and catalysts roaming but weavers are mostly in zergs. Which is okay, but could be tweaked a little?

    also i‘d like more core usability through all classes, that would improve build variety i think but that’s another thing.

    Weaver is getting a small buff this coming patch with 5->3CD on the GM trait condi cleanse.

    For sceptre, the recent nerf to earth/air i think was probably unnecessary, it's a 1-shot spec and often can't 1-shot anymore, which is a bit rough considered Sc weaver has no real sustain, stealth etc like a thief would have. That said it's certainly still playable. The biggest issue with weaver IMO is how much of a restriction the 4sec attunement CD imposes on weapon choice and playstyle.

    Sword weaver is in a bad place as the game has been heavily mobility powercrept so it can't keep up, literally. Still ok versus specs that can't kite it.

    Hammer weaver is still as bruisy as ever, just very slow and easily kited. Hammer just needs either more ranged skills or another mobility skill to be more generally viable in WVW.

    Overall weaver is just mid to average overall and definitely not meta. I think the stance nerf (barrier->protection) hurt a lot and was fairly unjustified as weaver wasn't that strong before the change anyway.

    If I could choose what to change I would definitely be directing attention to making the really terrible (in WVW) weapons relevant -- hammer (more ranged skills, or mobility), pistol (full rework, it sucks), spear (more damage or more utility, pick 1, cause staff beats it in both areas), and maybe sword (make the fire 2 leap be 600 range).

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  2. 7 hours ago, Mike.3196 said:

    I feel like you dont play this game if you don't understand why cele was strong and when you didn't run it how aids it was.

    maybe it's you not playing the game? most roamers run power, condi and cele builds in varying amounts, it's totally naive to say cele is always best, cause it isn't. cele is only a viable stat choice if your build self-generates a lot of might.

    I even get whispers from clueless players along the lines of "you only won cause cele" when i am using a full power build (or trailblazers).


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  3. Nerfing cele is naive and reactionary.

    For years supports have been running minstrels, yet minstrels has never been nerfed. All of a sudden, some WVW commanders started runing a few supports as cele and all of a sudden cele is a problem?

    Moreover if you were going to nerf, why not start with 20% nerf instead of 100%->0?

    Anet has to stop listening to thse clueless WVW commanders who only know 1 aspect of the game - faceroll boonballing (cause they are actually terrible at the game, hence why they _need_ to zerg).

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  4. * make every weapon a feasible choice in WVW, no more of this BS "we're making this weapon just for PVE" like Ele has gotten for the last 5 straight expacs.

    * make a 3rd BL map, maybe a fully/mostly underground/dungeon map? having 2 copies of Arctic 12 years after release is super lame and frankly embarrassing.

    * nerf the kitten out of infinite boon stacking in boonballs, it's ridiculous. a simple solution would be applying boons to a target that already has that boon adds the lesser of (<current-boon-dur>, 1sec) to the current duration. eg: target with 5sec prot receives another 5sec prot but adds only 1sec, making 6sec prot instead of 10. then revert last boon strip nerf. zerging success should require dodging and strategy not facerolling PVE rotations.

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  5. > even replacing minstrel on some supports.

    isn't that a GOOD thing? every support in WVW was running minstrel but now SOME supports have switched to cele. Why is that a problem?

    even if we stipulate it's a problem that needs addressing (i don't think so), why nerf 100% of the boon duration and condi duration? why not try nerfing 20-50% rather than 100%->0?



  6. On 9/8/2024 at 2:25 AM, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

    ele is dead in wvw.

    Squads kick out eles. They want fb, druid, scrapper, necros, warriors, holos, a chrono or two and revs.

    Roaming? Roam as a ele in a world infected with thieves and willbenders.

    Ele is dead and ANET murdered it.

    I roam on ele regularly on a variety of different specs and can hold my own against the best thieves in the game.

    I get pinged by WVW commanders to join their zergs as staff weaver artillery. Staff weaver still the best class/spec for DPS vs large blobs in a constricted area.

    Ele does have a very high skill floor but it definitely still works just fine when played well.

    I think Ele does need buffs (in WVW) but only to its weak/unusable weapons: hammer, pistol, spear and to a lesser extent, warhorn & sword. Staff/dagger/sceptre are pretty much fine.

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  7. On 9/23/2024 at 2:12 AM, igmolicious.5986 said:

    As someone who has a lot of time on a cele build in WvW, I'll say again: the cele nerf isn't going to be as bad as most cele users seem to think. The boon duration nerf is arguably the biggest issue, but if you weren't already capping it with +boon duration runes and sigil, just moving to those will make up nearly 80% of what you lost, and at worst you're losing maybe 45% boon duration. Expertise is not a huge loss in WvW with the heavy condi cleanse that's prevalent now, and if fights last long enough that it matters, you're likely fighting someone that is cleanse heavy anyway. No other stats are being removed or reduced, so it's just a matter of a little bit of adapting and I am willing to bet most builds won't even notice the difference WITHOUT changes to runes/sigils (if you're a support-focused build, you may be the exception, but hybrid builds are unlikely to be effected in any meaningful way). I am very hopeful (though not convinced at all) that this change will also help Anet see that the problem was never the stats, and was always the balance in builds.

    i think it strongly depends on the class/spec. losing 45% boon duration is huge for ele/engi for example.

    also think more generally peole don't realise how much damage they will lose from loss of stacked might... but maybe this will take some time to sink in. as above, there is a good reason why pre-buffed cele was not widely used and why they buffed it to its current state.

    I still think cele stats are being heavily scapegoated here when really it's excessive boons and nerfed strips that is the real issue.

    at the very least, nerfing to 50-75% of current boon/condi duration seems like a better first step rather than 100%->0%...


  8. On 9/21/2024 at 7:36 PM, alain.1659 said:

    I think removing concentration and expertise is the right move. I use and love cele and have been using it for years even when it was quite bad. I just love how it works with some professions. I will still use it after the nerf. 


    But making it is not easy. And wvw is a game mode that yields limited amount of resources. Making it redundant for most of the professions is not ok. Let people have a chance to change the stats for one time only as it becomes unusable for some people. 

    i think Anet are yet to make it clear why they want to nerf cele -- what's the problem? buffed cele has been around for years.


    the problem, if there is one, is that zergs are using cele on supports, but that is a problem with boon availability and Anet nerfing boon strip, which is a problem of their own making in both cases.

    making cele redundant again is not going to solve anything, zergs will just go back to mintrels.

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  9. 6 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

    Celestial is actually used in builds, unlike Soldier which isn't used on anything, you're coming from a place of defeat in this argument, there's no way you can make the case for "Soldier > Celestial.

    pointless arguing with you cause you're clearly new or uninformed about the game but cele damage builds only work cause of mixed power/condi damage and <gasp> boon duration and condi duration. both of which are going away in WVW.... which is why nerfed cele will go back to being roughly as useful as soldier's gear.

    case in point, before cele was buffed, soldier's gear _was_ the default gear prefix for wvw exotic gear and level 80 boosts.


    • Confused 2
  10. 7 minutes ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

    No it isn't, you're factually incorrect.

    Firstly it only got nerfed in WvW, not PvE.

    Secondly, they only removed concentration and expertise in WvW, while you can argue that makes condition damage worse, it doesn't make it THAT much worse, and you can still do more power damage with celestial than soldier.

    i don't think you know what "factually" means. nerfed cele being "worse" that soldier's gear is an opinion, thus "factually" is a non-sequitur.

    > you can still do more power damage with celestial than soldier

    ...whereas ^this is _factually_ incorrect, as soldier's has a lot higher power stat.


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  11. On 8/24/2024 at 11:23 PM, igmolicious.5986 said:

    I still very much believe spear could be good on weaver if they'd just add a buff (stacking up to 3x) to its dual skills that pre-charges the next etching cast.

    doesn't need damage, it needs utility/survivability - a reflect/block or a 2nd movement skill. it's way too squishy. 

    • Confused 1
  12. On 9/19/2024 at 5:14 AM, JimmydT.7281 said:


    The "problem" of celestial stats is concentration. Before the change which included concentration and expertise (not so important), cele was rarely played anywhere (PVE and WVW). This is because wide spread stats make you too weak to kill somebody or to outsustain the same guy. With concentration this changes dramatically. Boon duration increases ur sustain by a lot, allows some classes to maintain easily 20+ stacks of might and gives a huge buff to many traits or skills you have.

    I would have suggested to rework the celestial stats like this:

    Give all primary attributs a buff buy maybe 25% (that would be Power, Precision, Vitality and Toughness) and decrease the secondary attributes by 25%-30% (Condidamage, Healing, Expertise, Concentration and Ferocity). Don't be mad at me because of the numbers, whatever % is reasonable.

    So cele would some some more offensive potential compared to 2020 (and would still be viable, i hope), but u cant become as bursty and untouchable as it might be in the current state.

    The problem i have with this change is simply bringing cele back to was it was (and didnt work) is just lazy.

    Have fun,



    this post is correct.

    i've been a roamer since the game released and cele was not even used by roamers back when it didn't have concentration after the initial set of nerfs that reduced the total stats -- that's _why the buffed it_ to include conc and expertise.


    nerfing cele just means that we (roamers) will go back to full power / full condi and trust me, that will be way more toxic to all the lower-skilled players that need to zerg.


    the cele roamer meta was always about roamers fighting other roamers, but as above, cele works because it has boon duration and cele builds need high might uptime to be able to kill anything.


    i totally agree that zergs now running cele on supports is a problem, i ran cele as supports in zergs long before it became popular, eventually WVW commanders caught on despite cele being the best support gear for literally years... but, the issue is not cele stats, it's that Anet has powercrept the hell out of boons and continually nerfed strips.


    leave cele alone and fix the boon/strip problem.

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  13. On 9/16/2024 at 6:23 PM, joneirikb.7506 said:

    So many threads about Cele, this has been discussed in several other threads as well but I'll try to give a recap:

    * It's getting changed back to the original Celestial from 2013-2021, the new modified Celestial with boon/condi duration was a change from 2021-2024.
    * It got used before the change, but less. Mostly by Guardian+Elementalist back in Core or before HOT. Being the only classes that could benefit from all stats at the same time.
    * Adding the Boon/Condi duration, it got more popular, especially considering how rare those two stats are in good combinations with other stats.
    * Newer Elite specializations has been built to do more on every skill, strike, condi, boon, etc. So they benefited more from Celestial than most older or Core.
    * It ended up having a good enough mix of stats to almost take over for Condi damage builds in roaming, and many support builds in both roaming and also zerg.
    * Most roamers just hate it because it has toughness, and they hate that, because they can't just burst people down.
    * It will go back to how it used to be, and it will be used less, but still used. There are still classes that can use it as it was before Boon/Condi duration.
    * People will still complain about it because it has toughness, roamers just really hate that.
    * It will fall out of most of zerg play, except for a few classes that didn't need the boon duration anyways. Which was likely the main reason why ANet did this.

    Nothing much will really change. The forums will just flounder about a few days until they can find something new to complain about.


    > * It's getting changed back to the original Celestial from 2013-2021, the new modified Celestial with boon/condi duration was a change from 2021-2024.

    noone used it back then, that's why they buffed it.

    > * It got used before the change, but less. Mostly by Guardian+Elementalist back in Core or before HOT. Being the only classes that could benefit from all stats at the same time.

    ele is my most-played class, and i never used cele before the buff, power or zealots/clerics/marshals mixes were better.

    > * Most roamers just hate it because it has toughness, and they hate that, because they can't just burst people down.

    very untrue. a lot of roamers use cele. i'm a "roamer main" and i don't care if my adversaries use cele at all. or full tank gear for that matter. roamers win because they play better, that's all.

    > Nothing much will really change. The forums will just flounder about a few days until they can find something new to complain about.

    also untrue. many existing roaming builds on eg: guildjen are already being changed/reworked or removed. there is a net loss of build diversity and that is bad.

    cele builds only work when they self-generate might to compensate for the big loss of damage, and it's the boon duration that keeps the might up and makes it work. the boon duration is crucial.


    as i said, they could experiment with the impact of halving the boon & condi duration instead of fully removing.   





    • Confused 3
  14. Firstly, I struggle to comprehend why cele stats are a problem, I play full power builds, full condi builds and cele builds and everything in between and I don't feel like cele outperforms as a stat choice - it's just a tradeoff.

    I do think it's being scapegoated by numerous players as an excuse for why they lose fights but it's available to everyone so the "I died because you used cele" arguments doesn't really hold up -- anyone can use it.

    What I do think is an issue is that many classes/specs do not have good power or condi builds and cele is their only real choice, so removing boon & condi dur from cele will definitely kill a lot of build diversity and make some classes/specs not viable at all, which is definitely a bad thing. Build diversity is the only thing that keeps this game interesting.

    So I really hope the cele nerf is reverted before release, or Anet tries a halfway measure first, eg: 50% reduction of current boon duration & condi duration not 100% reduction.

    my $0.02 as someone who both roams and zergs.



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  15. 1 hour ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

    This basic ele stuff. Probably didn't even test whole thing like pistol four bullet special attack. It does so low damage that it's probably bugged. When you play ele only circle kitten inside fields reward you.

    to be honest i forgot pistol even existed. haven't seen a pistol ele once in game.

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  16. IMO spear is lacking supprting traitlines more than anything, like, it needs some level of customisation, along with a design pass over some of the more obvious "pure filler" skills.

    i think abandonning the traits/specialisations in order to pump out more (much lower quality) expacs in order to create more gemstore SKUs was a terrible thing for the game but no going back now.

    what could be done however is shoehorning some new weapon mechanics into existing traitlines. eg: edgings look a lot like glyphs -- just make them glyph skills and tweak existing glyph traits?



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