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Everything posted by scerevisiae.1972

  1. Downed state is just dumb. Just remove it completely from the game and rebalance base health by +20% across all classes. Why would i ever want to use the stupid downed state skills (which i can't change or substantially improve) when i could be using my normal class skills (you know, the ones i actually specced to use) until death? DS is easily the worst POS game mechanic of any game i've ever played. 8 years on and still more than half of all players hate it, and most of the other half are scared to remove it only because they're not thinking about the other changes that would accompany the removal of downed state, like more HP, less burst specs, replacement skills/traits etc. Very very few players actually like DS.
  2. more bag/bank space means more gold earned & saved over time. i don't understand how that isn't obvious. i'll say again: if it's not PURELY COSMETIC, it provides an in-game advantage and is therefore pay2win. whether you can buy the P2W items with in-game gold or real money doesn't matter, it's still pay2win. You know what's a bad argument?Arguing that QoL stuff is P2W.It actually lose you gold, it doesn't earn you gold, in most cases.Take the gems you were about to spend on QoL and Gem>Gold and for most players there's more profit in this.QoL is simply to make the game less tedious.Are they creating problems to sell solutions? Oh yea 100%. Does that make it Pay 2 Win .. Nope ..This is needed in a game with no sub fee. Everyone can easily earn those items with gold over time.And here's my question for you. Because I've seen this a million times from people arguing it's pay2win.Why are you complaining about QoL items, instead of bringing up the fact that the game straight up SELLS YOU GOLD.I don't get it. You complain about QoL making the process of earning gold easier, but you never bring up the fact that you can buy gold.But then you would have to switch focus on something actually being P2W .. There isn't any.You say it's pay2win if you earn gold faster (in most cases you lose gold) but i'll play along ..What can you get with said gold that makes you win?I'm waiting ..it's only quality of life if it's FREE and given to everybody, eg: reducing harvest times across the board is an example of QoL. Anet do not do QoL changes, they deliberately make something painful so they can sell items (P2W) to decrease the painfulness, eg: placing bank a long way from BLTC in Lion's arch and then selling access to prestige trading hubs, portable banks & BLTC merchants. game is rife with P2W, it's literally everywhere. it's not super obnoxious P2W like a BLTC sword that instakills, but it's definitely P2W.
  3. thing is, i tried a double greatsword, double energy sigil + sigil of stamina mirage, 40% energy regen food and with all mirage mirror utilities and it still SUCKS HARD in WVW. by comparison, you can run a flamethrower or bomb kit scrapper and press literally 1 button (shredder gyro) and autoattack and consistently top DPS meters as well as be super survivable because of constant, self-renewing 10K+ barrier. i don't resent scrappers being able to do this though, because engies were garbage in WVW for years before the well changes. mirage however was below average when it had 2 dodges and yet was nerfed to 1 dodge when it's a dodge-based specialisation. so so bad.
  4. more bag/bank space means more gold earned & saved over time. i don't understand how that isn't obvious. i'll say again: if it's not PURELY COSMETIC, it provides an in-game advantage and is therefore pay2win. whether you can buy the P2W items with in-game gold or real money doesn't matter, it's still pay2win.
  5. this game has the worst implementation of pets of any game i've ever played, that's for sure. after 8 years of inaction, i just don't think they care. about the game or us, the customers.
  6. another 6 months later and i've yet to ever see even a single player use spirits in wvw. Not even once.
  7. ^this. i feel like the whole game has turned into a grind, and is increasingly heading down the pay-to-win direction with account upgrades. i think the core problem is, low replayability of content. WVW has the most replaybility due to its sandbox nature but has virtually no new content in years. Pay to win? Name one item that you can buy from the gems store that makes your character better than other players their character. And you can obtain every single item in the gems store without paying a dime in real money.there's heaps of pay2win. all the account upgrades, extra bag slots, bank slots, trading/crafting hubs, unbreakable gathering tools with glyphs, permanent bank access & teleports, numerous boosters, etc etc, the list goes on. it's not reasonably possible to buy all that with gold because of the massive time investment involved and the deliberately huge tax on gold->gems/gems ->gold conversions.
  8. NO new race. it's a massive investment of time/resources to make a new race, and i'd much rather they spent that time on e.g. new legendaries and worthwhile, replayable content. worthless poll.
  9. ^this. i feel like the whole game has turned into a grind, and is increasingly heading down the pay-to-win direction with account upgrades. i think the core problem is, low replayability of content. WVW has the most replaybility due to its sandbox nature but has virtually no new content in years.
  10. Most of the people against removing downed state are only against it because of concerns about 1-shot builds but these people fail to realise there would of course be rebalancing of base HP, etc if downed state were removed. Very very few people actually like downed state and that's really the core issue. Personally I think it's the single worst game mechanic ever put into a game and is the #1 reason why sPVP failed so hard.
  11. i think firebrand is fine, the problem is the combo of AOE stability and heals on a single class. soulbeast has great AOE stab, but you can't make a support soulbeast. mesmer has it, but the duration is too short and support mesmer sucks. earth ele has it but it's also super short. ranger has it on the elite spirit, but spirits SUCK. if anything needs a clear nerf, it's the no-cooldown, unlimited proc "purity of purpose" scrapper GM trait that single-handedly obliterates all condition specs. if I were going to change anything, i would REMOVE stab from guard, and slightly buff the other sources of AOE stab. and give purity of purpose a 3sec CD.
  12. yes please. downed state sucks. majority of people saying to keep it just aren't insightful enough to realise that its removal would of course be accompanied by additional HP, skill reworks etc. very very few people actually like it. IMHO it's the worst game feature of any game i've ever played. i couldn't hate it more.
  13. just get rid of downstate in WVW and PVP completely. it sucks, has always sucked, will always suck. it was a stupid idea quite frankly from the start to add a pseudo mini-game with completely different, unchangeable and mostly pointless skills that have nothing to do with your regular skills after you die. just give everyone 20% extra base HP and get rid of it.
  14. in 20+ years of gaming, downed state is the dumbest game mechanic of any game i've ever played, i wish it could be removed entirely and HP rebalanced with ~20% extra HP across the board to compensate. having to play a mini-game with 4 entirely new unchangeable and unfun skills before you can rejoin the fight or respawn is the dumbest thing ever conceived and i sincerely hope the dev/designer who thought of it permanently leaves the industry so they can't screw up any other game. yeah i really hate it that much. IMHO downed state is the #1 reason why sPVP failed hard & it continues to ruin & suck the fun out of WVW too.
  15. Power Mirage was absolutely a thing in WvW before the february 25th patch. It wasn't viable in large scale fights, but it was a really solid solo roamer and small group fighter. i meant power mirage in zergs was underpowered relative to other classes, and that was with 2 dodges. Even as solo roamer it was not super common and i never once thought it was OP, as a player playing mirage or as an opponent fighting one. deadeye, holosmith, longbow ranger way more obnoxious IMO. So yeah, i still can't understand the 1 dodge nerf for WVW, but TBH balancing has always been the worst/weakest part of Anet/GW2. Their decisions always seem so out of touch with the game.
  16. no, i just think the damge needs to be higher, and a condition added so that it's a decent choice for condi builds as well. but yeah, mirage with 1 dodge in WVW sucks hard. meanwhile, necros have been the dominant strip/dmg class for 8 straight years, Anet can't balance classes for shit.
  17. I think Anet just needs to stop trying to cut costs and just restore the server network bandwidth they had before they reduced it.
  18. yeah it's weak. the #4 block is broken in that the block does not channel, walking through any damage will terminate the block, which defeats the whole value of the skill/weapon. would be better if the block was only terminated by attacks in melee range. the #4 daze is also super clunky, it's a slow projectile,, not very reliable.
  19. IMO ele is in a good spot, both elite specs are good and traitlines are reasonably equal. i personally hate the weaver 4sec attunement CD, should be 2sec IMHO, D/D weaver with 4sec CD feelsbadman. agree that core is much weaker than both elite specs, the only thing i can think of to make it more attractive again is reduce base attunement CD to 7sec, or make elemental attunement (boon on attunement swap) baseline to core ele and make the arcane trait extend the base boon duration.
  20. scourges have been the #1 played class in WVW ever since POF released. Do you even see rangers in zergs? note: i play scourge and i'm totally ok with these changes, though IMHO sand savant should be 3 targets not 2. Well CD revert is totally reasonable as well, though i would have preferred to keep a CD reduction trait.
  21. As a necro main i think the changes are pretty fair, though i think sand savant should be 3 targets, not 2. Base radius around the necro IMO should be 210 or 240 not 180. Otherwise i'm ok with the changes.
  22. did you guys even try it? it's great on reaper - 100% of incoming healing becomes barrier. it's pretty good in WVW though i think weaker than the death magic GM for mitigation. if it also converted 5-10% of incoming healing to life force it would be solid good.
  23. I main necro and i think this it's just plain insanity to buff shades and wells in WVW. It's super frustrating that for years now, commanders etc only want people to bring their necro/FB or GTFO. the only fair way to do scourge fixes IMO is: remove large shade, replace wit something elseAOE on small shades 180 radius, 3 targetsAOE on necro 240 radius, 5 targetsAlso I think there should be a visual indication of when boons are stripped so that people can see that reaper/mesmer are very close to scourge in strip capability so that scourge isn't seen as being so necessary.
  24. this x100. what is it with Anet who after 8 years continues to take steps to diversify the WVW meta, which has barely changed even a little since inception. scourges do NOT need changes that will consolidate their meta position, except maybe on the support side. also, 1-dodge mirage in WVW needs their 2nd dodge back. mirages were bad in WVW even when they had 2 dodges. druid buff is ok but they are prob never going to see use outside of raids until 1) glyph trait has larger area or applies healing more reliably 2) druids can give group stab oh and lastly, well of power and well of corruption do not need buff. these are already highly used skills.
  25. IMHO this is somewhere between "wrong" and "overly simplistic". for a mainly ranged / pirate ship situation, it would be:glass weaver > rev/ranger >> scourge/reaper >>> scrapper >>> warrior for a push comp that only pushes when shades/wells are up:glass weaver > reaper/scrapper > scourge, rev, warrior for a push comp that prefers to brawl:reaper, warrior > scrapper > weaver > scourge, rev something like that. thief and weaver are heavily dependent on player skill and situation, too much to generalise. scourge and scrapper are the lowest skill DPS tha get the job done which is why most groups use them, but they're definitely not highest DPS unless you only look at fights that are orchestrated around shade/well CDs. good commanders will recognise this kind of group and avoid bombs and run over scourge/scrapper groups when they're CDs are down and their DPS sucks. groups that run only scourges/scrappers often get lolpwned by pug rangers and any kind of ranged/clouding/pirate ship situation. the key to success in WVW is diversity and playing to your comps strengths/weaknesses, but nearly any comp can work.
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