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Everything posted by MLinni.6109

  1. I still have that problem. Guild Wars 2 processes don't seem to close correctly when ending the application. You can do a workaround by killing all GW2 process manually, but I really hope this will get fixed sooner or later.
  2. I understand what you mean, but before I see how grindy acquiring relics in the future will be I am not raging yet. It will appeal to the completionists. Sure, we could have done it like the legendary journeys and required everyone to get every last mastery point of SotO (ugh!) and pay like 2000 gold in crafting mats. I am very relieved they didn't and prefer to do a reward track 20 times in WvW to get the new relics in the coming expansions. It always depends on how convenient obtaining them will be. Before I don't know that, I don't care. But whether you have to grind a ton now to make a truly legendary relic or do a few hours in the coming expansions (I usually play WvW and PvE, so I hope I'll find a convenient way to obtain everything), I don't really care.
  3. There is only one relic slot, you would choose one of the existing relics, same with runes and sigils. The relic slot is sorta the special function of the (6) Set Bonus you used to get from runes. For example, "Cleanse a condition if you use a shout". Previously, all runes were tied to specific stats they came with. Now you can cherry pick choosing a stat bonus you want in runes, and a special functionality in the relic slot. You will be able to use the legendary relic on each character. All common and SotO relics will be available to choose whenever you want to switch them. With coming expansions, you will apparently have to unlock those new expansion relics to be able to also use them on any character.
  4. Yes, imo. You can still use it on any character. Just unlock every new relic and it will be there to use on any character. I would start complaining if they'd gate keep any new relics behind unreasonable requirements. But if it's just doing the story or completing reward tracks, I don't have a problem with it.
  5. I am talking about the shift in paradigm and why I think why they're doing that and you attack me for failing to see the shift in paradigm? Hokay. You might disagree with me about this being a problem or not, that's fair. While the legendary armory has many advantages like flexibility for people, it also brings the problem with it that you cannot get people excited about < legendary rewards. Previously: Yay, ascended chest drop. Now: Yay, -1 bank slot, having to change stats to be able to salvage it for some mats, more work and you only really get a currency out of it if you already have the legendary weapons or armor you need. So they have to do stuff like this to have some reward to offer apart from skins. And not everyone is interested in fashion wars.
  6. I like the solution ANET is putting for the runes losing functionality. I have made 7 runes but I don't begrudge anyone who is just making one rune to get it for free. Regarding the unlocking of single relics in coming expansions for it: Yeah, you will have to work a bit. But you don't need to get every relic, they will probably be unlocked by collections. You have it in your achievement collection: it's available in the relic. This serves several functions: Yes, you have to play a bit ("grind") to get all relics, but then again there needs to be some rewards in the upcoming expansions to make people want to play the content and earn rewards. Also the relics of upcoming expansions will thus not be available for people without said expansion who are not able to earn them. Gotta sell expansions too. Without new elite specs there needs to be something else to "help" you want to buy said expansions. You already get SotO relics, common relics, even the ones upcoming in SotO unlocked, that's already a large core set of relics. I don't see it as a "gear grind". You usually unlock relics by doing a story (OMG, PvE content!!!!) or can even get em from reward tracks in WvW and PvP. Unless that policy changes and they put relics behind brutal "Do XXX CM without armor and only one mainhand weapon" archievements, I don't see the problem.
  7. And if several of my guilds don't intend to join a community guild? People only have 5 guild slots, and many of them are full. Not everyone plays only WvW. So I stand with my remark that this is a problem ANET just created by delivering an incomplete system and forcing it down our throats. The developers are probably cursing the names of the people who dropped that alliance stuff years ago and have long left the company. The changes only cause chaos and fracture communities. And my opinion is that it is these communities which keep WvW going. If this unfinished non-alliance "restructuring" becomes the status quo I am highly afraid the WvW playerbase will dwindle and the game mode collapse.
  8. Restructuring without real alliances does not work. - People play WvW mostly for their communities, but without being able to ally guilds everyone will be scattered across the winds. - It creates a huge problem because people can no longer use discords etc for servers creating needless chaos which players are left to sort out. - Language barriers will make this even more horrible. - Small guilds get screwed if they cannot deliver content each day and people want to play with bigger guilds also. - Most people are in several guilds making you decide which of your friends you want to ditch for several weeks. If a system like that goes permanent, I guess that's the end of the WvW game mode which is completely unnecessary. Without alliances I'd prefer the old system. While it is flawed, it could be improved. The main problems are not the uneven matchups. Sure, you can put an equal number of people into virtual servers, but you won't see the same people after a month.
  9. The difference is that life affects self healing there as benevolence does only affect outgoing healing. It is true that after a certain healing power it gives a higher output for allies.
  10. Yeah no. You don't play druid at big range in WvW. Important powers to dole out alac and might and heal are PBAoE (Like CA4 and 5) and you cannot afford to stay off tag like say a weaver. Dagger tempest is very close to the commander, druid isn't that far off. Staff tempest gets a bit more leeway if you play it on celestial. Imo the big strength of tempest is that it does everything at once. Use one power, it damages, it CCs, it heals, it gives an aura and all related aura benefits. Druid cannot do that and is much more shoehorned into healing when played on support. In CA you barely have any damaging abilities and CA5 roots you or is interrupted if you move now.
  11. A bit more alacrity on overload would be very appreciated on tempest as well. Even with boon extension the poor alac icon on your bar is nearly constantly flickering. One interrupt and it's gone. Even with concentration. Alac is highly fiddly to keep up. Perhaps adding 1s on each aura you provide might lessen the strain a bit.
  12. Also please, let's not forget poor scrappers in WvW. Since we have to Jump through several hoops with Kinetic Accelerators now, please return quickness instead of a paltry bit of might and fury to a GRANDMASTER trait. Tempest and Druid get alac and put out might and fury mainly by existing in the vicinity 😗.
  13. Yes. That would just lead to condi-spam builds and people not being able to play their characters. Teamwork would be severely hampered since you wouldn't be able to give say swiftness to a low mobility character who really needs it. Necros already have the most potent abilities against permanent boon uptime, like strips and corrupts. But since ANET judged it is "too overbearing" not to be able to RECEIVE boons for 5s in a stationary area you can guess what any answer will look like. The previous warrior bubble to prevent the reapplication of boons was perfectly fine imo and is now wrecked leaving spellbreaker in sort of a purpose limbo.
  14. OMG, CMC. Please do NOT make gyros and defense field stationary in WvW. Aren't the horrible cleansing nerfs bad enough? Now you are supposed to play a class which not only is the least rewarded in the game (no damage, no kill credits, no loot) but will now also be kludgy and unfun to play? WHY? It is SO nice to run up to people to drop a defense field on them and keep shielding them. Now it will just sit somewhere in the wilderness as soon as people move and perhaps only be useful in a choke. Same with gyros. Your heal is going to be left behind? In a fast paced game mode? How is bulwark gyro even supposed to work? Have you also considered that this is a class which is easier to pick up for new players since it doesn't have to fiddle with ground targets in the middle of combat? There might be a reason people are not playing weavers. I have seen so much promising stuff for the other classes, but this is a change really nobody asked for. I hope it not just because the GW2 engine cannot handle moving wells without being strained or something.
  15. "You are wrong." is not constructive criticism. You may not agree with some or all of the points but please elaborate. Also we don't really need condescension like "Capisci" as if talking to idiots. For me: 1) I think that will get better because we don't really have alliances yet. ATM people can represent 1 guild and if that guild is not running events, it will be a mostly unorganized cloud. But hopefully alliances will not only consist of closed tag guild raids. 2) That is indeed a problem even if alliances are formed consisting of the guilds of one server. Every faction will have to have several alliances (numbers pending and subject to change), and cross alliance "server" communication may be tricky if it changes all 8 weeks. 3) For me I've seen too much defending really, prolly depends on who you are fighting. 4) See 3) 5) That is also a big problem for me. While there's a lot of bandwagoners who constantly jump pairings, playing together with friends is more important for me. Fighting for the server pride is also a big motivation for me. 6) I guess some "elite fighting alliances" will form who will stay in the upper tiers. Depends on ANET's matching algorithm of several alliances into one faction really. If such alliances get penalized by matching them with weaker alliances for balance, it might be indeed like that. But that is a challenge ANET will have to find a solution for.
  16. Also it is not only a question of "is the healing enough still?". The problem on putting alacrity on FINISHED overloads are manyfold: - unreliability: One dodge to survive or interrupt is enough and your subgroup will be without alac for like 9s. "And I hear about staff. yeah, that thing is PBAoE. You will need to stay with your group, not "safely" channel from the sidelines. - inflexibility: So your people need a quick burst heal so you want to switch into water? No sorry, I am just channeling this overload. You know what happens if I interrupt it. - anti-support-design: You lose healing on aura for it. So what is the support role supposed to be? alac/heal? Well, I would like to do alac and heal on command. Other classes do it easily with 1 button. Tempests get to do alac when fighting on a seven way crossing on tuesdays while the boss is pretending to ignore them. So if you have to take healing on aura in exchange for it, at least put alacrity on aura please.
  17. Yeah, in WvW it is too unrealiable since you do get interrupted. In PvE.....it would cost healing on aura....for a semi-reliable alacrity? It feels much too clunky, but I will give it a try. I would much prefer having alacrity on aura instead if we already lose healing.
  18. Sad Gandaran here as well. There is stuff which should never happen. Like people not getting a link two or more times in a row. The metrics which decide we are full are either too simplistic (like just counting PvE players including not played secondary accounts which clog server spots) or if they are supposed to facture in WvW performance of any kind obviously hilarious buggy. After the relink the bandwagon trains gear up making any metrics a mockery anyway. This will also happen after alliances btw unless solved. As we are full we have no chance to get an influx of guilds or more players either. So after 8 uneventful sad weeks we have another 8 crappy weeks in front of us. I would suggest the following to at least make stuff more bearable until we get alliances: 1) Do not allow people to transfer for 2 weeks after each relink. What is the point of those pairings anyway if people move en masse to attractive relink targets? The metrics should at least have SOME effect which makes sense in the new pairings. 2) NEVER leave any server without a link more than once in a row. Due to people just moving anyway it doesn't matter if a server is "Full" or "Very High", at least spread the misfortune some to make it more bearable for the affected people. 3) Open servers more regularly. I mean, what is the point of closing off servers anyway if we rarely can even get up queues anymore at primetime? If you are hoping to make people transfer to make more money, it will instead encourage people just to sit out that time, play less, thus providing the other two factions with no content either. Eventually this will become a spiral of death dragging the game mode down. Facing 30-60+ people with half the numbers gets old eventually. I mean, ANET has improved the game in so many ways lately, I am especially disappointed that my favorite game mode and our server people in general are treated like this.
  19. I'd like to see the Synergetic Cyberscale skyscale skin again, also a synergetics warclaw would be awesome!
  20. Yeah, I just tried with max healing power to be obtainable in game. I was shocked. I certainly hope it is a bug. It's not like everyone takes heal scourges everywhere in the game btw. Plaguedoctor is about ruined.
  21. Anyhow. An easy solution would be removing bags altogether and increasing the rewards on the pip tracks to make up for it. The system is probably unfixable at this point, rewarding mindless AoEing with high rewards while about everyone else gets shafted. Considering the support food is also by far the most expensive, exceeding DPS food by several times, it is high time ANET did something to rectify that problem which was badly ascerbated by the retaliation change.
  22. Hell yes it's required. Are you even playing zerg play or only roaming on a dead server?! Stability is vital. And supporting people on a push does result in capturing objectives. So DPS people only assault a structure, get CCed and die to people and siege. If only someone would have healed, stab-bed or protected them. You cannot play WvW in any bigger capacity without support. I regard some statement like that to borderline trolling.
  23. Yeah, but "camping support builds" is what is required of a certain amount of people in a *gasp* team game. It is not like DPS requires some heightened amount of skill other than bombing on a point if the commander so desires. The loot system has always been a mess full of crutches like retaliation to get the supports some "participation" and thus loot as well. And Obtena, I am hoping you will have fun and "heightened risk" if nobody gives a kitten about teamplay anymore in your group and the enemies will dance on your corpse while you cry about having no stability or healing. This is exactly the mindset we don't need in a team game. If a supporter does his/her job efficiently they should be rewarded just as highly. Sadly due to people abusing any system this is not an easy thing to do. My suggestion would be giving participation and tagging to people who healed/booned you in the last few seconds before a target is killed.
  24. Yeah. We were always outnumbered by about everyone but the wacky system said we were #1. So let's bully the community until it breaks and everyone leaves for other games. This system does....not.....work. And no, I don't believe alliances would fix anything either. Let's see what remains of the wreckage.
  25. ...and don't forget to move us up a tier please ;)
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