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Everything posted by Snapz.4702

  1. Well what would you guys propose then?
  2. Obviously there wouldn't be 10 different unique conditions that would be more broke than it allready is. And applying Conditions in the current state is way to easyand not punishing at all, if you miss a skill or two you just carry on and spam condition. Even if you use condi cleanse to remove stacks of condition they just reapply the cleansed stacks with ease. The idea is to make it less spammy, bursty and more skill reliant.
  3. I mean wouldnt it ramp up if we successfully land those unique conditions aswell? What im trying to say is what if we had a condition system where you put a unique Condition Lets say mirage axe 3 Condition for X amount of DMG over 10sec and if you reapply it on the target instead of stacking it just refreshes it. This way we can avoid the dmg by dogding axe 3, unlike we have now where you basically have to dogde everything to survive condition + this gives more counterplay to condition other than cleansing it
  4. Instead of having the garbage condition system we have now where you stack torment, confusion, burn etc. too insane numbers with little or no effort at all.What if we tied unique conditions to specific weapons skills and utility skills where they actually act like conditions . Same way WoW(cant come up with another examples, so plz chill) handles condition where you can put several unique conditons on target, Wouldn't it be thousand times better than the spamfiesta we have now?
  5. Utcua HP in metrica province near the Loch Waypoint is bugged....
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