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Posts posted by Musaroxy.2874

  1. I've not experienced any trouble with the last jump at the clockface, but I've for sure had trouble with the breakaway pieces near the start and just after the leap of faith jump. Yesterday they were appearing suddenly, without doing their animation, and I assumed it was latency, but today I've seen it as described in other comments here.

    It's happened consistently across every instance of the Clocktower today, even after exiting to a different map and going back in.

  2. I'm doing some research for a character, and having a hard time figuring this one out.In the years between GW1 and GW2, about how many generations have passed? The only solid lead I can find is Gwen and Logan, and I vividly remember the whole deal with her gravestone listing her as his great-grandmother, and then later it being corrected to "ancestor" which is far less specific.

  3. The first time I received the letter from Mechanist Ninn, informing me of the restoration of the Asura Gate in the Eye of the North, I was excited, and hurried to complete the new content. The second time I received the letter, I merely deleted it and moved on.I have now opened my 26th letter, and cannot help but wonder if it will ever end.I was never bothered by having so many characters, a fan of Fashion Wars, I was always happy to create more. However now, I am confronted with an inescapable fate, as every character that I have not played since the March 17th update is met with a little red "1" over their inbox.While I could simply run through all of the characters I have not yet been greeted by Mr. Ninn on, it feels just as tedious as coming across the letters by accident.Please Mechanist Ninn, I've visited the Eye of the North many times now, I've upgraded your Asura Gate to the maximum, I've upgraded the whole hall.I dream of a day where I may log onto a level 80 character, and not be greeted by "Restoring the Gate Grid at the Eye of the North."

  4. It's certainly not the first time, however what caught me by surprise is that every single one of these is voiced dialog. It sounds like it's mainly the VA's for Caithe and the Female Sylvari PC. I can't identify the voice of the male Sylvari with new lines off the top of my head though.There was a similar instance of new voiced dialog some years back too, but all that dialog seemed to stop happening not long after.

  5. Hanging out in the Grove today, I've got the dialog engrained into my memory quite well since it's my favorite city. However I've found myself surprised at hearing quite a fair share of new little snippets. Examples include "Plum wonderful!" "Oh my goodness, poor little petals!" "Smell that? There's a hint of mint in the air." and "Ah thorns! I forgot to sharpen my blade!" Is anyone else catching all these new dialog bits? Is anyone hearing new dialog in the other cities as well? I haven't heard any of these repeat yet and it's making me feel like I imagined them.Edit:More that I've come across as best as I could catch them."Bop-bop-a-dee-bop-bop-a-doo""I'm going to sleep well tonight.""Never underestimate wisdom(?) in the face of overwhelming odds."

  6. While it's a shame to lose Almorra, I'm hopeful that they'll tackle the fallout in an interesting way. Supposedly Laranthir of the Wild is supposed to take over the position of leading the Vigil in the case of her death, and I'm curious how that will go when he's been MIA since the end of HoT. Is he still around? Will there be butting of heads between him and Jhavi since, despite him being the one who is supposed to take over, she's the one most-involved here, with a personal stake to boot.

  7. I wanted to point out one common misconception that seems to be popping up a lot here, which is that Necromancy is a sort've taboo among the races of Tyria. It's quite to the contrary in fact. Despite the common running theme of facing off against undead creatures, as long as you understand common sense, you're fine. Humans have a respect for Necromancy stemming from one of their very Gods having a connection to it. It's not appropriate to walk around someone's corpse as a crash dummy, as seen in Ghosts of Ascalon, but there's no outright shying away from it. (For Human Necromancers see Priests/Priestesses of Grenth, Exemplar Kerida, Priestess Rhie, ect) Sylvari, while very connected into nature, are a naturally curious race, and since the opposite of life, something they're surrounded with, is death, many of them have an immense fascination with it, and how it works. (This also applies to other professions that aren't nature-themed, because they are curious and will try anything.) (For Sylvari Necromancers, see Trahearne, Killeen, various Nightmare Court NPCs, ect.) Charr are also good candidates for Necromancy. Despite magic not being a popular choice for them due to their past with the Flame Legion, Necromancers are often seen among the Ash Legion. Along side this, it makes sense for them to look into such arts, due to the constant barrage of Ghosts they face in their homelands. (For Charr Necromancers, see Nameless Ash Legion NPCs, ect, I don't know many of the Charr NPCs sorry.) Norn also have ties to Necromancy, due to their connection to Raven, which is stated very well by JTHMRulez.9378 above. (For Norn Necromancers, see the NPC literally named Necromancer, Raven Shamans, ect.) Then finally we have the Asura, who, due to their diverse ways of scientific discovery, are perfectly suited for Necromancy. The art of undeath meshes greatly with their colder methodologies. We have Asura Necromancers going back to GW1. (Oola being the number 1 example, and quite possibly Blimm, since despite his profession as a Warrior in GW1, he delved heavily into "Necromantic Golemancy". A similar venture to Oola's famed work.)This Necro-centered post can really be applied to any profession too, because there's really not a whole lot lore-wise that makes a certain profession fit a certain race more, aside from obvious surface connections like Ash Legion -> Thief, and Sylvari -> Ranger. If you're new, it's really best to just pick whichever profession and race combo you like best.

  8. Sylvari are able to suit any of the professions, because of how wildly spread across the board they are in personality and purpose. Of course Humans are the same.Asura would easily suit all of them, though the heavier professions may seem out of place, there's the Peacemakers with their techno-heavy armor and shiny hammers.Norn are incredibly versatile as well, even if at a glance a profession doesn't seem fitting, there's probably something to support it, if you look closer.Charr have been covered pretty well by everyone else here, but I have to say, Necromancer is perfectly suited to Charr as well. A number of Ash Legion NPCs are Necromancers, and with all the ancient Human ruins around? Easy pickings for minion-making.While some professions seem more thematically suited to some races, there's always a reason for others to fit that race as well.

  9. @Tyson.5160 said:It just means that the personal story is best experienced through multiple characters/ races to see the cogs/wheels to truly appreciate the plot.Yes, exactly that! While it does form a lot of the negative opinions that this post showcases, if one stops and looks, it's so specifically designed to be that way. So many of the side characters turn out to have depth, and backstory, so long as you play through on different races, and get different points of view. It applies quite thoroughly to the ups and downs of Trahearne as a character too.

  10. Speaking as someone from the "Trahearne was Okay" camp, I just wanted to add a few things here.

    @"Tyson.5160" said:By the definition, if Trahearne was a Mary Sue why would he be constantly asking for the counsel of the commander. In fact Trahearne is constantly asking what we should do next. Someone also said Trahearne named Fort Trinity, no, that was the Commander.Actually, the original mention of the naming of Fort Trinity said that the Commander named it, and Trahearne took credit for it. Which, I can see where this is coming from, in Retribution, when talking to Trahearne at the end, we name it "We are three groups, coming together as one. How about Fort Trinity?", but dialog from the next quest, Forging the Pact, gives this line; "Trahearne: Excellent. I'll begin preparing our new headquarters at the Terzetto site, which I have code-named Fort Trinity. I look forward to seeing you all there."@"Tyson.5160" said:The one instance that Trahearne does show some power of summoning multiple minions, he is shown laying on the ground afterward, out of breath and exhausted, as if the mere ability of what he did almost killed him.I feel the need to add to this, there's only two occurrences in the entire personal story, where Trahearne summons minions. To stand guard around him as he calls the shots in Retribution (Where they do nothing at all), and the example everyone in the thread has brought up.

    On the topic that keeps showing up about "spotlight stealing", as someone who believed this, and then didn't, I can see where it comes from. If you aren't Sylvari, you're very suddenly ripped from your very specifically personal story, where you did things in your own race's territory, and did things with the Order you chose, into one singular storyline, that, while still having choices, doesn't have as many with such a huge impact. And these choices are often all given to you by one single source, Trahearne. Meanwhile, if you've been a Sylvari the whole way, the personal story prior, becomes more like a build up to the Pact Storyline, and following this Firstborn's Wyld Hunt.But this is purely just my 2 cents, happy posting!

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