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Posts posted by Klowdy.3126

  1. 3 minutes ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

    Literally reaper with minions..

    I'm just stating my opinion for what I would like to see is all. I would also want different functionality from the minions. If the went defensive GS, you could sacrifice your minions for boon/conditions/defense. I wouldn't want a copy paste of reaper.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Chaos.7614 said:

    Here you go https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaper. Don't need a minion spec when we have Kalla already.

    I'm talking something that follows you around, letting me put my brain on auto-pilot for a bit. You just don't see a lot of classes with minions, so I always kinda wanted that with the GS. GS is really all i want, but I thought I'd add in the minion aspect so it could see a bit more use in-game.

    • Confused 1
  3. Speaking from the heart, I hope its GS with minions. Just sounds like fun. A logical direction would be a defensive GS. I would also like axe main hand, or mace off hand, maybe with spirit (mist) weapons. I really just dislike daggers and sceptres, so I have a feeling we'll get one of those.

  4. @sokeenoppa.5384 said:

    @Arden.7480 said:Just adjust to the difficulty.Unless you count 'not doing the difficult content' as adjusting to it, some people simply can't adjust to every difficulty.Many people simply aren't good enough and don't have enough talent make up the missing expertise.

    Its ok that some content is too hard. Gives you an option to train and get better which keeps the game intresting.Or like you said, players can just skip the content that they dont enjoy.

    People would quit, and slowly, GW2 would dry up, just like Wildstar.

  5. @Fenom.9457 said:I think definitely future capes, and maybe other backpacks too. Unfortunately there isn’t tech to retroactively make old backpacks dyeable and recoding them all one by one is a waste of dev time, if it’s even possible.

    A lot of it would become redundant, too. There are 5bsets of wings (?), and only 2 styles.

  6. @Head Kracker.4790 said:I want to first go on record that as somebody who played superheros MMo's that I really appreciate the cape options that have came and will be coming. However I really dislike the cost for both options at this time.

    For the gem store one, I like that it is dyeable, I like the look, its a very nice cape. I personally believe it is 100 gems too much for a cosmetic item. I believe this about a lot of armor skins you put out. I certainly don't know how your in house game economists choose the gem price for items you put out, but if you had done a flat 400 I might also be inclined to purchase it and other skins. I mean if these were actual armor bits going 500 + on gems would make more sense but this is a totally cosmetic skin. The lowest amount of gems purchasable is 10 dollars . While I understand that your trying to encourage people to spend money so that you can create more content I think that your pricing is more self defeating in some ways.

    I personally feel id be more likely to blow cash if I'm getting 2 skins for 800 . This is my opinion though.

    Onto the Guild cape, this is where the real disappointment steps in. First off I don't mind that I have to pay for it, I do mind that its a half cape and 10 gold and 10 commendations. This feels sorta like a gouge to me especially when all the other guild backpieces are 5 gold and 5 commendations. This really doesn't feel like a 10 gold and 10 commendation skin. Again if it was like the other offered guild back parts that carried stats that might change my mind....but ten gold for a half cape skin alongside 10 commendations?

    For those that are about to say that 10 gold isn't much your quite correct, 5 days of dailies or just doing general events would snag enough gold within a week to afford that part. Its the 10 commendations to somebody in a small guild that's really my clincher price wise. If you have a fairly active and large guild that will do guild missions once a week you might be able in 2 or 3 weeks depending get the 10 necessary. But what about small guilds or guilds that have lost people and can maybe only get 1 or 2 commendations a week depending on how lucky the guild mission list is? That's a pretty long time to invest in a skin with so many other shiny things to get.

    Seems right in line with other backpacks with no glider.

  7. @Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

    @InsaneQR.7412 said:It's buggy me for a long time now.In what way is it buggy?

    It's guaranteed: once per day, at any channel-type hero challenge (including the one you can get for your home instance), as long as you have 25 ordinary quartz in inventory.

    For all the achievements that ask for charged quartz, there's a TP alternative route. (And nothing stops you from charging after you reach your goal, then selling to others that come after you; if you're careful, it's possible to even profit relative to your initial costs, although more commonly you'll end up recouping 70-80% of what you spent.)

    Obtaining more than one charged quartz per day is either expensive or requires luck (usually both).

    Pretty sure he meant bugged.

  8. @Edge.8724 said:I wanted to try it. I bought it. Played it. Didn't regret it.

    Why should they make this free now? They still.could make a little more money with that.

    And this; why does me and the many players who purchased it should be penalised by giving it for free? Is there a good reason to make this game free to play?I get that it's not very active, however, there is a great amount of solo content (well, it is based on solo content, literally) that it is still worth bying it.

    You aren't being penalized at all. You got all of that extra time, prior to when I would go F2P, to play the game. You aren't losing anything, and you will have gotten more out of the game than F2P players.

    I own the game, and still jump on from time to time. I would like to have a larger community for when I actually do play. There is no need to keep milking a cow when its milk starts drying up. You may get a few drops, maybe even enough for an entire glass, but why not just let the cow relax for its final years of life?

  9. @Kabuki Theatre.9752 said:

    @"Trise.2865" said:Three words: "fly-over zones". You play WoW, so you know what that term means, and why GW2 should avoid it like the plague.

    Please explain to me in plain words,how a bird,behaving exactly like a real bird,is somehow artificial?

    By carrying a person on its back when it shouldn't be.

    And the mythical Griffon and Skyscale is being realistic by carrying people on its back?At least an Eagle can carry off a sheep with no problem at all.

    Have you ever tried carrying a person on you back while running? Not super easy, but doable. Definitely not going to be going as far as normal. How about one around your waist? Much more difficult. Sitting on/near the wings of a bird would greatly hinder their ability to fly.

    The way ANet has decided to implement mounts is the absolute best idea of any game I've played so far. Flying is not only not necessary, it would ruin things like map traversal, and jumping puzzles, by either making them far too easy, or creating no mount zones in way too many places.

  10. @"Game of Bones.8975" said:Look at which weapons are under-used and the ones that don't have an elite yet and take out the underwater (spear, trident, harpoon gun).https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weapon#Weapon_usability_by_professions

    I would really like the pistol elite, but my Predator is just too cool not to vote for rifle.

    Lack of use doesn't suggest new especs, and the fewer classes using said weapon only opens up the pool wider for someone else to possibly get it. Rifle doesn't fit the class at all. I would imagine mesmer, or ranger getting it before rev. Thematically, GS, MH axe, a dagger for either or both hands, or warhorn make the most sense, followed closely by scepter, and focus.

  11. @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

    @rikilamaru.5842 said:my ranger in wvw

    Looks quite uninteresting with some random armor and no specific traits/theme. But at least they fit together. Advice: increase details and look for a nice background next time to fit the mood and make the picture more appealing.

    Tell us how you really feel.

  12. The last time I had problems with a boss was Cadecus in LS3, but that was easy enough to power through, and still be half clothed. I was actually disappointed with the fight against kralk, way easier than I thought. If I'm not yelling at my screen, it's too easy, lol.

    The only time I ever run into problems 99% of the time, is when I tunnel, and don't pay attention to where I'm supposed to be going, or what I should be doing.

  13. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @"Teratus.2859" said:

    I honestly doubt many people who have not logged into the game in 2 years even think about coming back.. and if they did I doubt they would care about their old characters or their names all that much.I'm not so sure about that. There have been plenty of returning player posts here and on reddit from players who have been gone for years. Also, with ANet's push to bring back those "lost" players, the number of returning players may increase.

    Case and point, as of posting this, the fourth thread on the front page is from a player that played at launch, until level 30 (one can surmise from that the player has been gone for many years, since literally everything you do gives you experience to level), and is wondering if it is worth coming back. At very least, this person has been gone since before HoT, because they have no knowledge of gliding, or mounts. This person may have been repelled by losing their name (pure conjecture, but based on past experiences, and others' comments), which is worse for the game than names sitting idle.

  14. @notebene.3190 said:I don't see why names have to free up. They have the best system for naming characters. They allow spaces, quite a few characters, and some special characters. I get more frustrated systems where they don't allow a space, so you have to use an underscore.

    Legolas Ignatowski

    Granted, that's 18, but you get the idea.

    People need to come up with last names, and titles like the Vikings used. Ivar the boneless, Eric the red, Eric the great, Leif Erikson. This game is so easy in which to make names. Sorry, Sephiroth, and all of its deviations are taken. Nope, Groot is unavailable, be more clever.

  15. @"PseudoOAlias.4279" said:Look I get that this is an older mmo. I also get that arenanet probably doesn't want to introduce things like forced-name changes after x amount of time. I also concede that people want to retain the rights to names they got when they first started playing the game. That's all fine.

    But frankly this situation is getting ridiculous. Every time I go to remake a character the name that I want is of course taken so I go to use a combination of accent letters (which you're not supposed' to use anyway) and it usually takes about 6 of those as well before I find one that's actually available.

    I don't have a problem with people who still play the game, or who have even logged in in the last 2 years or so retaining their names. That's fine. I'm also totally fine with the practice of buying names & if a person with a name doesn't want to sell it that's fine too. They have the characters & should be able to retain the rights to said names. But this game is in dire need of a system that retires old names, or puts them back in the pool for re-selection after a few years or so.

    Arenanet please. The existing system makes it a nightmare to try to have people join on you when you're leading trains or hosting events. Not to mention it looks terrible because most of your existing player base was forced to compromise on names they wanted.

    Granted that name-change contracts are already over-priced, but one system that I think might work is some kind of "super-name change contract." One that's more expensive but that lets you buy names from people who have been inactive for more than 2 years. Then when & if that person logged back into the game they could either a) reclaim the name & you'd get a refund for your contract or b) change the name & they'd get a small reward like 800 gems or whatever the difference of price between the normal name-change contract and the upgraded version was decided to be.

    Love it or hate it I think this is a discussion that really needs to happen. Post your ideas / opinions below.

    Cheers all!

    I have absolutely no problem making names. Maybe you are just choosing the most unoriginal names around, ones everyone e else thinks of, too. A big no to removing names from people's characters. They got the name, they deserve to keep it. Try coming up with some more original names.

  16. @Danikat.8537 said:This seems to just be a common theme with MMOs. At any given time there's people declaring the end of each one - either claiming it's dying, already dead or going to die if/when they do something that person doesn't like and the vast majority of the time it's nonsense. Sometimes it's based on very limited data - like both that player's friends quit because a new game caught their attention so they assume everyone else has quit too. Other times as far as I can tell it's a weird form of defence mechanism - they've gone through a game actually shutting down before and now prefer to tell themselves their current game is doomed and going to fail any minute constantly, for years, so that if it does happen it's just what they expected all along and not a surprise.

    @Omernon.9762 said:It is doing well right now, but this summer we will have WoW Classic which is already a huge success and attracts a lot of attention, even though it hasn’t been released yet. One could think that announcing a new expansion could be a good counter measure, because by the time ANet will release it, a large portion of players will get bored of WoW Classic and will look for the next big thing. We were instead promised new LWS and that won’t send message across, no matter how big it is.

    It might be attracting a lot of attention from former WoW players, but there are also a lot of people who play other MMOs who chose not to play WoW for various reasons and I can't imagine a reboot of the game which didn't interest them originally will interest them now, unless it's fundamentally different (which would defeat the point of making a 'classic' edition).

    I was going to list some of the changes they'd have to make to interest me, but basically it would need to be a totally different game. Especially since the original thing which put me off was when they destroyed Quel'thalas in Warcraft 3 and I realised you wouldn't be able to play as a high/sun elf. (Not a blood elf, that's not the same.)

    Seriously. People have been screaming about the death of WoW since 2006, and even though I feel like it's not as great as it once was, it is alive 13 years after the fact (15 years of total life). That is a long time for a game to run, so people will come and go, and return. I have never understood why people feel the need to talk about it. If the game is dying, there isn't much to be done about it, and if it isn't, you just look dumb.

    That said, dying games don't get people added to the team, more content, QoL additions, or a plan of near and far future plans.

  17. @Moonlit.6421 said:While I know by this point most ppl are gonna yell at me for saying so that does t really fit with their lore though. That would mean that either sylvari hounds randomly started growing a lot bigger for no reason, or that there have always been giant ones we just never saw or the sylvari thought about riding. I suppose from an individual player perspective it could be a rare mutation or strong veteran one that grew larger than its companions but even that is a bit of a stretch. I have mixed feelings about it tbh, as I understand the thematic want for it but can't find a good enough reason to justify it.

    Breeding can cause many changes in the animal. This is how we went from wolves to toy poodles.

  18. @mathion.8549 said:

    @"Klowdy.3126" said:You should try out the action cam. Clicking is a very subpar way of playing. It's really easy to get used to. I set my keys up as so:

    1-LMB, 2-Q, 3-E, 4-R, 5-F, heal-T, utility are 1 through 3, elite-4, F1-Z, F2-X, F3-C, F4-B (I don't play a class that needs more F keys than that), rolls is set to MB4 and weapon swap on MB5 (if you have the buttons).

    It may be strange to get used to at first, but it didn't take me long. You will see how much better you are using the action cam.

    That's YOUR thing. It works for YOU. Your post, however, seems to say that no one else can have any other way to play, or have preferences that aren't involving keybinds. Granted, keybinds are simple to implement, but most folks who care about their gameplay want to just play the game howsoever the controls allow. The controls allow on-click. So some folks play on-click.

    The problem is that playing on-click means having that horrible skill description obscuring what you're doing most of the time. And sometimes, in the heat of battle, you lose your position sense and need to click skills (or something else) and your mouse rolls over things that pop-up in your way.

    Even if you don't click on skills to play, the skill descriptions will pop up in the middle of things if your mouse happens to go over them. So sticking to keybinds isn't a solution. The problem persists regardless of what style/preference one has.

    We shouldn't have to keep those skill descriptions active "on hover" all the time. A right-click on them is really all one needs, or an option to make it pop up only on right-click (making that the default) with no description on hover. Just change the event from on-hover to on-right-click in the code and call the same pop-up function. Make the left/right click on the arrow above the skill what you use to change the skill slot in the 6-10 slots, with a right-click on the skill itself providing the description that disappears on click or when you right-click on another skill. Then you don't need to go changing anything in the options UI at all.

    And while we're discussing clicking and cursors, I'd prefer if there was an option to keep the cursor visible at all times, because I tend to lose track of where it went when moving the camera/character. The mouse moves, but the cursor hides while the movement is happening and reappears where it disappeared, not where the thing would have been after moving the camera/character. This means I'm always losing the cursor because I can't see it when it disappears. If it stayed visible the entire time, even if it didn't move, it'd be easier to notice. I had to add Yolo Mouse to help see the thing, which makes it better, but it shouldn't be a problem in the first place.

    The cursor should never disappear (except when playing with no UI).

    If that's a suggestion for another place, I'll go toss it there, too.

    Wow man, I meant no offense to anyone, and I never implied everyone should do this. It is a fact that everyone that plays in the big tournaments for huge cash prizes don't click abilities. It is slower, it if that's your thing, do it up, I'm not here to tell anyone how to play. I simply offered up a very easy method of action play that requires very little movement over the keyboard. Also, I wrote that six and a half months ago, so I'm not sure why you are attacking me now.

  19. @"Ashantara.8731" said:Here's a gallery of pretty much everything my characters ever wore, including mostly mix-n-match sets:dJHZHrq.jpg(click for full size image)

    Note: Some chars changed their physical appearance (gender, heritage) over time, so don't get too confused over the variety you see. I "only" have a total of 12 characters.

    I like the asura with horns that double his height. I've been using the PoF outfit from the CE on my sylvari revenant as I level him. He is black wood, with red detail, and he has on the black feather wings to make him look like a dark angel kind of character. It's very basic, and you dont see it used much, but I think it looks cool.

    I only wish you could see back items on the character screen. That is a huge part of the look I go for with my characters. It takes away from appearance without them.

  20. I sometimes feel like people think I'm afk farming. I was at a small hut area the other day, doing a heart to get my griffon mount (got it =P), and I had to step away after finishing an event. I came back almost an hour later, and I had several reward chests for being in the area of the event I had finished before I walked away. I was next the the heart vendor, so I thought I was in a safe zone, but I guess it becomes a little gray during that event. I'm just a guardian, though, so no pet to tag mobs, and no auto loot.

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