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Posts posted by Klowdy.3126

  1. 11 hours ago, yann.1946 said:

    no not really, everyone has a sort of maximum that they can do content even if they enjoy it.

    For example i like pasta a lot, but if i had to eat soly pasta for the rest of my life id probably get over it pretty soon.


     Or do you think that people will just keep playing the same thing over and over indefinetly? 


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  2. 1 hour ago, Laboufe.6495 said:

    I know this is old news at this point, but I am incredibly frustrated that this one item is locked behind RNG while the rest are purchasable for bandit crests. I have done countless chest farms and vinewraith events and I am still short one box. It is the only item I am missing to finish my luminescent collection, which is time consuming and annoying enough as is. Please consider adding the coat box to the bandit crest vendor,


    Thank you.

    That's kinda ANet's thing. Isn't the bladed chest the same way? I'm all for making them purchasable, but it seems like their formula. Hopefully some day, though. 

  3. 23 hours ago, CheesecakeChiari.7154 said:

    (Sorry if I'm not understanding and missing something like sarcasm)


    Soulbeast dagger is part of the meta builds for I think both power and condi in PvE

    Druid staff is part of the meta for heal builds in PvE

    Scourge torch is meta for some builds

    Tempest warhorn is meta for several builds

    Weaver sword is meta for several builds


    Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head because those are the elites I've played.

    Reaper, renegade, herald, berserker, firebrand, holosmith, scrapper, deadeye, and daredevil as far as I know. Those are the ones I've played/researched. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    For me, the problem is rather that Anet does not manage to continue content in general. I mean, even the story is so wishy-washy and has so many plot holes.
    Anet is not good at creating content and taking it further. With EOD, they will continue to reinvent OW and instanced content 100% sure and then leave those inventions to the side. 

    Anet would simply have to start to develop something continuously and not just neglect when a bit backlash comes, which will always come no matter what you do uu.


    I mean, sure, I'd like to see more raids. I wish for a lot. Including, for example, that they find back to their old style and raids, fractals and OW are again bearable playable and not that everything must be an explosion of effects.

    But I don't believe that there will be anything, just like I gave up believing that dungeons will be touched again. Or that Anet will stop making clothing sets instead of armor sets.

    But that's why I understand the raiders here who don't want their content to be changed in any way. Because we know what Anet sees as a "change" and what you want as easy-mode, can backfire with Anet's idea very quickly if you look at past projects of Anet that they have "reworked".

    The content for this "5%" of players could be ruined, which would then drive these people out of the game completely. While for PVE'ler nothing changes.
    And that's just it. You have 97% of the game to yourselves. Why compete with 1% of the game, with the raids, only because you feel excluded from one thing, the legy armor? How old is GW2 now? 9 years? You got along 9 years without Legy armor and its advantages. So why this selfishness over one thing?

    That's not quite true. Mounts have been expanded upon 3 times now. Elite specs are still being made. WvW is getting a little love (though not what it should get). Stats continue to be added, and new forms of gear (though I think they've hit the ceiling with gear, unless they change up their core ideas). LW episodes are still being made (no matter how the story unfolds, that system is still a cornerstone). Raids are being converted to something ANet deems "better" than the current state (based on the shift to strikes). A new profession is being added, bringing with it more content for another profession. 


    You seem to be cherry picking things as if they aren't being used, when in fact, some are getting total overhauls (in the case of PvE endgame group content). Some things are worth it to the devs, and some aren't, I assume based on played metrics. 


    I think the biggest issue with with PvE content, outside of meta events, which are in a great spot, is the devs want to improve content, without removing it. Fractals were their improvement on dungeons. Raids and improvement on that, and strikes an improvement/expansion on that. They could have completely altered dungeons from the start, but after removing S1, they saw how much disdain people had for that. 

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  5. On 7/12/2021 at 9:25 AM, Aeolus.3615 said:



    they did some raids as well but for what they told me there was no point of doing them since  rewards had no sense of progression nor had anything special besides useless toon embezzlements.

    Well  i cant say they arent wrong ;\ Raids are useless for me as well, i rather be in WvW than being a useless raid player for a useless reward 😄, dungeons at least at the begning provided stuff players want to use for the build.

    They liked fraactals but playing the game just for it would be lackluster.


    Altough the embezzlements stacking can hide toon animation xD if the enemy has everything maxed and will be harder to notice skill animations hahahaha.

    If your friend doesn't understand that gear that let's you customize everything about the stats, on the fly, and is available to all characters that can use it without banking it is vertical progression, then they don't understand this game. 

  6. 9 hours ago, Crono.4197 said:

    I played WoW for 5 years, Runes of Magic for 4 years and TERA for another 5 years, among other MMOs which were also gear based, but I played them for less time. All of this happened in the period 2006 - 2017.

    Yes it is about doing dungeons, raids and getting gear, because other than that, don't don't have much to do in other MMOs because those are the base things in them. Why do people generally play MMOs? To create a character, level it up and get gear, be it from dungeons or raids. People that play vertical progression MMOs only have a feeling of achievement from the gear they get, they don't know how to have fun in the game other than that. It's a form of self ego boosting.

    Now, I won't talk as I haven't been there myself. I played WoW, Runes of Magic and TERA for all those years, for a reason. At one time, I also liked vertical progression MMOs, until I got tired of doing the same thing over and over and over again.

    I will also mention that while playing WoW and later Runes of Magic, I was playing Guild Wars 1 too and while playing TERA, I was also playing Guild Wars 2 and I didn't enjoy one less than the other. I enjoyed them all equally, until the frustration of always losing all my hard work after each few months got to me.

    Now I don't have an issue with vertical progression MMOs, each person is free to like anything. My issue is with people that bash Guild Wars 2 for no reason, as if they're the masters of the universe and they have the supreme opinion (because yeah it's 2021 we're entitled about everything now, right?) instead of purely accepting that this isn't a game for them and that each person is free to like what type of game they want.

    You don't see me going to WoW, Runes of Magic or TERA forums, screaming that the games are bad, just because I stopped playing them, but I see tons of people that come on this forum only to bash the game and demand, as if they're kings or something, that the game becomes like WoW or ESO or FF14 or whatever.


    Yes it is, sorry 😄 Corrected the post. Thank you for pointing it out!

    To be fair, most of the WoW forums are just people saying how bad the game is, trolling and real. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

    You're on a team with five people and at low levels of PvP there's often no coordination. I'm not a PvP whiz or anything but I win about 50% of my game.  It's almost random because the sides are random.  It hasn't taken me that long to get a piece of PvP ascended armor, and I have to say, it's just time, nothing else. It's not skill.  It would take you about 3 times longer if you lost every game than if you won every game. That's it.  But you're not likely to lose every game because you're not the only one on your team.

    I can play 3 PvP games a day and eventually have a piece of legendary armor, with very little investment.  But the major point is PvPers, to get this, are doing what they always do. It's the same killing and capping and defending. Nothing else. It's the same thing EVERY PvP player does.   In WvW it's the same thing. Whatever you're doing, capping a camp, taking a tower, escorting a dolyak keeps your participation up. You can follow a zerg tag or you can roam. It's what you normally do in WvW. It's what EVERYONE normally does on WvW. 


    But for some reason in PvE, it's the only area in the game where we're funneled into one single specific type of content. Content that most players never touch, and you have to push yourself through it.  People who could tolerate raids, or liked the;m get their PvE armor, and many of us, PvE'ers like me, get their armor in WvW or PvP...which I don't enjoy.   I'm simply forced into the lesserr of evils from my point of view.  I'm not sure why anyone thinks that's good for the game.

    The community has spoken. The bulk of us don't raid which likely means the bulk of us don't like raiding.  But you think that it's good practice to make it hard to get legendary armor in PvE, doing something most PvE people have already passed on.  So why do you think PvP players and WvW players can get it doing what they normally do, but PvE players have to jump through hoops. That sound fair to you?

    I do like the idea of meta events giving a legendary route. If they made you some all of the major metas from at least HoT and on, and make world bosses part of it, that would require a fair amount of effort. Add a currency in, that drops from each event once a week, per account, and figure out how much items would cost if you got a full set in 6-9 months doing everything every week. I don't want gear handed to me, but I would like to eventually get the gear I want, doing the things I really like.


    That said, I don't think this will ever happen for fear of other game modes losing popularity. I think ANet is scared that if open world meta events award legendary gear, no matter how much has to be done to acquire it, the draw for other content won't be nearly as high. I have a strong feeling PvP would turn into a ghost town if people weren't feeling compelled to do it for legendaries (myself included. I've enjoyed it more than I thought I would, and far more than I did when I was really bad, but I would totally farm metas and WBs if given the option). 

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  8. 3 hours ago, Neosayayin.3498 said:

    make raids casual and open world for players, make the easy mode auto join and make raids so people can join this mode with out a problem, you can lower the difficulty and  lower the loot depending of the difficulty.  hard core players are the  low bar off this game so make the casual players have a chance to play raids, another idea is too give players a pve way to have legendary armor, maybe raids or fractal armor or living world armor. 

    How can you say "lower the loot," then follow it up with "give players a PvE way to have legendary armor?" Either loot is lowered, or legendary gear is mailed to every single account, because what's the point of waiting now that raids are soloable? PvP is pretty easy, most people aren't even actual people. You're gonna have to put forth at least a little effort in order to obtain the best gear, and the last set you will ever need.

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  9. 2 hours ago, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

    So I did all of the dynamic events that would pop up and generally wanted to do map completion.  It's just after like a week of doing it off and on when I got off work I don't really want to anymore.  I'm sure there's other options to level I'm just bored and kind of burned out from it all.  I think it might be how awful the combat feels of how I can't seem to really click with any one profession.  But I can tell you with a certainty it's not a speed issue.  Regardless of what you may think.  Honestly it's kind of telling how quickly you tried to pin something like that onto me.  Speed isn't the issue it's the quality of it all.  Every heart feels the same and the actual gameplay loop is lacking for me as a player.  I've tried several times to get into this game I think I just need to move on as it's not for me.

    Burnout could be many thing, from the content you're doing, or the class playstyle, to small things like zone structure/appearance, or even you character race. 


    One thing that brought me back to this game back in S3 was the introduction of the action cam, and my button layout. Point and click is the way to go for me. It livens up the combat, and makes me not really car what I'm doing, as long as I'm in the middle of an enemy army, spreading torment, lol.


    Also, the events get better as you get into higher levels. There are also some low level world bosses that are pretty easy, and a good introduction to meta events (which is the real open world content).

  10. You unlock your weapon skills pretty quickly, and there really isn't a need for more than that until 60. Utility skills are fun, but not even remotely necessary for such a long time. I know it depends on the class, but once you open up GS3 on the guardian, you have the only rotation you need to kill everything. Leap in, spin, auto everything that's left, repeat. I run passives while leveling almost exclusively, lol.

  11. 32 minutes ago, philvaneyck.1932 said:

    It's so bad. Low dmg in pvp and often died while dodging. And everyone can see its coming and easily outrun it... useless wow.

    Does the other team see the ground target? If so, that seems more like a detriment than anything. "Hey guys, I'm gonna land in this spot, and you should be able to time my landing with some CC."

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  12. 40 minutes ago, Joxer.6024 said:

    going from learning to dodge and using it when needed to this doesnt work......boo. The leap should just be an added damage skill.

    Yeah. Dives didn't work well in FF14 for a long time, and are still not great. It they made that one of the elite skills, and gave it a stun aspect, I would love it. The ability is cool, but I don't like that its tied to our defense. That said, I have gotten the CD on dodge pretty low with this random build I made, but I feel like damage is low for the build.

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  13. 38 minutes ago, jesterchaos.5907 said:

    Indeed tbh, my post was meant as a little bit of humour while everyone railed about the things they dont like, which is pretty predictable during beta events. Mine was just a bit of silliness intended to make people laugh at the banality of it 🙂

    That one was directed at the person insinuating they have OCD, while using horrible writing skills. I always enjoy people keeping it light, but you might want to be more transparent with the joking, lol. People totally have real complaints such as this during testing phases. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, Arkham Creed.7358 said:

    I couldn't even really pay attention to the skills. I tried, but the flip over made it too hard to use them consistently enough to really get a feel for them. And while the F2 helps, it doesn't help enough. I just found the spec was making me work harder to understand it than it was worth. IF, and I stress if, they make the F2 a toggle, sort of a secondary legend swap to pop between those two while F1 flips your full legends, that would be much better. But it still wouldn't fix any of the problems above. It would just make this four failed elite specs, instead of three. 

    It became so much easier to manage with shiro/jalis, lol. Not what the devs would like to hear, I'm sure, but like you, I was constantly trying to figure out what I had available, and constantly just strafing, and looking to see what was off of CD. Also, not a fan of the heals on alliance. That entire legend needs some love. It's just not going to be competitive as is. I imagine it will end up getting the firebrand mantra rework, where they stopped trying to be so gimmicky.

  15. On 9/17/2021 at 8:38 AM, Ferret.3087 said:

    Good point, but in my opinion I don't think that should stop Arena net from adding new weapons. We could pretty much skew that mentality as an excuse to pretty much never introduce anything new in the game - for example like fishing - I collect all mining tools, all of a sudden there is a fishing rod now? I don't think we should add fishing (A little bit extreme, but I think you see what I'm trying to say).


    I would much rather have a new weapon with no skins that gives a bunch of classes a new way to play then to never release a new weapon because "it won't have as many skins".  This is the same case for the excuse I always hear about underwater weapons - "Arena net stopped making skins for them" - I don't care if arena net stopped making skins for them - put land spears in the game with the skins that exist now. Just my opinion of course 🙂 

    They retroactively made skins for the skyscale, they could do the same for new weapons. The format is there, just gotta make a bioluminescent great axe, or a set of time keepers nunchucks (c'mon ANet). Add a legacy achievement, and add in the new skin/s to the current achievements. New weapons should totally be able to make their way into the game.

  16. 4 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    Don't play an MMO when your wanna play solo ...

    That's not even the problem here. PoF masteries are super easy. It just doesn't seem like the OP wants to hunt them, or even use a guide. I've gotten more than enough points for everything I wanted in the PoF masteries and more, and I'm almost exclusively a solo player. 

    • Like 2
  17. 1 hour ago, PMoneyMobileRobot.4630 said:

    I'm not saying make it free, but if you want people to buy something you have to kinda meet them in the middle with what it is and what they are willing to pay for it.  It's not some solid gold toilet or anything like that.  It's a skin and regardless of how many hours it took to make if the consumer thinks it's only worth x you're never gonna sell it for y.  You just aren't going to.  Don't get me wrong you still have the shills who will well shill out for a solid gold toilet, but the majority of people are fine with porcelain.  It's cheaper and you can still use it for the same function.


    I've personally never bought a mount skin, but if I was going to it would be the cheaper gamble option which for me isn't ideal because I hate gambling, but I'm not going to pay a lot for something that should be ernable in game.  I get it's free to play or buy to play they gotta make money somehow.  I'd just rather they were ernable in game.

    The thing is, there are lots of people with lots of disposable income that buy the things as is. Look at Path of Exile. Their cheapest costume is about $35, some $55. And they keep making more, and making them more expensive, and people keep buying them. Or the $100-200 bundles. 


    The setup GW2 has for acquiring mount skins is far better than most games I've seen. That said, I am also all for them making a few skin sets that are obtainable ingame. It seems outrageous that there isn't SOMETHING you can do ingame to change the basic skin to anything else, without a currency attached. Races/challenges seem the best route for this. Expand on something, while adding in relevant rewards.

  18. On 9/19/2021 at 11:30 PM, Shael.4703 said:

    You fail to understand what is the issue is.

    Let's use your logic: "if you are too poor to afford Gems in your country, then you need to get a job or start a business".

    That logic is assuming that the price of the gems has been adjusted accordingly in each country. But did you know that the price of the gems is the same everywhere?

    People who HAVE a job and maybe even a business in Country X, as per your logic, is no longer poor in that country but they are poor in the US standards (cost of living, salary rate, exchange rate). So, even if they have a good purchasing power in their Country, they do not have that purchasing power for a product priced under US standards/rates.

    If at this point you US people still can not understand that, then you need to leave your money and migrate in countries not like the US and the EU. Experience it for yourself firsthand the huge gap between the US and EU and the rest of the world.

    It is a faulty logic and a very skewed notion of rich and poor to assume that all poor in every country are equal and the same. Your US poor are rich in Country X. Those with purchasing power in Country X are either equal to or below poor in US standards.

    Everybody wants ArenaNet to earn more? Give people with purchasing power in their local country the same level of purchasing power for gems by adjusting the price accordingly. These people can and are willing to buy gems but the non-adjusted US-based pricing is "expensive" for them.

    Lastly, stop that "exchange gold for gems" or "farm gold" excuse. Not everyone is like you who have time to farm gold. If some people wants to spend real-money for whatever reason, that is their choice. It's their money. Problem is, even though they want to spend it so ArenaNet can pay their employees, they are not because the current gem price is "expensive" for them.

    Put yourselves in the shoes of others and you will understand how the world works.

    This is an overly-extreme reaction to buying currency for cosmetic items in a game. 

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  19. On 9/19/2021 at 12:39 PM, Amnariel.3659 said:

    It's expensive because 5 mounts are locked behind achievement locks from which 2 takes from weeks to months to complete.

    So from all mounts:

    Raptor,Springer,Skimmer - Free and story unlock

    Roller beetle;Jackal,Warclaw(WvW) - Not much work to get in matter of days maybe a week in worst case.

    Griffon and Skyscale - Hard and expensive to get.


    You can check it here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mount


    There are quite a lot of skins for the 3 free mounts,some I bought even myself.

    Feel free to check and calculate the amount of skins here : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_mount_skins

    Let's say you are a casual player with family,life,etc so you don't waste time getting the Skyscale,Griffon maybe the Beetle or hate pvp so no warclaw  then you are left with around 4 mounts.

    If we calculate maybe 2 skins/mount which you like,let's assume you like all your mounts:Raptor,Skimmer,Springer,Jackal and you got 8 skins then you are done and won't spend a single dime anymore maybe in a future a new skin you like but at this price it must be something good.

    To be honest I would have spent money on some Skyscale skins and Griffon too but since I not got them it won't happen and from here we go to the high prices.

    As more players are casual than hardcore many don't have not even the Beetle or Jackal mounts so why bother buying licenses or skins ?

    Licenses can drop skin for mounts you don't own and why buy skin for something you don't own?

    Now Anet have to make money so they increase the price overall for all to compensate the loss.

    It's my opinion and I can be wrong but if Anet keeps limiting themselves like this just to make a few elite happy the prices will keep like this and other things too.

    Other games solved this issue that maked locked contet easier or player is able to approach from more ways.

    Many of casuals are willing to pay as far as I talked within guild and with others in events but it's totally up to Anet how they continue with the next update for example.

    If they make Turtle and Skiffs like Skyscale not many will farm it and ofc less people buy skins for them.

    As I said just my opinion on why the price is this high,no offense



    I just started looking into the war claw mount. I haven't done much PvP before a few weeks ago, and I'm looking to get into WvW now, but I didn't want to be without a war claw for too long. Good to know it's fairly easy. Also much closer to the scyscale than I thought, lol.

  20. 23 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

    After nine years playing the game I have one character kitted out in ascended and that's only so they can do higher tier fractals. The other characters have done everything else just fine in exotics.

    At the end of my first two weeks I doubt I had progressed past blues!

    If you have trinkets/amulet/rings ascended, which I super easy to do, as long as you log on, that covers a huge chunk of stats. You'll still be behind, but it won't be that noticeable unless you start doing top end content.

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