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Everything posted by NotoriousNaru.1705

  1. ya'll got it the other way around :joy:all these other top 10 top 20 duos stay dodging mei want their rating u think i give a fk abt farming +1 rating games at 2033 rating thats literally the reason i stopped qing 2s except for decay whereas early on i was spamming it2s give no rewards so who fkin caresbut ye when i q with helio or mark or xyras we havent lost a game fb crev is most busted 2 comp and we play fb and crev better than any1 else and when you're 50% of your team effort wise and ur duo is the other 50 its very easy to win 106-0(my loss was a crash i didnt lose to any1 SMD INTERNET) especially when u dont have to carry 60% deadweights in normal ranked who will always bring u down. ezclap thx for all the shoutouts tho all my games streamed during NA PRIMETIME not on me all these 1800+ duos dodging cuz they wanna keep their badge xDDDD
  2. ranger mains always tryna give everyone tips to their linear braindead class :joy:its overtuned as fk, its alrdy confirmed getting nerfed and the funny thing is all these ranger mains spamming the forums arent even the good ones winning tournys/placing high in ranked with the ranger class when it actually is goodsmh my head if u want tips or an unbiased opinion of ranger ask helio
  3. I'm perfectly fine with damage modifiers getting nerfed lol... I've wanted Sic Em removed for a looooong time and I've stated repeatedly that Gazelle damage and marksmanship modifiers should get lowered. This thread isn't to defend ranger. I'll still do fine on this class regardless of what happens. These clips are just to show people how to fight against a ranger. NO! In your first post, you use these clips to show that rangers are not viable in competitive environment. This statement contradicts what you say... I mean just because it's not viable in competitive doesn't mean it's not viable in ranked. Ranger is a strong class atm but it's easier to counter for better players in Conquest. I just think Anet should increase both the skill ceiling and skill floor for this class so it's worse at lower ratings and better at higher ones. They've been doing the opposite lately which has pushed this class into gimmick builds and made skills like GS4 OP by changing it into a 3s full block with an evade on the kick. I dislike the direction they've been taking with the class because it's just gotten easier and easier to play and they've removed so much versatility from our skills.You don't play competitive why do you keep saying its not viable in competitive. Actually ranger is currently the most powercreeped spec in the game and used in low and high tiers. It is so powerful right now in competitive it can be used as a bruiser due to high sustain, boon uptime, stealth, blocks, evades or can be used as a roamer to 1 shot thieves/revs/fbs. We've scrimed on NA/EU, done AT's on both regions and ranger is currently the single most broken class in gw2. Not to mention on eu last mat a ranger won(vod on sinds stream unless deleted) and that was when it wasnt even half as broken as it currently is. I'm sure all your unranked data is accurate about your only class' bias though. People defending these outrageous numbers smh when did forums become so degen.
  4. I guess I'll clarify some things here since my post got dragged in to this for some reason: The reason you run firebrand with symbolbrand is because firebrand gives you the ability to support and give buffs to allies. The line is intended as a support, and it does just that.It does NOT have any degenerate mechanics. In fact, the tomes are fairly visible and easy to comprehend. Comms like "Fb is in f2 focus him" or "Fb is in f3 corrupt stab" are very common among anyone who plays above g3.The core variant of symbolic is actually very cancerous, and in fact it beats symbolbrand in 1v1, it is a more solo oriented side noder and some people on na have been known to play it like thermite. It is also more degenerate to play because the skill of managing tomes whilst applying optimal symbol pressure is gone due to virtues simply being instant cast skills(with the radiance line) giving you even more retal and dmg buffs. You can try that build for yourself and 1v1 a symbolbrand on it, you will notice you sustain and do more dmg than them. The game mode doesn't revolve around 1v1s or being a solo player and that is why firebrand is an optimal 3rd line. I fail to see how firebrand is the main offender when all it does is be a support and the only obnoxious thing the line brings to symbolbrand is mantra of truth(as I've stated before). I know a lot of people in here are very sensitive and care very much how their class is balanced but remember an elite spec is only 1/3 of a build. The only justification of it being the sole offender of something is if the mechanic of that elite spec is the sole reason the spec is cancerous. I might be mistaken here, but most people's issue with symbolbrand is the constant non stop spamming of 4x symbols that you have access to on very short cooldowns in a very short cycle. Nerfing firebrand more will kill any support the spec has of course, because support is what firebrand brings but if anets goal is to make 2v2 and conquest healthier I'd have to assume they do not want the kind of obnoxious symbol spamming and visual noise that comes with the symbol play style. A lot of people in here really need a hard look in the mirror you are defending something that is literally killing the game and deterring people from playing just because its your class doesn't mean its right. No game mode especially one that has this much emphasis on zoning and capture points should have 1 class with the ability to spam 4 symbols that each last for just about as long as their cooldown on a consistant spammy cycle. Ask yourself if the issue is that symbol spam or a firebrands ability to support. Also for those wondering sage is NOT meta. The reason you no longer run sage is because of the perma retal/fury buff zeal got last patch along with the invuln trait that can easily stack to 10+. You do more dmg on zeal mender and sustain better. Also, a condi rev's resistance will literally out tick your burns so it makes sage very useless currently.
  5. Would just like to note for those claiming the issue is FB and not core guard traits that all the relevant nerfs symbol fb got last patch were specifically targeted at tomes(fb). F2 tome has been reduced to uselessness and 9/10 times you are better off RFing to reset f3 than to use f2 for peels which is ironically your 'heal' tome. The reason these nerfs didn't effect symbolbrand at all is because the degeneracy of this build doesn't come from FB but from the zeal and honor lines. Infact, the fb nerfs last patch hit support fb the hardest which was already not viable and was considered a healthy version of fb for the meta. The biggest offender of symbolbrand from FB line was mantra of truth, and those condi values got nerfed so its not as obnoxious now. As for zeal and honor, they make this build what it is. Your first passive on zeal is a free retal symbol (zealots speed) on a 30s cd. Along with the next 2 traits giving you perma retal and fury and obnoxious vuln stacking(wraitful spirit and furious focus). Then the last zeal passive and grandmaster being bloated symbol buffs(symbolic power and symbolic avenger). As for the honor line its about the same with yet another passive on heal symbol on a 20s cd(protector's restoration). On top of that the grandmaster writ of persistence which increases symbol radius, heals on symbols, AND increases their duration by 2s each which is pretty bloated when you look at the cooldowns of axe 2 and scepter 2. So for those saying to leave core alone but only nerf FB to get rid of symbolbrand ask yourself how that is possible when BOTH passive symbols and all the symbol dmg/condi/duration bloat is on honor/zeal. Also there is a core symbol guard variant using those 2 traitlines but its not as popular.
  6. Shadow this isn't the hill you wanna die on buddy loool. Rifle is mostly a utility weapon, very easy to predict and not at all cancerous for anyone that plays against it. The only thing you need to worry about when fighting one is Overcharged Shot. Pro tip: you don't go in melee and complain about melee OC, you bait it out(not at all hard to do) then dodge the OC, and go in. Also remember that the skill has a CC penalty and since holo seems to be what you have issues with that penalty is quite punishing now after the lack of stab post patch. Also if you want to compare the meta as a whole since you seem to be upset about skills that are hard to dodge then you might want to start with things that are generally unhealthy and powercreeped, not something that is very very mediocre at best now post patch. Holo is a worse roamer than rev and thief, by quite a bit in terms of both sustain and dmg. Holo CANNOT keep up in terms of 1v1s against rangers/cmirages/spbs/weavers(fire and water) and even revs/thieves will give you a run for your money because both are not as cd dependent as you are(not having elixir u or s up) ofc assuming both players are of equal skill. Anyways just reading some of your posts the instant defense you seem to go to after being told how average holo is is that you want rifle to not be cheesy and this is where your lack of the meta as a whole shows. Here is a list of things just as annoying if not more than holosmith rifle on current meta builds(my criteria for this list is things on or above blunderbuss power levels): Gazelle F2 (lack of a tell, very high dmg)Gazelle AutoattackGreatsword 3 on RangerLongbow 2 on RangerHunter's Call on RangerWinter's Bite on RangerAxe Four on RangerDeathstrike On Revenant (port, high spike)Phase Traversal on RevenantStaff 5 on RevenantStaff 2 on RevenantShiro F2 on Revenant (very hard to avoid, boon rip, dmg)Song of the mists on Revenant (instant cast, no way of dodging, stronger version of old equilibrium because no energy restriction)Pistol Whip on Thief (consistently spammable, evade, stun, high spike)Larcenous/Flanking Strike on Thief (consistently spammable, evade, boon rip, moderate spike)Dagger Storm on Thief (omegalul)Cluster Bomb on ThiefBulls Charge on Warrior (similar to oc, lethal in melee, easy to avoid at range, can be baited)Dagger 3 on Warrior(similar to oc, melee cc hard to reactively dodge)Whirlwind Attack on WarriorPrimordial Stance on WeaverLava Skin on WeaverGlyph of Elemental Power on WeaverPyro Vortex on WeaverMantra of Truth on FB (instant cast, multiple condis, multiple charges)Axe 3 on FBArcane Thievery on Mirage ( very hard to avoid, 6s of slow on meta build along with boon steal/condi xfer)Phantasmal Duelist on MirageMagic Bullet on Mirage (harder to dodge than OC, stun, confusion)Scepter 2 on Mirage (block, evade, torment spike)Corrupt Boon on Necro (similar to arcane thievery on mirage, very hard to avoid 3 boon corrupt)Axe 3 on NecroScepter 3 on NecroTainted Shackles on Necro This is what I came up with on the fly for current meta builds (most of which are much stronger than the current version of holosmith). All I'm trying to say here is if you have some fundamental issues with the way rifle works then you probably have issues with the way the skills listed above work aswell. If that's the case then maybe your post shouldn't be about further nerfing a mediocre spec that sees absolutely no play in competitive and some play in ranked but rather a post giving cmc suggestions for troublesome skills and mechanics in the up coming 'big' balance patch. Maybe that way you'll see better results. What you're doing now seems like a holo witch hunt and really doesn't seem geniune at all but more self serving.
  7. People who can play multiple classes have the right to pick and choose which one to use that would better serve them in order to win a match. Now if your post was 'don't allow people to swap in ATs AFTER the timer' then yes, I would agree with that. The entire point of the pre match timer is to strategize and have a suitable comp for what you're fighting, swapping classes is a big part of that but once the timer hits 0 no one should be able to swap. If I q on necro and run in to a comp with multiple mirages, and thieves I have no intention of playing necro that game I am going to swap to something more suitable to win.
  8. While I am glad that this build is getting changed, the reasons presented are extremely questionable to me. Especially because staff 3 has existed in this iteration for an extensive period of time, only now that it has won a monthly is this problem addressed (in urgency). I'm confused on some terminology here, it seems in one sentence you are "keeping it small and simple" and then in another sentence it's, "we have one shot at this change before the monthly and we wanted to err on the side of nerfing too hard." Needless to say there is a LOT of questions I have, and I'm sure others, as to the intentions behind changes made regarding balance.One question I have is: what is the clear problem with staff thief "based on past tournament games and 'results?'" The wording of that statement is very odd to me. Regardless of all of that, I very much appreciate the desperately needed communication from you and your team and I hope that it continues. Staff thief has been used on both regions by winning teams for last 2 mats(the only 2 to happen since buffs to the build). It has been meta since the buffs happened awhile prior to mats but was never an issue because no one in ranked plays it(since the condi counterpart is more popular there and fits the ranked playstyle more) or really knew about it except for top players abusing it in mat matches when mats finally came back after they were broken. If you are asking what cmc is referring to you can look at sinds pov of the monthly he did where flandre(non thief player) trolls 3 good players on node, without taking any pressure until they leave. Or watch the last 2 na mats where kat does the same thing or observe how unkillable half decent players are on the build in any daily at on na(reckless/grim/anya/etre). The entire premise of this build is to slot the same weapon on both slots to proc sigils nonstop(degenerate), spec solely for evades(degenerate), abuse a bug to avoid having in between dodge frames(degenerate), along with daggerstorm which buys you enough time to fill the gap in your evades. Also, escapist fortitude gives way too much sustain healing and condi cleanse, though not degenerate but very powerful with the amount of 'evades' happening. We have been doing daily ats and reckless can easily push in to an entire team(against good players) and just sit at their home node, they are smart enough to leave him in a stale because wasting time on it is pointless even in a 1v3 situation. The build is so tanky the meta has evolved to node wars with optimal comps being running 2x staff thieves having them afk on both sides of the map. The issue with people telling you to "just ignore 4head" is they will cap those nodes, and never leave. Most roamers currently cannot simply force them off even after wiping the team with those thieves thus buying enough time for a comfortable regroup with the map. People are resorting to utils such as seal area, line of warding, fear ring because those will cc despite the evades and force stunbreaks very quickly in which case a good staff thief shadow steps away, and comes right back when theyre gone. Those who think ignoring them is the play probably only play ranked or have simply not caught up to structured meta yet. This is the conclusion I have come to after playing this comp with and against staff thieves. Doing scrims and ats daily with my team.
  9. Most problematic to least and why: Condi Mirage: Not the most popular one currently, but with the downfall of thieves this will be an insane problem. Condi mirage has access to ports, cleanse, reflect, cc, boon rip and the ability to do condi damage output with even more ease than condi thief and the ability to take any 1v1 matchup(except thief which inherently counters it with glob).IH makes this spec a huge problem, a competent cmirage will have 3 staff clones out spamming ambush on you while playing extremely passive and safe and this strat is very effective and easy to execute. IH also makes the strat of cleaving clones very pointless so you're kinda just chasing down a very slippery target while taking insane cleave from ambush.Condi Thief: Mostly the same issue as mirage but a more tangible target to focus down and kill due to the repetitive patterns of gameplay(sword 2,steal). Not as dominant 1v1 or 1vx at all which is why it is a tier below cmirage but the condi spike is EXTREMELY EASY to execute and over the course of the season have seen many mediocre players pick it up and gain a boost in rating simply by playing this. The poison stacks too hard, the cover condis are too many, and the disengage and safety on this build is an all time high (shadowstep/roll for ini/sword 2 spam/shortbow 5 and 3).3.Sagebrand: Probably the one with the lowest skill floor and no skill ceiling. The entire build revolves mostly around spam, you run somewhere and dump all your symbols on x spot and spam mantras infront of people while doing so. This is what you start with, and this is what you do after playing it for awhile. I can see why this would be an issue in lower tiers but the higher you go, it is a known rule of thumb to simply focus the sagebrand because they all drop like flies. High boon application but very low sustain against high spikes(rev/holo/cthief/cmirage). How easy this build is to execute is why it goes #3 on my list. In most ranked matches, you simply go mid sword 2 in, swap and spam axe skills along with mantras and most players drop instantly. This is sadly due to how low the average player skill is and not the effectiveness of the build compared to #1 and #2 as this one is specifically designed to be a pug stomper and not an actual competitive build. Terrormancer: No where near as problematic as condi mirage or condi thief but has certain flaws that cannot be overlooked. The entire build is built around spamming fears and boon rips for damage, which is all good and well but the main issue here is that most corrupts and fears on this build have absolutely no tell. A spite/curse 3-5boon rip proc is instant with 0 tell, cboon is almost impossible to dodge unless randomly(has a cast time yes, but similar to how wh4 on ranger operates). Doom which is the most problematic thing with core, is an actual instant cast fear, coupled with fear of death/terror makes it a problem. Not high on priority list because it doesn't have the ports and slipperiness that cthief and cmirage have. You can run walk+wurm sure but once you're caught in a cc chain a necro is as good as dead almost always. Fire weaver: This one is at the bottom because its the most healthy one on the list. Most people's issue with it probably isn't that its a condi spec or how it does its burn application but really why it can live so easily. The tells are there for the most part and they have to be melee to do damage which to me is fine. As for its sustain, it needs it to compete with other bruisers in the current meta and taking that away will just remove weaver from being viable. If you see this spec as a problem I would suggest you look at the traits/skills and the animations for them, also know that most things are not meant to 1v1 a fire weaver.This is all from ranked and not ats. I've played about 600 games last season and thats where this ranking comes from.
  10. Imagine thinking the shade mechanic was faulty when the issue with scourges coverage was always sand savant. Killing scourge in pvp, giving it the chrono treatment, making it not only bad but clunky all because you want less coverage XD. How about next time you rework sand savant which has always been the issue in wvw not dismantle the entire class mechanic. I am honestly at a loss for words at how incompetent the balance team is. It is so insanely obvious none of them play any of the classes they design. Scourge in pvp is already a prime target for almost every class and in ranked one of the easiest kills and the one thing that peeled targets off it was the ability to use shade skills around you to peel them off. Not only that but they increased shade duration from 10s to 15s so now using a shade is even more punishing because thats 15s where your dmg is stationary and you cant peel for yourself. Any half decent player will instantly jump on the scourge and delete them the moment they see a shade placed anywhere leaving the scourge with 2 options to afk on your shade and die because the class relies on kiting to live OR run away and die to classes faster than u(literally every class in pvp). So now its insanely clunky and gimped on top of it being already the easiest kill in pvp. As for wvw what they intend is not even going to happen because they decided to increase the target cap of sand savant to 10(lmfao) so any commander will call for shade bomb, scourges will hit even more people and lowering skill cap because only good scourges knew how to hit the 10 target cap with themselves+shade for optimal dps. Good groups will then wait out the 15s before they push and have a 10 target 300 radius melee bomb with multiple scourges XD. Pve gets hit the least because most raids and encounters are stationary and if you dont spam your shades you'll always have one when you need it but the clunkyness will be there and it wont feel good to play. Knowing anet they will realize how much they messed up by dismantling a perfectly functional mechanic and probably buff scourge somewhere else to then compete again(in 3months for next balance patch) but it will still feel crap to play. Or they can listen to the community, keep the mechanic intact, nerf sand savant by either reducing its radius, or even removing the radius increase altogether and give it added barrier or healing so it can be more in line with the other traits for wvw.
  11. Yeah, because everyone is totally enjoying it now. Looking back at the earlier seasons we can see there are no players with 90% win rates, nor players of legendary rank in games with golds. What kind of kitten is causing this? Low population? It can't be that it is worsened when mysterious players dc at inconvenient moments, or PvP deities duo with "low rank friends" for "fun". Game quality is bad because the population is low. Removing duo and ostracizing the duo community is not going to make it better. The seasons that were solo in the past were way more dead than their duo counter parts. The same mismatches will happen and game quality will be even worse, people tend to throw alot and afk alot when its solo only because all the salt lords who would otherwise be more reserved because of their duos wont care anymore, all of this has happened during the last solo season. It is exactly why anet didnt take long to revert it. What you're saying is "hey lets fix population issues by reducing the population even more! im sure that'll work". Stop thinking about ranked match quality and balance based on your bad experiences because its not all about you but rather the entire ranked climate as a whole from top to bottom.
  12. yea no if u want to q solo do your thing let those that want to play with friends or coordinate as a duo to win do their thing. anet already tried it. it was terrible there was 0 structure no1 enjoyed the matches every game was a clown fiesta and they reverted it back. and for what lol? so those bitter about duos can stop crying? no thanks
  13. Most people are really only complaining about sword 4 but in ranked there are things that have much higher one shot potential than rev(mantra mes). The way the current meta is structured(competitively) that should stay the same unless other classes are also toned down. Rev is definitely in an interesting spot, where most inexperienced/average players struggle on it because of condi mesmer/scourge/thief but in the right hands the class easily can replace the thief role especially in this meta and how dominant rev is at killing holosmith/spellbreaker/firebrand which gives it a slight edge over thief, whereas thief has more sustain through better disengage and higher mobility. Outside of the mirage matchup, rev also has better 1v1 potential vs holo/spellbreaker which are 2 key bruisers in this meta making rev more versatile. Current rev adds another layer of decision making over thief in terms of continuing to + or take a 1v1 matchup vs spb for example(easy matchup for rev) but then having to also think of the thief +, that along with having the luxury of staying in teamfights longer to kill an fb whereas if the thief doesn't get a good opener on the fb/scourge 2v2, they most likely have to leave after forcing a decap or a full cap for their side, rarely getting the kill. There's alot of decision making that goes into it and only two players in na(idk any eu revs) are good enough to execute it. As for ranked, in a climate that is extremely unstructured, and mostly a clown fiesta of awkward comps, and builds, and players in completely different leagues with no proper form of communication being thrown into the same match I can see why a lot are complaining about rev. "hurrdurr port sword 4 i die cuz i dont press buttons or have no support or i run meme builds or im silver 3 vs gold 3 rev nerf it". But at the end of the day rev is miles healthier than p/p thieves, 1 shot mantra mesmers, meme 1 shot soulbeasts, and the axe version of condi mirage and whatever other niche 'pug stomper' specs people come up with in ranked that either I haven't seen yet or just cannot recall at this particular moment.
  14. RIP West coast players. Old texas servers east and west coasts both got around 40-60 ping depending on location, now east coast players get 20-40 and west get 80-120.
  15. PLEASE hotfix indomitable courage, its a very vital trait for literally every relevant FB spec. Not getting stab on ToC is hurting us.
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