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Posts posted by CaptainAngelStar.1479

  1. 1 hour ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

    You can have people who do certain "vampiric" things, but it'd be well, just that. You wouldn't be a proper "typical" vampire who can't go into the sun or requires blood to survive. Just more of using blood to boost your magical power and such.

    good point

    2 hours ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

    Don't let that be the Twilight of your pursuit, there's entire continents yet to be explored, with such a wooly and maliable lore there's hope still.

    "Twilight" that made me chuckle.  And that is true, as I can always hope.

  2. I have an explanation for a few of my characters.

    Prince of Angels Human Necromancer/Reaper. Wanted a heavenly/celestial/Disney Prince theme for a Reaper, like if Prince Phillipe had Maleficent's powers or something. Had other ideas for his name, but that one stuck out most.Prince Malcolm Human Berserker. In my headspace, Mal's supposed to be Angel's twin brother.Marshall Forde Human Weaver. Would you believe me if I told you I named him after the Seraph captain you have to save from a giant spider in Harathi Hinterlands? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Captain_MarshallWarmaster Vexx Asura Berserker. I honest to the gods have no idea how to name an Asura character, so like the idiot I am; I named him after the machine race from Destiny. Also Magic Nose Goblin was already taken.Silenzio Trevelyan Human Daredevil. Another victim to my naming foolishness, this time from my Inquisitor in Dragon Age: Inquisition.I named my Norn Ranger Vilkas Iron Wolf because I play Skyrim.

  3. For my Reaper, Prince of Angels; I originally went with the idea that he and his twin brother were descendants of the Ascalonian Hero from GW1. Their parents were Shining Blades who served Jennah's father and retired when he passed on. Yeah, much of the twins' story is loosely based off of the "Lost Parents" human backstory option. Both twins don't recall who rescued them when the White Mantle attacked their home and killed their parents, but they do remember when they were adopted and had lived relatively normal lives up until Angel's twin got it in his thick skull that he wanted to be an adventurer and dragged him along for the ride.

    My Weaver, Marshall Ford; has a somewhat cliche story. A former Seraph field medic who became disillusioned by everything in no small part to the endless fighting with centaurs and by either incompetence or corruption in the ranks. He got a bad case of Compassion Fatigue being a field medic on the lines in Haranti Hinterlands. Normally, he's a well-behaved, gentle, caring and compassionate man; but for him to stay sane; he had to close it all off. But his biggest problem is that he cares too much. It's a wonder he hadn't started drinking yet.

    My Asura Berserker, Warmaster Vexx; is an outcast among the Asura for one reason: he couldn't give a toss about his place in the Eternal Alchemy, Asuran society or climbing the Asuran social ladder by inventing the biggest, shiniest thing ever. He's more devoted to the art of war, military strategies, tactics, history. That sort of thing. But he's not interested in just the Asuran military: he wants to learn about the Charr Legions, the humans' Seraph, all of it. The battles, the victories, the defeats, he wants to learn it all. Vexx also has a short temper, but a high jump and a long reach.

    I have a whole host of other alts that I don't devote nearly as much time on though.

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