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Mem no Fushia.7604

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Everything posted by Mem no Fushia.7604

  1. Idea for elementalist missing arcane elite: transform into Tahmu (just adds wings and tail) with only two skills (1)wings attack to launch enemies like reventant Glint elite or (2)tails attack that slaps the ground to jump forward. All of this 30s cd.
  2. As for spear being ranged weapon add 25% more damage to all autoattacks if hits range 1000+. Secondly it could share effects of 3rd skills to allies in 600radious, it is: 5might and fury from fire, superspeed from air and barrier from earth and about water in landing place it could heal allies too (if not allies healed reduce recharge of this skill by half, something like Ride the Lightining but with allies instead foes.). Lastly all spear's aoe could have more radious while in center of them more effective and in outter part of radious weaker.
  3. Moth's antennae head skin. Leviathan's spear skin and leviathan's outfit. Giganticus Lupicus's skull helmet.
  4. New effect Fulgor scale with power and don't stack apply it to other skills: - staff air 2, -lightning flash, -scepter air 3, -sword air 2, -hammer air 5, -dagger off hand 4. New effects at the center of existing skills: -staff fire 2 first hit at the center deals additional damage and burn, -staff fire 5 first meteor always fall at the center dealing higher damage and knock down, -staff water 2 daze enemy at the center. I would like also to see trait in earth that would change earth elementals into bloodstone for applying conditions. Secondly sandstorm, scepter earth 3 and warhorn earth 5 to give stealth at use. Now they only blinds, but could also hide us.
  5. What if the final mastery for home would change all nodes into rich nodes. Secondly I would like stained glass some themes + ability to color them.
  6. My suggestion: for aoe skills like meteor, undertow, twister and fissure add third cricle with even weaker effect and damage just to improve taggin foes and making pressure. Simply increase their radious.
  7. Hello suggestion add npc's creator tool to home it would be: character appearance + write simple dialogues + simple routine/actions.
  8. Idea for conjure frost bow: - stats power and precision or ferocity, - skill 1 - 1200 range and increase of speed and damage, - skill 2 increase damage and range to 1200, - skill 3 - rework - shot arrows that will circle around character, each arrow can hit one time enemy, radious 240, number of arrows 5, - skill 4 - increase range to 1500 and increase number of impacts, - skill 5 - rework - launch one enemy by 300 distance and launch range 300, high damage, high defiance break. Special mechanic for conjure frost bow: with each second of handling conjure frost bow you gain 2% of damage increase. Duration of conjure frost bow 20s. Additionaly with each succesfull hit frost bow gets bigger which impact its skills: - skill 2 - gain one additional arrow per 5 seccesfull hits, - skill 3 - gain one additional arrow per 5 succesfull hits and increase radious by 20, - skill 5 - at 20 succesfull hits it become aoe launch with high damage. This idea is for damage conjure frost bow that gets stronger by using it. It would be nice if conjure frost bow would get bigger and bigger to reflect its current power. Removing second conjure frost bow would be good.
  9. Buff Core ele without buffing elite specializations. Add to skills, utilities, elites and trait codition: "if elite specialization not equiped skill, utility, elite or trait have increased efficiency". Examples: Staff ele: fire 3 - increase radious from 240 to 600. Add third stack of burning. water 4 - enemies slide (there is mechanic of slide in game). Make slide new control effect that works even if enemy have stability. air 2 - increase radious from 180 to 360. If enemy have already blind damage is increased by 25% earth 2 - make cripple and a little damage proc every 1/4s before eruption earth 5 - press second time to teleport to procjetile Scepter ele: fire 2 and 3 - swap cooldwons earth 2 - increase thoughness to 500, hurl still have 5 projectiles, but bleed stacks increase from 1 to 2 per projectile. earth 3 - rename to Dust Angel. Make it ground target. For 3 seconds make dust creature (that can't move) that cripples and blind enemies. Press second time to make it burst and teleport to its loaction. New elite specialization for thief Specter have targeting allies and enemies if I'm not wrong. Ele could have same treatment on staff water 1, conjure frost bow 1 if we could have "heat seeking" projectiles for those two it would be good.
  10. So killing that ambassador removed ability to whisper beyond Jormag's lair. So killing ambassador-losing abilities is opposite to eating magic-gaining abilities. Does that mean impact on mindset also?Aurene knows more than before, is more serious.Second thing about ambassador is: it's part of him outside of main body, so Jormag can made ambassadors of: shadow/death and mind/plant, to solve problem with conflicting magic inside own body. No need to go inside Jormag to solve that one.
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