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Everything posted by Orthonen.9470

  1. I don't know i never tried staff and don't plan on it.
  2. Oh dude that would be perfect, make it 1.5 sec why not! 😄
  3. GS2 Now applies quickness.😆 That will be the day \o/
  4. I think axe damage should also get buffed.
  5. I also think we should be able to move with Greatsword 2, instead of being static in postion.
  6. No, even together, they're practically worthless, since signets are more dominant with power builds and the trait is on a line for condition damage.
  7. Just as the title says, I think too many classes these days are abusing the blocking mechanism of the game and there should be more ways for warrior to be unblockable.
  8. Yeah if we had a SB with alac we would get the unkillable weaver or unkillable scrapper meta again which was really dogshi- to fight.
  9. Yeah I would agree with this, it's really strong in PvE open world, and other PvE modes, but I would never take my Willbender to WvW. Firebrand is actually the weakest spec to play, even since it came out. The focus of Firebrand was to be anti-condi/scourge meta, but now that nobody runs it (which is the best thing that ever happened because pirate shipping was dogwater gameplay), there's no point. In fact, I would say the best guardian right now for WvW is core. Now if you're talking about dueling in WvW you should probably go out and touch grass because pvp is much better suited to that kind of gameplay. Honestly dueling is just stupid anyway as there's no one size fits all build for you to kill every profession anyhow. WvW is more suited for people who want to play that tower-defense game GW2 has.
  10. MORE SOLO CONTENT? I am sick and tired of just being gated to doing events where hundreds of people join or just doing things alone. Strikes don't even fill my need to do something different than being reduced to some damage meter in a raid party. You want more solo content? Do your own personal achievements. The biggest mistake this game has is that there's no form of vertical progression at all, so everything that's rewarding is just tied to skins. The social aspect of the gameplay that in strategizing or coordinating with people to take down a boss is prominently irrelevant. There's literally no need for guilds. And one can argue fractals, but the problem with fractals is they're just so repetitive, and compared to open world a lot less rewarding.
  11. You can do rated PvP, and WvW and I believe fractals(but I'm not sure) to get the cheapest deals for ascended armor. If you do raiding you can also trade armor using magnetite and skip the whole crafting process, possible even be cheaper.
  12. 10k research notes isn't that bad you can get that with 160g
  13. I'm not going to deny your opinion, because really it's your opinion. But I will comment and say that I smell a sense of extreme envy coming from it.
  14. Oh god yeah I see that. I think I'll just wait for my favorite variant to release then, I'm all set with mats to get the variants I like, Screw this.
  15. 350-500g per skin where are you seeing that???
  16. Yes that is a skill issue then, you shouldn't at all be failing solo events. I'm sorry but you just need more time spent understanding your elementalist and its limitations. Again this is one of the hardest classes to master, but it really comes down to understanding your class as well as the enemy.
  17. I really don't mean to make you angrier than you already are, but this is something that will get fixed with experience, you say you've had some time playing, okay, whatever, but you have to fail at some point to learn what you are doing wrong. As others have stated, a group event, for obvious reasons is meant to be taken down as a group of people. Assuming you've been playing for a while, Path of Fire and Heart of Thorns maps test your mastery of your class. Truth be told Elementalist is one of the hardest classes to master because you're working with a low HP pool combined with low armor, full Cele gear alone will leave you with roughly 20K HP if you're using wooden potatoes build, thus it's a strong start. You might also be messing up your dodges, wasting them without having to, or you positioned yourself badly. Maybe you don't know how the enemy works, maybe you aren't using any damage mitigation or using your boons. But if you fail a soloable event, that's actually a skill issue and not an issue with the game.
  18. Lol I wouldn't get married even in a video game in today's age. And housing? Why not just get one in real life.
  19. Well, if you'd like to see higher Aurene weapon prices, be my guest. I think they're the biggest sink for chunks of jade, but i may be mistaken.
  20. I used to think like this, but food is like wearing an extra accessory, it also on occasion gives magic find and exp. And if you do the math for Sharpening stones, the same deal happens 2% of say 2000 power on your character will give you +40 power. About the same as backpack i believe. Same for infusions, infusions are also very bonus heavy because if you have the might ones it gives like +5 power each one as an example will give you +60 power if you slot on your accessories/armor alone.
  21. The way cameras work in video games as far as RPGs are concerned is they are anchored to an arm that extends from your camera to the character. Sometimes this arm is scaled so you can better see the target. However it is super annoying when you have to do a jumping puzzle SUPER annoying.
  22. I'm not saying the players paying for gems is bad. I'm saying the people on the trading post are bad, instead of waiting for someone else's item to sell for a price they want, no they go in and undercut, then they get undercut, then they take out the item and undercut again, despite having already lost roughly 10% in listing fees, and single-handedly ruining a market. Nobody wins in that scenario repeating itself over and over again. But we just have to work with it. Thankfully the supply and demand concept works out, that is literally the only thing keeping the TP alive. I always liked the ESO model, where you put up stores and that's how you make gold, it prevents this undercutting stuff from happening by having the items cycle based on the player's location. Instead of relying on a queuing process. But that's just me.
  23. I'm always stunned when I see players comment that they love and defend the trading post, I for one do not, it has an aggressive tax of 15% with 5% of that being the listing fee, and always has proponents ready to undercut you at the spot. No matter what way you look at it the economy in this game is almost 100% risk dependent, your listings can get undercut, and BAM you've lost your ability to sell "haha jokes on you!" style. Then there's the insta sell where if the margins are far apart you end up losing MORE than 15% of your profits! Crazy! It makes making gold in this game harder than it needs to be, but if Anet made it easier, they end up losing money in real life. Player to player trading is a risk sure, BUT, you'll have the ability to move in the economy much faster than sitting and waiting for stuff you listed to sell. By the way, while you can get away without using the trading post no matter what eventually you will have to use it if you want gold. Gold is the ultimate buying power in the game, but players will use other forms of currency to barter and trade for the things they want. Something I see a lot is people panic undercutting stuff like crazy, and it's a toxic environment because when they do it, they do it by hundreds of gold at a time unnecessarily, not looking or analyzing at the graph or a trend, or using any form of speculation. What goes on in their head is "I do not want to wait several days for xyz to sell so to make life easier, let me just undercut by hundreds of gold to make the buyer want my stuff." The reality is that the buyer is actually someone swiping their credit card for gems to convert to gold to pay for those items worth thousands of gold, and they actually do not care at all about how much they have to pay so long as they get their item. I even had one guy talk to me (and it was just him I was only listening) for two hours about why he won't farm for anything in the game when he can just pay for it using real money. He hates it, he vehemently hates it, no joke the guy payed for enough gems to build his entire legendary armor.
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