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Everything posted by Orthonen.9470

  1. You have to really understand the best place to use your currencies and the game in general. Like really invest your time to look at the best places to use the currencies in your wallet. And of course be incredibly stingy. Also become a gatherer, craft everything and I mean everything you'll ever need. Never buy what you want in the TP unless it's a drop. Last thing I'll say is find ways to get your ascendeds as free as possible.
  2. At the very least they could have Rox, or Braham or even Taimi be the main hero. The spotlight is burning the commanders forehead by now. Anyone from Dragon's Watch really has the power to be the main hero.
  3. The Bloodstone Visage still has an issue where the animation is pushed back into the skull of the character model when the shaders are set to medium or high.
  4. Don't focus on being top dps, and instead focus on dodging left when you see everyone having glowing orange circles. And dodge the big leap attack.
  5. My biggest pet peeve is having to press f more than once on a rich node.
  6. It's just jumping puzzles. You can also go for the super infusion.
  7. Don't let negative mental attitude nor negative minded people tell you you can't do it. The climb is bittersweet until you finally punch da boss in da face.
  8. I fully support the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Positive mental attitude
  9. Ask yourself this very important question: Is it worth the effort required? Effort can be anything from memorizing optimal rotations to putting up with the BS of the obsessives. Obviously most of the player base answered with "No" back in the early days of the game or else Anet would have put far more money and manpower towards competitive and group content. If it's something you want to do then you'll find ways to do it. I know there are plenty of guilds out there that happily lead folks through that stuff without the 'tude. But if the other modes (or making online friends) are not a significant part of your motivation to play then ignore they exist. ETA- I still think the strikes are an attempt to close a barn door long after the cows have disappeared over the horizon but if they do work as intended in the long run then it's good for everyone. This is very PMA!
  10. I'm seeing rumors spreading about my OP, yes I edited it but I only added onto it.
  11. Guardian is one of the strongest damage dealer classes in the game, the Snowcrows build alone can help you do up to 35k dps, that's more than I will ever do on my warrior alone. Dragon hunter and Firebrand are both really competitive damage dealers as a whole in all game modes. In terms of support, Guardian is still top dog, wholistically you don't need the Honor Line to be an effective support, you can actually take valor which puts emphasis on toughness and virtues which gives boon duration and virtue recharge( with firebrands it's book recharge) you just have to use your dodge rolls when you zerg. At the moment in this current patch I can go full damage build DH with minstrels armor and never die in PvE as Guardian while remaining an effective damage dealer. I've actually watched several of your streams and your reliance on the Harrier Amulet really takes a lot away from your survival to thief level health pool from vitality. Maybe switch to something with vitality that way you don't need to rely on honor so much?
  12. Actually the other way around, BUT I LOVE THIS! TOSS THEM INTO THE DIAMOND SLOPES! :lol:
  13. I always forget that you can adjust character's voices to be higher than the background music, though I don't know if this solves anything because I haven't tried it. :/
  14. A lot of it is on the wiki, I feel that the one that lacks the most story is wing 1 with Sabetha. She is the leader of the bandits that were kidnapping magically infused humans across Kryta, and possibly all of the ones that remain in Kryta since the guild wars ended. One could assume the reward the White Mantle gave in return is payment with food and money for the bandits to support themselves, and possibly exoneration with Minister Caudecus having a say on who gets free from prison in Divinity's Reach. The Vale Guardian, who also lacks a story to it, could also be a manifestation of all the aspects used to revive Lazarus (who turned out to be Balthazar in Disguise) and was placed where he is in order to prevent intruders from entering the Spirit Vale. So the order is the bandits deliver magically attuned humans to the White Mantle, the Mantle delivers the prisoners to the Bloodstone Shard, the Bloodstone Shard powers the batteries (you get one in the legendary armor collection) keeping the magic Door of Komalie sealed, the bodies are then disposed of in the spirit vale, and the souls of the bodies eventually manifest into Gorseval a demon formed much in the way Deimos was for Saul D'Alessio. I want to say more but I'd end up spoiling how everything in Living Story Season 3 connects together. I'm incredibly disappointed that I didn't try raiding when Season 3 was up and coming, I kept playing through the Season 3 thinking none of what's happening actually connects together and once I did raid and wiki'd the bosses in them I was shocked at how we missed that. The Bloodstone wasn't used to revive Lazarus though, to disappear, Lazarus disappeared into 5 aspects; after Saul D'Alessio died, the Eye of Janthir, which was an artifact used by the Mantle to identify the magically potent for the bandits to capture, sought these aspects and collect them together, but the aspects were collected by the Shining Blade as they were tracking the Eye's movements. The last one was held within a book in Orr In Abbadon's Reliquary that (I believe) Balthazar once placed in there. Here are the 5 aspects:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aspect_of_Lazarus_(bundle). I don't even remember what exactly happened season 3 because I wasn't considering the story important or connecting to anything that happened in each previous episode, I think I might replay it. Season 3 was a huge step up. Season 4 doesn't even connect with Zommoros or Qadim. :/ Joko is about as cliche as Ultron's punchlines.
  15. I don't know, support warrior feels super lackluster even for WvW. The buffs it gives isn't worth the minstrel armor. The build on metabattle feels pretty awful. Something that's better is to go with something with a stat that gives power where you can cleave with arc divider or double axe. If you're looking to support probably the best idea is to take the warhorn trait and go with axe, then combo with greatsword. Berserker in my opinion comes first to spellbreaker in Zerg fights because that's where your usefulness really excels, the better you cleave the easier you make it to get kills. Also armor wise if you're really looking for support, take something with power, ignore vitality as you won't need it, your guards and soulbeasts and necros should be able to keep your 19khp alive. Soldiers with some ferocity and precision is the best a warrior can do with sustainability. Get your boon duration from runes of leadership or something. You can always take tactics for the shake it off and heal it gives but otherwise leave the supporting to the supports.
  16. You could just be an actual friend and help her if you actually cared about her existence in game. Just saying.You don't know how that fight looks, do you? It's practically a solo instance, even if you group with other players, they will get changed into wisps of light that have no practical impact on the fight at all.I mean I soloed everything so no not really. I just used my dodge rolls and cheesed my way through the story.
  17. You could just be an actual friend and help her if you actually cared about her existence in game. Just saying.
  18. I'm literally in a guild full of people asking to do raid training. Yesterday we went through slothasor where I helped with eating the poison. You've missed the point. The point is that the desire for large group content is low. Not that it's non-existent. Plus, I highly doubt you're guild is large enough to be a good sample size for raid popularity.That's an opinion not a fact, but all opinions are welcome. What about all the people in the aerodome they're just there for no reason right?
  19. I'm literally in a guild full of people asking to do raid training. Yesterday we went through slothasor where I helped with eating the poison.
  20. How about....40 MAN story raids!!! You're stretching here, really stretching, they can hardly get players to do 10 man story raids and you want 40...if you want 40 man story raids go find another game that has them, that's not GW2's focus and if it becomes the focus or is introduced you've just sounded the death knell for this game.I don't think so. I'm pretty sure everyone who's still playing this is going to play the game.
  21. Pretty clear that all warriors are going to turn into dancing choyas.
  22. Mesmers seems fine to me...could use less clones at a time because the real threats are the clone spammers. Aside from that I think they're pretty balanced as they are.
  23. What's wrong with having some rare items? Are you going to use all of the items in the game or something?
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