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Everything posted by ChasingDreams.3250

  1. Can't even get my friends to log on and join for some chill casual raid clears anymore, we've all passed 250kp on everything and it's basically the little joy we still found in the game. I have heard a lot of complaiting about the game before, justified and unjustified. But this time people are actually giving up and see no reason to log in.
  2. Hi, just a few thoughts I've been having that EoD has pushed even further. With the introduction of new strikes, open world metas, legendaries etc. The rewards are beginning to seem extremely lack luster once you get to actual endgame, and I'm not sure if this is done on purpose (even though I am almost certain that it is because money), but all skins released as rewards for in-game reward structures are extremely boring and obviously inferior to gemstore items. And honestly the new legendaries looking like a mass production makes them seem inferior to gemstore weapons, they don't appear unique and more like black lion ticket skins, and recently black lion chest and other gemstore skins have gotten effects on them that legendaries only used to have, the only thing missing is basically footfall/trails. There is what 1 or 2 mount skins unlockable through gameplay? Skiffs and fishing have promptly been monetized within a month of launch and there are not any unlockables afaik. The infusions and other flashy things in the game that are "achievable" through gameplay are almost exclusively locked behind 0.something% drop chances rather than a steady grind through an achievement or something (I am not saying that some RNG bragging right drops is a bad thing, but almost exclusively is not good either). The trend of walling off cool skins and the likes behind the gemstore has become more and more apparent ever since PoF, and it seems EoD is gonna drive it further, which provides me with a pretty bleak outlook for the future of this game, as it is not really blooming as it currently stands either. Not saying the game is all bad, the content itself is for the most part fun to play through (also a lot of negatives there, but the game has a solid foundation due to its combat system which makes you able to look past it). I have hope with EoD that ANET sees opportunities to introduce exciting rewards and fancy unlockables, maybe even mount, skiff and fishing related ones to drive players. Maybe for things like the strike CMs as they have previously done with chairs etc for raids. Idk, I just wrote whatever went through my head when I opened this topic. Curious about everyones opinions.
  3. As far as PvE goes for this class and end-game content, it's looking pretty bad. Bladesworn needs a big setup, and if anything goes wrong with your burst once, you lose your dps. Other classes can do the one thing bladesworn is designed to do, just better, and without the trade off. And for more casual content..... everything is dead before your setup.... The class fantasy thing is cool, the gimmick is cool, but please tweak it. It can only do one thing, at a huge trade off. Please make it the best at it? Otherwise what's the point besides swooshyswooshy blade go BRRRR haha
  4. Raids are currently being "raided" by Revs exploiting and doing 100k-400k+ dps
  5. I mean, I think I stated this earlier in this thread.You can fix this in so many ways without fine tuning gliding and mount areas, just introduce a "challenge mote" either in the form of a npc challenging you or what not, that disables mount and glider use at the start of the puzzle, and removing your ability to open the chests without having the mote active f.ex. stuff like that
  6. Hi, this occurs in every map, every time, and always on mounts, not sure if this is just an issue for me or everyone, couldn't find another thread, so I'm sorry if this is a massive issue and I'm just making a mess on the forums. So off the mount, I can walk backwards, the bindings I use are the default with S or Down Arrow, but as soon as I mount up, it appears as if it registers the input by resetting the idle mount animation, every time I press the button, but it doesn't walk backwards. Halp? this is a huge issue with griffon because I can't slow down in the air etc, can't find anyone with similar problems or solutions EDIT: Issue appeared about a week ago for me at the time of the post.. I think, ish? Been trying to solve it myself
  7. Well, tbh, "the hard way" is the way it was intended to be completed.I use mounts, because why would I do the jp when I can use mounts? pick up guaranteed rare and maybe some exotics on the way? Nah.. the loss of monetary benefit was likely the reason for the post :) And how do you even profit from the jp being a jp rather than just being able to pick up everything in a min? I would hazard a guess the OP plays Mesmers and was one of many that ran chains to the chest for money, but now that's a thing of the past :) If that's what the previous comment meant than I'm sorry no, made the mesmer with the PoF lv80 boost and came to like it.I've already stated why I want the jp to come back to its original state Like I stated earlier though, there's such an easy fix to it.You don't have to balance aerial area for where the jumping puzzle is and not for mount use. Now that ls4 is dropping, I can see there are other priorities, but after they've finished dealing with that, I hope they fix this.For me jumping puzzles are one of the main elements in this game. And they shouldn't neglect parts of the community because some deem other things to be more important to fix. I get that stuff like ls4 and new content for the game is definitely a priority over this, but in the meantime jps that can be cheesed with mounts should be a priority high up on their list. "There's such an easy fix to it." I'm sorry, but come on now. When it comes to things that involve changing how part of the map works, it's never an "easy fix". Regardless of that, though, you are not forced to do that JP with mounts. You can do it the intended way if you so choose (I do it about once a week just because I enjoy it). Nothing is being neglected here. And almost all JPs in the game have always been easily cheesed due to mesmer portals. If people want to go the easy route and take a portal to the end chest or even use a mount or glider to make it easier, I'm fine with it. Their choice to do that doesn't affect my ability to do the JP the standard way, and it's not like they're getting some special loot or anything that I can't get myself.What I wrote earlier: "Well, if we look for solutions rather than problems.Have an npc on the start or orb or anything of any kind that you interact with.That disables mount and gliders, but allows you to open the caches and the chest. " Meaning an easy fix rather than changing how part of the map works, there are more ways to do it if you look for solutions instead of narrowing in on the problem.
  8. Like I stated earlier though, there's such an easy fix to it.You don't have to balance aerial area for where the jumping puzzle is and not for mount use. Now that ls4 is dropping, I can see there are other priorities, but after they've finished dealing with that, I hope they fix this.For me jumping puzzles are one of the main elements in this game. And they shouldn't neglect parts of the community because some deem other things to be more important to fix. I get that stuff like ls4 and new content for the game is definitely a priority over this, but in the meantime jps that can be cheesed with mounts should be a priority high up on their list.
  9. Honestly, as someone who likes jumping puzzles, this is one of the longer and more amusing ones this game has to offer.And imo jumping puzzles is a huge pull for this game content-wise not many other games can offer this sort of content on this level. It's good ~10minutes of easy fun when you're routined, or hours of teamwork and fun with new players who have yet to do it, or friends and fellow gw2 players who aren't as customed to jumping puzzles. Guilds can run it together for fun, or speed run and see who's first.You can make bets and run for your life. Parts of the community and what makes gw2 fun at a daily basis for me and several others that I know of, lose parts of the game the way it is now, and there are ways to fix it.
  10. Relying on a mesmer that can 100% of the time beat the puzzle or lay down a portal every time they make a "tough" jump . Why? What would be the benefit of fine tuning no-mount/no-fly zones all over LA so that they affect Troll's Revenge, but not anyone traveling around town? Seem like a huge effort for a chest that basically drops a rare, but still requires several minutes of effort. (Weyandt's can be blocked off because it's tucked away in a corner with no destinations other than the Vista and the JP. Oh and a karma vendor that most people don't care to spend karma on.) Well, if we look for solutions rather than problems.Have an npc on the start or orb or anything of any kind that you interact with.That disables mount and gliders, but allows you to open the caches and the chest. Meaning people can travel around as they want. But to complete the puzzle you'll have to deal with it the old way.Clever use of items such as experimental teleportation gun/rifle, mesmer portals, engineer jump etc.
  11. When will we see a fix of mounts and gliders usable in Trolls Revenge in Lions Arch?
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