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Everything posted by Ashen.2907

  1. This. Speed without build investment.
  2. Sure. Shouldn't take any more work to give out gems to those who bought premium currency in other games either. I would rather have the raid legendary armor though.
  3. Probably wouldn't set things back too long so adding rewards, or just giving me existing gw2 content rewards for my efforts in other games, should be fine. I've managed to get some top tier cosmetics in another game or two so perhaps giving me legendary raid armor? And yes it has been in the game since launch but the request is to upgrade/modify that existing reward (and there have been requests to add even more gw2 rewards for gw1 players in the past.
  4. I think that in order to provide incentives for veteran players to engage with a variety of content Homesteads were never going to be all that friendly to new players. If a new player could get much out of the system with the level of resources available to them upon joining the game then vets would be done with everything in minutes.
  5. Let's remove shirts 👕 instead. Umm, just because....of stat points...yeah that's it.
  6. I grinded out some rewards in a few different games more than a decade ago too. I'd love to see GW2 dev resources allocated to rewarding me for all of that effort. I've seen some rewards that other people have worked hard to get in this game and figure that I want them too. They would work great as rewards for my efforts in those other games.
  7. Sure they could have. Doesn't really change my point(s) though. People will find a way to feel cheated no matter what ANet (or any other game company) does. If materials to craft legendary runes go up in price then someone collecting six of them, as you mention, would cry foul that they are paying more than those who completed the hypothetical achievement earlier. If material values go down then those who made the runes earlier might complain that they paid more....and so on.
  8. There was no luck involved. Everyone was offered the same compensation. Some people accepted the offer while others declined. Unfair would be giving those who chose not to do what and when was asked the same benefit acquired by those who did not decline.
  9. Perhaps if we lowered the number of points in Power, Precision, and Ferocity but gave points to other stats? Hmm, perhaps some in condition damage, maybe even a little toughness. Might be a good idea to toss in some vitality and healing power. I don't know, May be some concentration and expertise as well?
  10. I am not normally a fan of jump puzzles but did like this one.
  11. Clearly we need to nerf Marauders, Dragon, etc. It's time to nut up or shut up if you wanna go glass, do it for real. I want to see a set that doubles the value of Power, Precision, and Ferocity on Zerk gear while applying a, <takes double damage> personal debuff. Let's see someone one-shot an entire enemy zero but disintegrate if anyone even looks at them harshly.
  12. This was my wife's reaction as well. As soon as she heard there was a Panda mount she said she couldn't wait to get it. As soon as she saw it in the gemstore preview she said, "oh, looks like there might be a panda somewhere under all of that armor," and gave it a pass.
  13. This chest is inconsistent for me. Sometimes it is available to be manually looted and other times not.
  14. I got in the habit of zooming out when I started roaming in WvW. Seeing potential threats even a fraction of a second sooner could mean the difference between winning and losing a fight. It could also mean spotting an incoming force greater than I could hope to fight soon enough to escape. The habit has carried over to general PvE where being zoomed in now feels unnatural and tends to bring a sense of something akin to anxiety.
  15. You are the one denying that something has occurred when it actually has. The exact definition of the term gaslighting derived from the movie of the same name.
  16. People have been posting responses other and better than git gud or quit all along. I would rather be shamed for approving a minor change in a video game than for failing, or being unable, to read/understand the posts of those I disagree with.
  17. If it makes you feel any better I am tired of doing map completion in low level zones.
  18. Over the years I have gradually altered the specifics of my keybinds to match my own declining reflexes and hand capability (the shrapnel was removed but the nerve damage was permanent and is compounded by age). It makes a difference. To me an OP ability remains OP regardless of who uses it. That said, I would have been a bit less heavy handed with a nerf.
  19. I enjoy watching movies where the protagonist is created by the screenwriter instead of me. The same is true of protagonists in text media such as novels, comic books, and so on. But if I am not going to play my own character who I created then I probably won't care as much about what is going on in an RPG. From a gameplay perspective: I spend a lot of time developing builds for my characters to fit my play style preference, my RP concept preference, and to be effective. I then spend time and resources on gear to make the concept work. And that doesn't even take into consideration just how much I've spent on cosmetics. Telling me that my effort was wasted because I have to play someone else's character instead means that I might as well not bother. Simply put, to use the Caithe missions as an example, if I wanted to play a Sylvari dual dagger female thief whose cosmetic options are completely out of my control I would have created one and (now at least) have hit randomize appearance.
  20. I don't think that telling players that they don't need to execute, or even pay attention to, mechanics helps them to learn those mechanics. Still, as much as I see the ability as OP, I would have taken a lighter handed approach to a nerf.
  21. I can't remember the last time a new player in my guild(s) said, "hey, I am new to the game, got my first character to level 60 with green gear, time for legendary challenge mode instanced content to finish up my last 20 levels."
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