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Posts posted by Wolfhound.4381

  1. 23 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

    Jade bot is like bottom of the line of competitive unfairness in comparison.

    Jade bot is a nice QOL upgrade even in WvW with the junk recyclers. I burn through a lot of bloodstone dust making leyline tools for upgrading guild halls so run that one on the toons I regularly play.

  2. 1 hour ago, CafPow.1542 said:

    5) i usually do 1-2 maps and then something else like dailies or some wvw (some dailies can ofc be done while exploring)

    and sometimes i start on maps i hate (maguuma / asura maps) and specific hearts that are a pain. (The one sneak heart at the charrs in the east.)

    there are only a few things i really hate and getting them done quickly makes it easier. Generally i do 1 thing i don’t like, followed by a thing i like.

    the rest i do thematically. Like ascalon. Then shiverpeaks, then the humans part, then orr. Depending on what mood i am at the time.

    I kinda do the same. Whatever I feel like for the number of maps and work left to right on the world map. I save Lion's Arch, Bloodtide Coast, Sparkfly Fen, and the Orr maps until last. Then I just work my way down. Once I get to the Orr maps I am happy as there are NO MORE KITTEN HEARTS! I usually do all 3 of those at once since they go so fast. PVE'ers get all the reward track boosts to make GOB easier but we still gotta do all the hearts that take forever. Especially the broken and pointless ones.

    One thing that helps is to watch a movie or show. I have 2 monitors so I put something on while I do it. It makes it a little more bearable.

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  3. 51 minutes ago, Anekto.8391 said:

    Right now my 2nd acc has a few guild names parked on him with lvl 0 guilds. They dont take up any space on my main acc and i can do whatever i want later if i want to 🙂

    If the group you are running now with is nice everything is working out, yes?

    Yeah otherwise I wouldn't be there. I am in an alliance and run with a few of the guilds.

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  4. Just now, Anekto.8391 said:

    Just gotta realize are you having a good time or not! Or will you have later a longer better time than the less good time you ve to go through first!

    I got a 2nd acc too it was for playing on a diff wvw server if we get perma run over on our main server. But didnt use it that much and i realized there is a lot on my main acc i will never get in a reasonable time on my 2nd acc and i cant enjoy either accs at the same time. So having this low resource acc is not bad either but i sure i miss out on my mains QoL.

    My second is for an old guild. If the guild leader ever comes back I want an account I can use to run with them. In the meantime I mostly just do dailies and weeklies and slowly work my way to improving it. It's a lot better now than it was a year ago. If they never come back maybe I'll find another group I like while playing it.

    I'm too invested in the guild my main is in to just leave them.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Anekto.8391 said:

    I tried a few times telling myself its not so bad and actually ok if you do it. And actually necro one was not bad after doing the last map(maybe because the tediousness stopped). And guardian one was a bit faster and okay too(probably same reason). But yeah doing it even more times i dont think the carrot on a stick is too far away. I covered most stuff with the 2 leggos i got (5 skills weapons). More would be nice though.

    Legendary gear is such a quality of life upgrade that it's worth the suffering. I have a full set of the armors plus runes and sigils. If they ever make leggy breathers I will have to get a full set of those too.

    That said my 2nd account is the absolute last time I'm going through it all. If I don't decide it's not worth it and stop part way.

  6. 1 minute ago, Anekto.8391 said:

    I have 5 astral legendary containers and one unpacked one. Also like 3 or so random precursor drops in my bank. I seriously dont know what to do with them i started some map completion with a few chars but never got far with it after doing it twice once necro(before wvw) and then on guard(maybe before wvw idk).

    Should i not have 4 gifts or exploration? I only have 2 legendary weapons? Staff and GS.

    You should have 2 left if you made the Staff and GS. Maybe you have them on a toon. Hopefully not one you deleted. My son was bad with deleting stuff with toons.

    I have a full set of the g1's and doubles on all the dual wield weapons like sword and axe. I already had the leggy spear but, me being me, needed another for land use. I am well acquainted with the map completion suffering.

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  7. 18 minutes ago, Anekto.8391 said:

    The only thing i can offer you is to get someone to do map completion for you and trade with them stuff to get some of the leggys that you can get on tp aswell. But you are completely right. Map completion horrors are out or proportion for anyone not enjoying the mode.

    I am currently suffering through map completion. 🤮Curse Anet for making the spear a ground weapon! I thought I was done making legendary weapons on my main account. 😭

    I also have one started on my alt account, but that's just me being a glutton for punishment and deserving every second of torment.

    • Sad 1
  8. 1. Change stealth so you may stealth into or out of combat, but not both.

    2. Change it so if the keep lord is down it contests the waypoint (if available).

    3. I know it would probably tick people off but, Assign all alt accounts to the same team. In the case where multiple alts have different WvW guilds selected, contact the player to see which one they want. If no response before team selection give them gold locks but the first account selects for all the accounts.

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  9. 49 minutes ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

    Getting this party started for when minstrel's is massacred. Berzerker's is one of the root causes of the current ganking mess that we're in now. Reducing the power on this stat set would go a long way towards taming down the dps vomit that is dominating chill casual play in WvW. 

    Bonus! Even ChatGPT agrees! (Courtesy of @ArchonWing.9480):


    Agreed. Lets get it nerfed after minstrels. 😉

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  10. 34 minutes ago, SweetPotato.7456 said:

    I got something to say about kicking from guild, this happened to me, but I forgive you all bullies after many years of being unable to forgive and forget, making myself not having fun in WvW. But this had to be known by all.

    I joined a wvw guild because that  was the advise given in chat. It was my second day  in the guild, can't remember how long but was a brief time only with that guild, on that fateful day, they said joining teamspeak is useful to hear commander yada yada yada. So look for the address, joined the guild's teamspeak and talk in a stranger environment for the first time, everything was normal, I was in the squad,  i even created a toon especially for playing with the guild, a guardian, I lovingly named Flying Cow, after the trebuchet, however,  i forgot what it was that made me  needed to type in Guild Chat, it is probably asking about guardian build, that is when I realized there was no guild for me to type to, confused, I ask in map chat how come I am not in guild? At which time teamspeak was getting very noise, there where mostly male voices laughing and a female giggle, and there were this guy saying, invite him back, let me kick him, "Can I kick him "female giggling person toon's name" obvisouly flirting going on and more giggling and laughter.  I ask in chat again, and they said, that it was a mistake and that I should accept the invite again, so I did and was immediately kick from the guild AGAIN. As i was asking them why they kick me right away, a friendly whisper came in, "they are laughing at you, don't accept the invite" (not the exact word, becaues it was getting distressful, i was getting panicky, my hand started to shake unable to  type) So I leave it at that. I should have taken a screenshot, but I didn't, it was very hurtful, I uninstalled teamspeak that day, I didn't do anything. But after a while, when the guild post guild recruitment, I would speak up and tell people not to join them, which turns in to years of torture for me in WvW. I was call "kitten" for about a year or 2. 

    There's no excuse for that. Had something similar happen in a guild I was in once. A commander was doing it to one of our members. The difference is everyone was in discord and it was obvious even the kicked player was having fun. I still put a stop to it as I was an officer and it an abuse of power.

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  11. IIRC that's under admin lower ranks. It gives you the ability to invite, kick, and promote up to your level. The kick perm should be separated from that. Sometimes you want a recruiter but you don't want to also give them the power to boot people.

    And now it's an even bigger deal. Some officer that gets disgruntled with leadership could boot people right before the team selection deadline just to be a jerk.

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  12. 18 hours ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

    First I rather get the alliance system so whole guilds can be linked together.
    We tried joining an "alliance guild" but half our members failed to get invited before the reshuffle.
    So we're currently split in two groups. The alliance system would have prevented this issue.

    Guilds can only have so many sent invites at a time. If they didn't accept right away that's their issue. We did ours during a rally when the majority were online.

    • Confused 2
  13. On 9/7/2024 at 7:52 AM, DannyAscalonGods.9314 said:

    Main negative aspects of WvW restructuring:
    1) WvW guild selection bug(very common) where you would select a guild and still not be paired with the guild chosen even after verification.
    This fractured guilds, splitting many of the members, sending them to random servers instead of their own and forcing them to create new guilds or groups.

    2)Overpopulation VS underpopulation crysis is at its highest, for some teams have players 24/7 online while others don't have anybody at all for 90% of the day.
    Thus nothing changed, we are back to the same issue we had before with server pairing; the classic and permanent ''Outnumbered!'' icon on the screen.

    3)Servers do not exist/matter anymore, since now we're paired with randoms instead of your chosen server, you don't get to play with your friends anymore.
    There are lots of friends of mines, who I haven't seen since this all started and this really hurts the bonds previously created between people.

    4)Making new bonds with people is pointless now, for you see different people every single day, for the groups switch every-so-often and nobody belongs to anywhere anymore,
    it just makes no sense to try and make havoc with comp or groups if you're never going to see these people again anyway, nobody will bother to get into something.

    1. Yes it still happens. I don't know how common it is. I only know of 2 players who had it happen to them. A third never set their WvW guild even after being moved to where we were the last match. They get to sit this one out on the wrong team. I honestly wish it showed your selected WvW guild on the character select screen along with mastery rank, PVP rank, and WVW rank. Maybe that's a QOL thing Anet can work on.

    2. This one I see. I'm stuck in 2 like that. One with a stacked team we're facing, and the other where my team seems to be tiny when I'm on. Though that one I probably play during the off hours. I'm being patient and hoping Anet will figure out the team building and get the teams a little fairer.

    3. You can play with up to 499 of your friends. Just make a guild and get them all together. I'm part of an alliance guild of 490ish. I can't call them all friends but I know a few of the people in most of the guilds in the group. Some of which I can call friends.

    4. I'm seeing something different. I see people that my guild ran with during the old links joining us. I also see new faces joining from time to time. We had a new WvW player asking to join tonight during rally. You get a month during these teams where people can play with different groups to see if they like them. And there's nothing that says you have to stay with the same guild every match. If you have a couple groups you want to play with, you can alternate from month to month or just make an alt so you can split time with the groups. There's no more waiting for servers to open or link hopping every linking.

    Overall I think it's slowly getting better. Anet still has a ways to go with getting teams a little more even.

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  14. 6 minutes ago, CafPow.1542 said:

    Exactly. That’s why I ne should play a shooter or something if this is the goal. In an mmo, proper balance will never be.

    but ofc we all agree that some outliers need some tuning, which cele got (rightgully or not.)

    Tuning I would be fine with, Cele got an amputation. To be fair though it had all the stats at the time it came out IIRC. When they added expertise and concentration was when it should have been fixed by reducing all the stats to account for the two new ones.

    With the old 3 stat combos, they should buff them a little instead of nerfing the 4 stats. They should also adjust the stats in both PVE and WvW instead of just nerfing them in one game mode.

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  15. Like it or not, but that's the only way to make it truly fair. Give everyone the same class, weapons, gear, and skills. You play whatever you want in PVE but as soon as you step into WvW your something else while your there. Remove all the choices but race and skins/outfits, because fashion wars. 😉No more masteries because those can make a difference as well.

    It's also the quickest way to kill the game mode.

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  16. 21 hours ago, ChrisWhitey.9076 said:

    This quote from the balance update makes me think this is something that might happen to other builds. Did Pandora’s box get opened? I like to see some thoughts on this.

    we may use going forward to tune other attribute combinations in WvW specifically.”



    That's exactly what I see happening. It's just a matter of time before they start nerfing other stats. You don't make a new tool to just use it once, you will use it as often as you can because it's the new shiny thing.

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  17. 1 hour ago, disForm.2837 said:

    There's no way to give this a positive spin. It was released less than two months ago as a unique selling point for Necro spear. 

    I wonder if someone found a bug/exploit because the effect itself ranges from immaterial in WvW Zerg to somewhat usable in small scale. It's meh in PvE as well. What could possibly force a complete removal? Because it certainly wasn't overpowered. 

    Extirpate was fairly useful in WvW. My guild runs Cele scourges with a spear. We drop our ghastly breach then extirpate on top of the enemy zerg. We've wiped a number of larger groups with this. Maybe we deleted a dev with it for them to nerf both at the same time along with transfuse which we also run on our scourges.

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  18. 4 hours ago, Joie.6084 said:
    • Extirpate: This skill no longer inflicts Extirpation and instead inflicts weakness.

    There goes the only reason to use Necro spear in WvW. It was a big help with preventing the reapplication of boons. That and the cele nerf is a big blow to scourges in WvW.

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  19. Every server has it's low pop times. Also there are a number of tags that run hidden so you've got no way of knowing if anyone is running by looking at the maps. I'm also on Hall of Judgement and my group has difficulty moving during our play times.

    As someone recommended, join the NA discord so you can find a group for your play times. Then join the guild and set it as your WvW guild so you can play with them after the next relink. Restructuring does suck for new players/returning players. It would be nice if new people picking teams had the option to change their mind within the first week and get a second choice. It would double the chances of finding somewhere that suits them.

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