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Everything posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. All of these are great changes. Reaper is still a brainless immortal god in open world, but less so now.
  2. No. FF14 story is utter trash. "FF14 is why" means FF14 is popular(due to it being a literal cult fan base hyping it to the extreme) and Anet completely copied its terrible pacing/gameplay/story writing.
  3. How is someone as condescending as you not banned? You've been doing this for ten THOUSAND posts.
  4. Not really, the same problems due to stupid design philosophies still exist. Catalyst makes no sense because this is an action game not a stacking on top of someone simulator except in instanced PvE. This type of design(small boon radius) also constricts encounter design, so I don't understand why Anet refuses to move on from this stacking simulator design. Jade Sphere's shouldn't be such an annoying headache to keep up on people in anything not instanced PvE, and should simply follow you around and last forever but drain energy(that's restored by doing damage/swapping attunements/etc). Harbringer losing access to utils/healing skills in shroud makes zero sense. You don't have an extra HP bar, you should have your utils while inside shroud. However, outside of that, Harbringer is solid and I have no complaints.
  5. That's the point. It's been 3+ years. We also have active development on the game(finally) so it's time to bring up concerns.
  6. Yes, Anet completely abandoned the game after PoF and didn't start actively working on it again until EoD. It was in maintenance mode for 3+ years, and it took them YEARS to make PoF metas actually "worth" doing.
  7. Half agree with this. Jade sphere should last forever, follow you, be 600-900 radius and drain energy so you have to DPS to keep up energy and can't just afk buff.
  8. The reason this is bad is because the game is clearly not balanced around PoF specs and they have made the entire game a joke for 3+ yrs now in every PvE game mode
  9. You have 25 might on weaver, take the might while in fire attunement trait. Fields + fire auras + that = endless might.
  10. More effort/dev time. And sure, if they also buff ALL enemy HP by 300% to compensate.
  11. For the entire game not to be a joke due to overpowered PoF specs. This game has the worst PvE balance/meta in the genre.
  12. Yes, it was all a marketing ploy. I predicted this months ago.
  13. 6/6 of them are useless in pve. 1 is AMAZING in pvp(earth) and the air one is ok in pvp. If the fire one could be used mid hammer air2 it'd be solid...but it interrupts the air2 ;/ Our grandmaster traits are horrendous. The nerf to the boon dura one made it useless. It's not worth giving up +10% all stats for +20% boon dura, wtf were they thinking?
  14. CAT feels as smooth as sword weaver which is silky smooth.
  15. Nerf these overpowered specs properly if you want EoD specs to be played.
  16. Yeah, just compare the new support specs to firebrand/renegade. Firebrand/renegade can be full support while still doing high DPS and essentially "hybrid" while the new specs, like machinist for example, has to give up tons of damage and take all it's support traits. There's no consistency and they forget to fix things on older specs, so the games just..a disaster.
  17. Game was an utter joke and boring due to it. Get better gear, practice your builds, and learn enemy mechanics. Game is perfectly fine solo still. You just aren't god mode anymore.
  18. This games difficulty was an utter joke before EoD. They made everyone god mode.
  19. Weaver and holo are both busted. Perma 25 might, tons of sustain. Holosmith gives itself 1-5k bariers from corona burst every ~8s and has perma fury + tons of quickness.
  20. Sustain nerf is great. Maybe next expac they'll finally nerf perma 25 might / fury with toms of quickness PoF specs? They can't because they only hire developers to work on this game every 3 years.
  21. They only consult biased single class mains on a private discord for balancing.
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