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Everything posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. Hammer is a better ranged weapon than staff, lol. Please stop calling hammer a melee weapon, it has a lot of ranged damage.
  2. It's insanely powerful and fun. Give it a chance.
  3. Catalyst isn't hard, it's good. Weavers just better in every situation outside of instanced pve, because Weaver is busted.
  4. Ranged weapon doesn't need mobility. Hammer is just a PvE weapon. 3 is fine and without it being such a low duration the spec would be boring. Air #4 self knock needs to be removed.
  5. Most of the selfish DPS give themselves perma 25 might, some perma fury, some ton of self quickness. EoD support specs are pointless outside organized instanced content due to this. They WILL be very underplayed. Please nerf PoF specs self boons.
  6. "Bring the player not the class" is a design philosophy Blizzard started and figured out is a failure of game design and stopped doing it nearly a decade ago.
  7. Tempest is a dps spec and anet needs to stop trying to make it a healer.
  8. Well deserved nerf. Hoping they'd nerf more things tbh.
  9. It's probably because it increases tiers of items and was going past the array holding tier of possible drops. Just a guess.
  10. We need a LOT more player power nerfs. We're far too strong compared to enemies.
  11. Agree with the OP. Sadly, Anet is chasing the twitter log into a game and post screenshots then log off crowd and not actual gamers. As you said, the game simply isn't being made for you(or me) anymore.
  12. TERRIBLE class design and aversion to ANY balance changes in WvW by the devs is why.
  13. The target caps are also completely nonsensical. Overload air is 5 but other offensive overloads are 10 because...?
  14. Roaming is hot garbage. 90% of roamers are players you can't interact with. Permastealth Invincible support bunkers Condi bunkers It's not even a balance issue. Class design is straight up terrible. Too much bloat and power creep. Boons are out of control and EVERYONE spams too many boons too often. Everyone has too much mobility and it's too easy to run away into a tower/keep/castle. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/"Protect_Me!" Utils like this are absurd. Look at how much this does on such a short CD. This could be a 3m CD elite and it'd still be good in any other pvp game with sensible CDs.
  15. I don't because theyre're all perma stealth thieves. It's weird how it's unfair if CC does damage but CC breaks can do 5 different things with HALF the cd of most CC and that's perfectly fine. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/"Protect_Me!" Defensively biased balance is boring rpg pvp.
  16. It's the skills team. They have shown time and time again they do not play or understand their own game and have single-handedly ruined every form of content in every game mode with CONSTANT power creep.
  17. Absolutely right. All Anet has been doing is power creeping classes in EVERY game mode instead of picking something they want to balance around(example; warrior) then bringing everything up/down to that. They treat this game like a f2p mobile game.
  18. I don't want GW3 because I know every female character creation option will be meh to super meh, and unattractive as humanly possible.
  19. All of them except FF14, probably. WoW PvP is still the peak of MMORPG PvP 20 years later...pretty sad.
  20. Any purely team based PvP Game(overwatch, this, dota, LoL, etc) shouldn't allow anything but full premade in a ranked environment. All it's done is caused EXTREMELY rude behavior and angry communities to be the norm in all of these games.
  21. Power creep Skills that do 5 different things, generally break stuns, and are on a lower cooldown than CC as well as being INSTANT. Anytime I kill someone it doesn't feel satisfying because I didn't do anything to make them die, they simply made enough mistakes to get themselves killed. This is due to there being too many stun breaks on too low of a cooldown, too many evades, and not enough ways to set up kills, as all hard CC is on such a HIGH cd while also being a short duration. Other MMO PvP is ALL about CD trading. Offensive for defensive, forcing the opponent to pop a defensive CD without using your offensive and then setting up a CC chain + offensive CDS to get a kill. This game has NOTHING like that, it's just a boon spam dodge fest where you kinda just spam buttons until someone makes enough mistakes to die. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/"Protect_Me!" Look at this skill, for example. In other MMO's, a 25%+ DR cooldown is 2-3 minutes. This could be a 3 minute cooldown elite and it'd be still be INSANELY good. What were they even thinking? It feels like utter crap to kill people in PvP in this game.
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